Inventions and what they could do for Khelds




Ok so i was wondering what every1 thought about how inventions will affect kheldianss. If i remember correctly there is an IO for dmg resists that decreases mezz time by 20% or summin, could enuff of these b slotted into an all human build to b almost like a mezz protection (1 sec mezz time and hit all shieds as it wears off)? Any other thoughts and comments post here!



Not only that, but IO sets also carry over to the different forms...


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Not only that, but IO sets also carry over to the different forms...

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You mean set bonuses do.



Actually, they don't. There was a post by Castle a little over a week ago (I'm looking for it but can't find it at the moment). Any power that is greyed out doesn't give it's set bonus. This is a game engine limitation.

My class is coming in, maybe someone else can find the post?

Also, mez resistance is not mez protection. It will reduce the duration, but it won't stop you being mezzed and de-toggled.

I really should do something about this signature.



Generic IOs by themselves will be interesting IMO.

I have quite a few powers where I could do with an additional SO (all shields are slotted with two resistances, i.e.), so simply putting generic IOs instead of SOs will already be a serious improvement (ED won't clip anything from the resulting figure).

Generally powers with one or two SOs should benefit from generic IOs. And most Kheldians probably have many.




Also, mez resistance is not mez protection. It will reduce the duration, but it won't stop you being mezzed and de-toggled.

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Which is why I dont like those set bonuses at all, since the primary target for those sets would often be a toggle.

I have already improved some of my stats by putting a lvl 50 generic IO over a lvl 53 SO.



The stratagy I intend to go for is to try and get some +def from set bonuses, since this will help (a very little) against being detoggled.

I really should do something about this signature.



Can I slot, say, a defense IO set, into the nova form itself?


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Nova form only takes Fly sets (which does mean it will take a Stealth IO).

However you can slot 2X ranged aoe set Detonation for aoe def, and either Ruin or Thunderstrike into your single target attacks for aoe or range def.

You can get more aoe def by slotting Aegis into Dwarf form.

You could also slot the +res/def IO from Steadfast Protection into a click power such as Essence Boost (PB) or Eclipse (WS) for a further 120 second def boost.

I really should do something about this signature.



Nova form only takes Fly sets (which does mean it will take a Stealth IO).

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Oooh, stealth squid!



Yeah, I like the idea, it would avoid being detoggled by voids hiding round corners.

Unfortunatly nova makes me travel sick so I don't have it.

The KB protection IO is great in my human form PB though.

I really should do something about this signature.



Yeah two things I'm interested in are the KB protection and the stealth squiddie, what fun.

I think IO's will be a big help to kheld's because we're often short on slots, as people have mentioned you end up with 2 res slots in the shields etc.

The 20% reduction in duration of mez on you is not amazing, but I think it still might be worth having, yes your toggles will drop, but there has been the odd ocation where I've recovered from a mez just in time to faceplant, and another second might have allowed me to get a heal in.



i must say.. although some of the bonuses look handy for khelds.. i'm really not lookin forward to actually trying it. IOs, set bonuses and the like are enough hassle on a normal toon... nevermind a tri-form



To be honest I'm looking forward to planning out what set IOs can do for my level 50 Human/Dwarf PB.

He currently suffers from a lack of slots and general endurance issues, which the combination set IOs will easily sort out. Any Set Bonuses I would view as icing since they're not active when exemped (this includes some global IO effects like Knockback protection) and virtually all my PB does now is exemp down for TFs/SG teams.

4 IO slots at level 50 can now easily do the job of more than 6 SO slots (melee attack example below):

+ Damage Common IO (+42.4%)
+ Mako's Bite: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (+18.55% to all)
+ Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam/End (+21.2% to all)
+ Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam/Rech (+21.2% to all)
= 60.95% Acc, 103.35% Dam, 39.75% End, 39.75% Rech

And using a full 6 IO Slots, the numbers just get SILLY:

+ Mako's Bite: Acc/Dam (+26.5% to all)
+ Mako's Bite: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (+18.55% to all)
+ Mako's Bite: Acc/End/Rech (+21.2% to all)
+ Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam/End (+21.2% to all)
+ Crushing Impact: Dam/End/Rech (+21.2% to all)
+ Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam/Rech (+21.2% to all)
= 108.65% Acc, 108.65% Dam, 82.15% End, 82.15% Rech
(Plus +1.5% health/+3% damage/+1.125% health/+2.5% accuracy set bonuses)



what if you have 5 x 20% reduced duration on mez? Doesn't that technically mean unstoppable protection?



what if you have 5 x 20% reduced duration on mez? Doesn't that technically mean unstoppable protection?

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Nope. It'd mean the duration of mezzes on you would be halved.
100% mez resistance = half normal mez duration.

It's like 100% -recharge rate enhancement = the power's recharge time is halved.

You still get tetoggled, which will then drop your mez resistance... unless you slot them in the Kheldian level one inherent passive damage resistance power!



what if you have 5 x 20% reduced duration on mez? Doesn't that technically mean unstoppable protection?

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And if you mean slotting 5 Aegis mez resist IOs, you can't: it's only one per character (same with the 30% one from Impervious Skin).

CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>




the mezz resistace is global, ur toggles dont need to b on for it to work, and unlike the rechrage redux which is actualy an increase attack speed which mean if u increase atack speed by 100% u attack twice as fast, the mezz resistance IOs say reduce the duration of mezz effectss on you by 20/30% which in my understanding means if u have 100% you shouldnt be mezz'ed though i figure u'll get mezzed but for almost no time, just enough to drop urr toggles, u prob wouldnt miss a step, but tbh it may be a messed up description in the IO. Havent got 4 of the 30% mezz reduxs in yet so i havent tested it. If someone has properly tested it please feel free to correct me



the mezz resistace is global, ur toggles dont need to b on for it to work

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I believe this is true.

unlike the rechrage redux which is actualy an increase attack speed which mean if u increase atack speed by 100% u attack twice as fast, the mezz resistance IOs say reduce the duration of mezz effectss on you by 20/30% which in my understanding means if u have 100% you shouldnt be mezz'ed

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This, however, is not true. Mez resistance works exactly like recharge reduction. You could have 900% mez resistance and your toggles would still drop, the duration would be reduced by a factor of 10.

Havent got 4 of the 30% mezz reduxs in yet so i havent tested it.

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As already stated, the mez resistance IOs are meant to be unique. I.e. only one per chracter. If you have managed to slot more than one, it is due to a bug, and you will recieve no benefit from any additional ones.

I really should do something about this signature.



There are 2 different mezz resistance IOs, the one taht increases mezz resistance by 20% and gives 1.something psionic resistance which is unique and another one taht gives 30% mezz resistance which isnt unique and i dont think this is meant to be unique as it says nothing about being unique, unless they messed up the description in the text again. And like i said my assumption was just from the description of the IO, it says 'reducess the duration of mezz effects on you by 30%'. I would assume it would be the opposite of the increase duration of 'insert mezz effect' enhancements which increases the time by a certain amount directly relating to the mezz duration of a power ie. a sleep power enhanced by 10 percent with a base of 10 second duration would increase the duration to 11 seconds. So the reduce duration would be the opposite. That would be the gramatical interpretation but as i say the devs dont always relate the text descriptions of enhancements to the actual mathematical effects in the game. I may be totally wrong but this is just how i view it. It seems an acceptable addition to the game as it would require at least 4 slots to get over 100% reduction of mezz duration and would allow tanks other than stoners to tank GW without gettin mezzed but you will lose 4 slots which isnt a small thing. Anyway i might be totally wrong, if any1 has tested this and knows better it would be grateful for feedback.



another one taht gives 30% mezz resistance which isnt unique and i dont think this is meant to be unique as it says nothing about being unique, unless they messed up the description in the text again.

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""Impervious Skin: Status Resistance" is currently coded to allow no more than one copy of Set_Bonus.Set_Bonus.Impervious_Skin (the power that grants the actual resistance), instead of capping at 5 like other Set Bonuses, even though you can slot the enhancement multiple times. This is either an error with the enhancement not being marked Unique, or having the wrong stacking cap value."


CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>



ok so either its meant to be slotted multiple times and is coded wrong or it has the wrong description. Guess we'll have to wait and see



Wrong descriptions arent exactly rare..



ok so either its meant to be slotted multiple times and is coded wrong or it has the wrong description. Guess we'll have to wait and see

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Apparently the latter: source. And mez resistance is indeed capped at 100% and uses the formula (Base duration)/(1 + Resistance).

CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>



Any more thoughts about Kheld set slotting?

I'm hoping to get started on my level 41 triform WS soon, but have been putting it off because just juggling enough slots to make room for some set building is a major undertaking in itself.

Any tips and suggestions for set IOs that work really well? Obviously some KB and Mez' protection would be lovely. Do any bonuses translate across the forms?

Anyone got a build planner example of something they're working on currently?

Any info' appreciated!