RAD / RAD Any help or advise appriciated
You could skip choking cloud and/or mutation from /rad
Flurry sucks so I wouldnt take that, but up to you i guess
This is the build I'm playing atm. Feel free to use it :P
01) --> Neutrino Bolt==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(7) Dmg(19) Dmg(34)
01) --> Radiant Aura==> Heal(1) Heal(3) Heal(9) EndRdx(19) EndRdx(34) EndRdx(37)
02) --> Radiation Infection==> TH_DeBuf(2) TH_DeBuf(5) TH_DeBuf(11) DefDeBuf(23) DefDeBuf(34) DefDeBuf(39)
04) --> Accelerate Metabolism==> Rechg(4) Rechg(5) Rechg(13) EndMod(43) EndMod(43) EndMod(45)
06) --> Hover==> Fly(6) Fly(7) Fly(15)
08) --> Proton Volley==> Acc(8) Acc(9) Dmg(15) Dmg(23) Dmg(36)
10) --> Enervating Field==> EndRdx(10) EndRdx(11) EndRdx(17)
12) --> Aim==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(17)
14) --> Fly==> Fly(14)
16) --> Swift==> Fly(16)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18) Heal(40) Heal(40)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
22) --> Mutation==> Rechg(22)
24) --> Lingering Radiation==> Acc(24) Acc(25) Acc(25) Rechg(31) Rechg(37) Rechg(40)
26) --> Cosmic Burst==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(33) Dmg(37)
28) --> Hasten==> Rechg(28) Rechg(29) Rechg(29)
30) --> Assault==> EndRdx(30) EndRdx(31) EndRdx(31)
32) --> Atomic Blast==> Dmg(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33)
35) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(35) EndRdx(36) EndRdx(36) TH_Buf(46) TH_Buf(46) TH_Buf(46)
38) --> EM Pulse==> Hold(38) Hold(39) Hold(39)
41) --> Web Envelope==> Acc(41) Acc(42) Immob(42) Immob(42) Immob(43)
44) --> Scorpion Shield==> DefBuf(44) DefBuf(45) DefBuf(45) EndRdx(48) EndRdx(50) EndRdx(50)
47) --> Vengeance==> DefBuf(47) DefBuf(48) DefBuf(48)
49) --> Super Speed==> Run(49) EndRdx(50)
Essential skills for a rad/rad:
Radiant Aura (3 heal 3 recharge).
Radiation Infection (3thit debuff 2 def debuff 1 end).
Accelerate Metabolism (3endmod 3 recharge)
Enervating Field (3 end).
Lingering Radiation (2 acc 3 recharge)
Cosmic Burst (2 acc 3 damage 1 recharge)
Stamina (3 endmod) + the 2 skills you need for it (I'd suggest not getting health since you have your own heal)
travel power takes another 2 skills up. I'd suggest leaping so you can get combat jumping (nice immob protection) as well as acrobatics (knockback protection!)
If you get those you won't go far wrong. The rest is icing on the cake really.
Are the 3 End Mods on AM really necessary?
Sorry for the zombie post - I'm looking at respeccing my Rad/Rad corruptor. I've found Electron Haze to be utterly underwhelming. The damage isn't bad but the cone is too narrow focus to be useful so I am looking at replacing it with Cosmic Burst and concentrating more on AoE debuffing and single damage.
Are the 3 End Mods on AM really necessary?
Sorry for the zombie post - I'm looking at respeccing my Rad/Rad corruptor. I've found Electron Haze to be utterly underwhelming. The damage isn't bad but the cone is too narrow focus to be useful so I am looking at replacing it with Cosmic Burst and concentrating more on AoE debuffing and single damage.
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AM is one of the cornerstone powers in the set, slot it to max effect, because stamina is wanted, needed, and loved.
Electron Haze is indeed very skippable. :-(
I'm not sure I like the idea of adding 3 extra slots to a power because of the deficiency of another player's build. According to CoH Builder it's +16% recovery unslotted, roughly doubled by adding +3 SOs.
I find 3x endmod in AM is very useful for myself too.
(Mortal Decay, lvl 50 rad/rad Def)
(Moral Decay, lvl 37 rad/rad Corr)
Cosmic Burst is NOT to be skipped. with 1 disorient you can perma-stun a boss.
Plus the awesome (and FAST) single target damage.
Also, don't forget Irradiate is a HUGE defence debuff. (28% for Defenders un-enhanced?)
I don't have any -def in Rad Infection because of Irradiate. (2 slots free for endmod in AM)
That -def also jives VERY well with Choking Cloud. (CC = good reason for 3x endmod in AM)
I skipped the nuke. For the in-close AoE nightmare that Rad/Rad can be, toggle drop = OUCH.
Agreed: for in-close fighting Combat Jump + Acrobatics = golden.
Also fully agree, that stupid cone is worthless, plus knock back? Oh come ON! No thanks.
Don't find much use for a snipe either (athough it IS the coolest sound in the game).
Have a fire/dark Corr lvl 19:
What my rad/rad WANTS to be. Talk about AoE NIGHTMARE!
Just my 2 inf.
Excellent info. I don't have either anchored debuff slotted with anything except an end reduction, but looking to change that with my respec at next level (23). How have you slotted yours? I was mainly looking at just 3 slotting Rad Infection for debuff.
Have you taken Stamina btw? I've noticed at lvl 22 with Stamina my bar barely budges. Would I be able to rely on AM + Hasten for my endurance needs?
6 slot rad infection - 3tohit debuff, 2def debuff and an endredux. Enervating field is an end hog, I 3 slot it for endredux.
You need stamina!
Excellent info. I don't have either anchored debuff slotted with anything except an end reduction, but looking to change that with my respec at next level (23). How have you slotted yours? I was mainly looking at just 3 slotting Rad Infection for debuff.
Have you taken Stamina btw? I've noticed at lvl 22 with Stamina my bar barely budges. Would I be able to rely on AM + Hasten for my endurance needs?
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Irrad is spot on. You could even consider dropping the end redux on RI though.
On another note: hasten doesn't solve any end issues, actually it makes it worse as you fire your powers much faster hence using more end per sec. I'd recommend strongly getting hasten though; it'll help greatly on getting your powers up more often (AM wants hasten! )
Enervating Field = 3x endredux
Rad Infection = 1x endredux 3x to-hit debuff
and YES! stamina! 3x endmod
btw.. acro is hungry.. consider 2x endredux
way I play I just get by from mob to mob maybe popping a blue if have used Lingering Rad twice.
Got 1x endmod in the aoe's.
The 3rd endred on enervating field saves what 0.05 eps? I am sure if you are spamming neutrino bolt at times you are using atleast 2 eps. You guys might need to rethink where you put your end slots. Id have upto 2 end in Neutrino Bolt from the amount of times i maybe using it and go 1 acc 3 dam 2 end and why 2 acc in all attacks? You do def debuff dont you?
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Maybe we might PvP or even find that 1 acc isn't enough. I'm not always shooting at targets in RI.
I had a rad secondary corruptor. I have slotted Accel Metab with three recharge and one end modification. I cannot run out of stamina for the life of me after I trigger AM. It seems for my specific build, the corner turned so to speak when I slotted a stamina mod in AM and two recharges in my heal. Heal now comes back every 2 seconds or so spammed, instead of four. A huge difference when healing a team, or yourself.
I would also fully slot Radiation infection with one end reductoin, three to hit debuffs, and two defense debuffs. That specific power is more of a to hit debuff than a defence debuff (from what I have read here). Of course, slot for to hit debuffs and endo reduction first.
An important thing to do is take off those toggles between mobs. It does help give the blue back faster. There is no need to run around with Acrobatics on all the time, or choking cloud either, unless you are keeping up with some insane brutes.
Personally, IMVHO you can delay a travel power for a bit, if you plan to complete the mayhem missions and get the temp travel powers.
Have you asked yourself if you mostly solo with this toon? Is is a PvP or PvE build? Made for solo or support? Have an idea and a plan and stick to it.
P.S. Morty will arena pwn you!
Good point there Shanon. Have seen a lot only slotting 2x endredux in EF. Will test that.
Spamming Neutrino Bolt though.. only did it (and brawl) 'till I got Neutron Bomb
(aka Green Slimeball o Death), after that I just tooo busy.
If I use NBolt then it for runners...
A Blaster gets them before I'm in range, or a fast Scrapper 1-shots them.
Full concurrence with Irradiator: there are tons of situations where you will WANT that 2nd acc.
Thanks for the kind words PrivatDancer, but I'm really not that great at PvP, not with my rad/rad anyway.
Will meet you in the arena with my Ice/Elec Blapper though
I look to save slots and so would seek to def debuff enough to not have "all" powers 2 accd. Have ya ever designed a rad rad build thats fully hamied? The more i look into rad rad corrupters the more i think it needs nerfing....but then i look at other sets and think meh its sonic repulsion that needs a buff!!
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
The only time I needed to save slots was with my first PvE build which wasn't great (teleport and hover suck up slots). Even then I double accuracied everything because I felt I needed it. Mind you, that was back in I4 when I six slotted RI for acc debuff. Current Irradiator is fully hami-o'd up.
Yah hmm never had much probs with enough slots.. not had full hammi-o's though lucky buggers! heh heh
biggest prob is deciding if that 6th one acc, damage or endredux.
Rad/Rad IS a very tight build till later lvls though.
At first I had a COMPLETELY different build (till 30 or so respec)
Hi all,
I'm new to the whole corrupter thing, so far I have a level 6 Fire /Dark going ok. I'm wanting to create a Rad / Rad, both the sets look really cool. Still trying to come up with a concept for the character, but thats by the by.
I'm trying to work out what I want in my build and if I should drop any skills. I thought super speed would fit with the energetic nature of the sets, and I haven't tryed SS yet. Also I would like flight, so I can rocket though the air and deliver an atomic blast. With all this super fast destruction I'm guessing I'll want fitness too. Also unless it's really bad I like the sound of flurry from SS.
My rough calculations are:
Main skills 9+9=18
Super Speed 3 =21
Flight 2 =23
Fitness 3 =26
So I'm 2 points over at the moment.
Any ideas/advice welcome.
Thank you in advance