Photon seeker fix....?




Has any1 heard any thing about a true fix to photon seekers?
To me they are almost the definitive PB power, there is no power like it for other ATs and i would love to c a proper fix for it like making them follow u properly, mayb even a henchman like control system where u command them to follow you or send them flying towards an enemy, i mean Kheldians are masters of energy after all:P If nothing else just the follow and attack nearest target fix would be great (luminous detonation then cast it for the big bang:P).




They got "fixed" not so long ago, which basically made them more likely to blow up when you spawn them right next to an enemy (you still get one or two "hoverers" sometimes, but nothing like as regularly as before the fix).

Their seeking ability is still completely pants though... they've always been dumber than a sackful of Vahzilok.



Im just askin and suggesting cos i have noticed taht if u summon them in RV u get a little pet window but tbh i cant remem if it works and im not specced to use em atm. If sum1 could check it out to c if they respond to the pet commands in RV that would b cool



We discussed this not so long ago on the suggestions board, pet controls was one idea. (No RV pet controls don't work on them).

There was an attempt made to improve the AI not very long ago. Its didn't work, but at least it shows they havn't been forgotten.

I really should do something about this signature.



Photons always work fine for me, we have similar minds so they always go for the target i intend them too



lolz, they never worked for me....

"summon seekers: GOOOOOOOOOOO gank them j00!......erm....move..O.o ... maybe ?.?.....>.>" #fizzle# seekers die as time summoned has elapsed.... lol

they'll never get fixed



I have been watching these, and I reckon a simple increase in the speed of the photon seekers would make them more effective.

I think what is happening is the AI is telling them to move to a target, but by the time they arive the target has moved, so instead of detonating they move again.

Another fix would be to have them detonate automatically when they expire.

I really should do something about this signature.



I dont see a problem with photons, i respeced them in the other week and since i have them i have gotten "what was that?" remarks as they just have a lifespan of a millisecond. I like to use them in the thick of a nice tight group.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



If the find a target the instant they are summoned they work.

If they fail to find a target they simply follow you around uslessly until they expire.

This is more of a problem for dwarf and nova-formers, since idealy you would want to summon them in human form, then turn into a dwarf, charge into a group, and have them go off.

I really should do something about this signature.



I love my seekers, but they can sometimes be totally useless. I've quite frequently summoned them adjacent to a large group of enemies, only to watch the seekers drift away from them...

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



sad thing is, there still better than Nova >.<

as in, not the squiddy, the PB Nova (cant rember name)



Dawn Strike.

Yeah, I hate that. Going to respec out of it.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.