help with an RP hero costume and powers!




I have odd friends, let me just say that now...

My nickname amongst them grew to become the "Iron Cossack" merely for my ability to drink large amounts of vodka and stay relatively sober (give me whiskey and 1 glass makes me violently ill however...just can't drink the stuff).

From that nickname grew a tale of a superhero, one a normal person but the more vodka this person consumed, the drunker they got and thus, when on the verge of passing out, burst into life as the Iron cossack, powered by the strength of the Russian nation (like i said, i have odd friends).

Obviously CoH lacks the atypical fuzzy Cossacks hat.

Yes i know Cossacks were technically "white russians" and this didn't like communisism in the slightest...but a little thing like history shouldn't get in the way <.< >.>

What could i use instead of the cossacks hat. For the rest of the costume i was thinking black trenchcoat, red T-shirt with golden Hammer and Sickle design, black cargo pants and Black motorcycle boots (Trust me if i had the christmas fuzzy gloves and fuzzy boots, i'd be using those). Oh and a full beard as well...just because...

a) what do you guys think on the costume, looking at you Red_Commissar, your the expert on all things russian and communist..or any of the Workers of Eastern Europe...

b) What power sets would suit such a character, thinking either Tanker for the mace (i.e. 'the hammer of the people') or scrapper...just because...

c) What can i use instead of the Cossacks hat?

I await your input

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a. Perhaps one of the baggy tops instead of the trenchcoat.

b. Super Strength Tanker would be my choice.

c. If you recolour the the surgeon cap it kinda looks like a cossack hat.

Pity there is no cossack stylee dance emote, or swig from the bottle emote, that would of fleshed him out great.




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Heh i was going to make him more along the lines of a traditional superhero...rather than a drunkard who turns into one but it is indeed a shame about the lack of a cossack dance emote.

Still tempted on Mace though just so i can call it 'the hammer of the people'...very tempting but SS is pretty tempting too...

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If you look up Cossack on Wikipedia, you get a fairly good picture of them. With details of their uniforms and colours as well!

And a SS tanker or Broadsword scrapper would be my choice.



hmm this was the sort of uniform i was thinking of
Kuban Cossacks courtesy of Wiki

This uniform however with the trenchcoat open rather than closed, trouble is you don't really get the kind of effect of a full trenchcoat (like in the picture) with them, it just hangs down at the back.

Think i'll make him an SS tanker and he could call his fists "hammers of the people" instead.

Just realised what they're wearing isn't so much as a trencoat as a 'great coat' which is a more military styled version.

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The right styling of a military cap?
with the nice gold trimmings on it?

I personally wouldn't choose the tall one... but it might work for you (personal prefference and all)

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The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

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Okay, the furry hat is called a Ushanka. Also, here is something I knocked up earlier you should aim towards.

A mixture of the old 19th Century Cossack Cavlary and the modern Biker image combined. I also agree, a Sword Scrapper or Super Strength Tanker could possibly be the best choices too.



I have to say go with the short mohawk hair, bald head either side, long beard. There's no way to genuinely recreate the "Ushanka" well enough and pass it off without copious imagination, so just make it look like he doesnt need to wear it.
That guy sure as hell don't, and I'be be scared of him if I saw him with a broadsword running at me.

Can I suggest his second costume be like a homeless stragglers outfit? Wobbling around with a bottle of Vodka in his hand, just waiting for a Hellion to come push him around. *Swig* *BOOM!* IRON COSSACK!

Powers: Go for the Broadsword/Invulnerability scrapper. It'd be far more satisfying than a Super Strength guy from what I can tell you from personal experience. As an RPer you just need to claim he also has Super Strength, making his sword twice as deadly.

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hmm now the problem i've got is do i delete Clockwork Clockette (my lvl6 dark/SR Scrapper...only went dark for shadowmaul since i don't have sands of Mu...and because i was told Flurry was rubbish) and create this guy or do i carry on levelling Clockwork Clockette...

Costume i've decided on actually looks pretty Similar to the one which Lunk shows of the Surgeons cape in brown, brown trenchcoat, small white mohawk (thanks for the suggestion Hates ) white full beard, Red shirt, gold hammer and sickle logo, chain wrapped fist, normal brown pants and normal shoes.

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It's a matter of preference I think.

Personally, I'd go with the Cossack and scrap the Clockette.

But that's me.



hmm now to figure out his personality and a proper backstory...i don't want to use the whole 'powered by alcohol' story...perhaps he was trained to wrestles bears from an early age, starting with small baby bear and working up to big daddy bear...still silly but hey...i don't want him too serious.

I like the idea of him being slow to anger and quick to laugh, slightly naive as well, clueless to sarcasm and seeing it as a joke rather than a biting comment.

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I'd do him as a science-origin, broadsword/invulnerability scrapper.

The Cossacks have been the Russians' elite troops since time immemorial. Therefore, as the age of meta-humans began, the Russians started to develope methods to "produce" a steady supply of "right-minded" heroes.
The Iron Cossacks was one of those projects.

The best and toughest Cossacks were exposed to various radiations and chemicals to enhance their fighting skills and tenacity, producing a military force of nigh indestructible warriors.
Or rather, that was the plan.

Before the "production" of these super-soldiers could start on a larger scale, something happened that put the project to a halt.
Glasnost and Perestroika.

The project was "moth-bagged" and forgotten. And soon the equipment was sold to a European company that was setting up shop in the US.
Amongst the equipment that was sold, was a stasis chamber containing the only human test-subject undergoing the procedure. No one had noticed or remembered him until he awoke upon his arrival in Paragon City.

He took the name Iron Cossack after the project that created him and started to do what he was created to do.
Punish the enemies of the state.

Something like that. Just a quick write-up. Do with it what you will.

And the "powered by vodka" thing. That's just what he say to be cooler.



heh i like it...mind if i yoink that idea?

hmm also need to work on my russian accent typing.


wh normally translates into v (vot? ven? vere?)
th normally translates into z (zat, ze)
-ing normally translates into ink or inq, usually with a - in the middle to represent the pause in pronounciation (do-ink go-ink).

atleast hopefully that's how it works...hmmm...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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heh i like it...mind if i yoink that idea?

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Not at all! It's officially yours!

And here you can get a quick-start in fake Russian.



hmm also need to work on my russian accent typing.

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Talk to Red Commissar, he's an expert!

Just don't make the mistake of swapping every single S with a C, like another player does/did. It looks really stupid, makes it near impossible to understand what you're typing, and is completely wrong anyway!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
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heh wasn't even thinking of doing that but good you warned me just incase. Was literally going to stick to my above accent alterations to typing, always thought if anything See would become Zee (Zee zat zing over zere..) hmm too many Z's for my liking but it does work...ish.

and just realised it starts to slip into the indiana jones Movies german style accent...hmmm, and wondered...why replace S with C...This becoming Thic...doesn't work, is to good there either...odd people and the weird ways i mean really..S to C...

ooohh Commissar...little help?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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A little advice vith ze accent eh?

First of all, scrap the whole 'only movie Germans do that' except for a few things that you are certain is only associated with bad German-engrish. My friend who plays Red Hammer can do a much more complicated accent, but the way I do it is usually say zat instead of that, zis instread of zis, ze and so forth.

Learning some proper Russian phrases helps a lot, too I may add. Might be hard at first, but you find yourself in no time slipping the accent into non RP situations :P.




Learning some proper Russian phrases helps a lot, too I may add. Might be hard at first, but you find yourself in no time slipping the accent into non RP situations :P.

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thanks to being 'accused' of being russian (i got a bit of polish and romany gypsy in me) i developed a perfect psuedo eastern european accent to wind people up, along with a tirade of quick gibberish passing off as a language :P

i would offer lessons in 'lunkonian', mech, but it only works on an audio level, no good for typing