Defiant seems empty.
Try PI... most lowbies are there for some reason
We're always busy in missions - use a global channel like Arena or Help to find us
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)
Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU
We're always busy in missions - use a global channel like Arena or Help to find us
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your telling ppl to spam Arena???
there is a difference between spamming and a short Question you know
there is a difference between spamming and a short Question you know
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For short questions there is the help channel
You can't really judge the "emptiness" of a server on one map.
For me, Defiant isn't empty that's for sure. I was there for the most of last week and found a lot of old friends knocking about. I also had the pleasure of making the acquiantance of several new players to CoH...but that's because they said hullo first.
In fact when I pop over to Union, I find that "empty". But I put that down to not knowing many people there. I can only imagine people there are doing stuff with people they already know and with their SGs, like I do in Defiant. The only times someone spoke to me was to ask if I was looking for an SG.
The servers have been open for a long time now and a lot of people have established themselves on their respective servers. You have to open those social doors and do the leg work first, get yourself into an SG if possible. Then perhaps you won't find it such a lonely place after all.
Oh...and since this is the first time I've seen you post here, welcome to Defiant.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Hm, for new players it does look empty. Getting into a huge zone with nearly no one walking around.
I remember my return to US, created a new toon and was just quiet the first 5 minutes i entered atlas park.. huge ammount of people running around.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
there is a difference between spamming and a short Question you know
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For short questions there is the help channel
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And for longer conversations, Arena
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
If you want to chat you should join the Evoultion Radio global channel, if u haven't done already. You will meet new people chat and hear great tunes.
It could also depend on what time you are in Atlas. I have just got back into CoX due to computer problems so I should be around Atlas, catching up with friends. Just nudge me if you see me
Anyway hope to see u in Atlas!
I agree join the Evoultion Radio global channel.
To me it's seems there are more people about now then when I joined 6 months ago. But that could be as others have said because I now know more people.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Or do a search with no parameters to see how many's on the hero side. Villain side defiant is nowadays usuall just under 150 ppl, and that's about 100 people less than a year ago.
Hero side is probably at least 2x the amount of people at basically any given time, but there's also a looot of zones, even two newbie zones, and quite alot choose to start in galaxy for some "strange" reason.
Hey, every time i log into the defiant server it seems to always be empty. I know its not but when i'm in atlus i hardly ever see people on. I know that most are level 50 so they are some where else but i like talking around the lower levels to the higher levels. When im on union i always see a few people around atlus and other places. where do you all hang out?