Second fire/rad troller powerteam is ON!
Summer time... Guess it's hard to find hours for everyone and anyone to play.
The team is now lvl 11-12 so we can now SK any newcomers. A few people turned out to be rather unreliable, and others have unexpected problems making them unable or unwilling to play (including a sh.load of ppl suffering from the lag).
That means we now have some room for others to join the incredibly fun and efficient team. Check the guide above and start working on your fire/rad and send an in-game tell to @sing star if you want to join the team (no we won't force you into some SG).
Right now we're still only lvl 11-12 (and some higher levels from the old team exemp'd) and we'll wait until friday 6 pm to play again so people still have a chance to catch up (but we'll gladly PL you)
Once again: We will expect you to follow the build plan! That's the whole idea of the team, you know, and it's GREAT!
I dont have a toon yet, but I am willing to start one if you still have room. Just tell when.
I can be online from 18:00
If u alow me to join u, u should be my godfathers....w8ing for names
free choice at level 6 (but all 8 will get leadership pool - all 3 main powers).
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Well not quite free
At lvl 6 take a travel prequesite or assalt
At lvl 10 take a travel prequesite or assalt (1 endred)
At lvl 14 or 16 take tactics (3 to-hit buff 1 endred)
At 18 0r 20 take maneuvers (3 defense buff 1 endred)
Remember you did not take stamina so this is your replacement (because stamina is not needed) and you usually get stamina by 20 so no need to wait any longet than 20 for all 3 leadership pools.
6 Slot Accelerated Metabolism ASAP
Karma knockback protection or equivalent is a godsend get them if you can.
And then have fun.
Karma knockback protection or equivalent is a godsend get them if you can.
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Cant say enough good things about them
Karma knockback protection or equivalent is a godsend get them if you can.
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Cant say enough good things about them
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh yes great little things them, cost loads but well worth it in the end so if your abit tight with the cash like me just bite the bullet and get one
I got my fire/rad troller to lvl 9 so I hope I will see you at 6PM(uk time?)
My global is @Clau and my heroes name is Vulcanic Activity
I have another fire/rad team going but they never seem to be on. My troller is at lvl 12 and I would would be interested in joining you guys. So send me a tell @Nicky when you guys start teaming and Ill see if I can join you.
Today, friday, 6 PM, we're playing again. Lvl 10-12 on most, so we could sk any lower and exemp any higher.
So far there's always been room for 3-4 ppl more even if 10-12 people said they'd join so you probably don't have to worry about space.
We can have about 12-16 people rolling, since there's always someone gone and if not, well... just run 2 teams!
Even with only four and some scraped together leftovers (scrappers etc) this is still so incredibly fun, and since we don't care much about the badges etc we can avoid the constant hero crappiness -> zoning, zoning, zoning...
Well, LOTS of people didn't show up today, so if you can get a fire/rad troller to lvl 5 (preferrably lvl 7 but we'll accept some PL) until tomorrow 6 PM we want you in this POWERTEAM
If we can get 10-12 ppl interested we'll have full teams every day and can SK the ones that gets behind in the fun.
Send @Sing Star an in-game tell sometime 5 PM - 6 PM if you want in.
What to do:
Roll a fire, radiation controller...
Take Char at lvl 1,
Fire cages at lvl 2,
Acc meta at level 4,
free choise at level 6 (but all 8 will get leadership pool - all 3 main powers).
This is a super/powerteam build so if you need any more info, check out the guide at Dead On Arrival (thanks to London) (Slow server, have patience). You will be forced to take certain powers so we can stack them. Still, many powers are free, since we don't need swift/health/stamina. If this is not for you, forget it...
The rest: Levelling up has never been so fast and so much fun.