Mother's Forumite Shop Ideas




A larger View of MasterPlan

I'm re-doing some of the Initial T-shirts in the new view of just having one design up at a time.
Front and Back: 1 design - Its much clearer and I'm hoping you can see the graphic detailing better fullscreen.



Pull my Tentacle (Motto Idea by Free Radical).

A larger view of this design currently with 'old' re-design of Peacebringer Icon.
Back detail:Vector Lineart.




I have removed a few Off-Topic postings.

Please use the other thread to discuss these design ideas.

Thank you for your cooperation!



Pssst... Behind You!

A clearer view of this Offset print design showing a Katana slash and a rather sore looking back wound with High-res skin texture. Vector Line art versions with only slightly less detail would be available for Flock/Flex print designs on coloured T-Shirts/tops and other Merchandise.
Different skin colour substitutes are also available to match your own.



Surprise a loved one when you bound into the room wearing the Carnie Thong!.



Liking the Bright Nova t-shirt, tho' also finding it amusing some OT posts were removed and now this thread breaks a different rule



'Art of War' Series: Mugs design 1.

The 'Art of War' series is a range of Warshade designs on different merchandise incorporating wisdom from Sun Tzu the famous Chinese General and Strategist.

"The Art of War is one of the oldest books on military strategy in the world and a Chinese military treatise written during the 6th century BC, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time".

...Now with 10% extra Warshade lovelyness.



The Warshade Powers one would look awsome on a same-color T-shirt! awsome stuff ML! Warshade FTW!



Thankyou Franky, more are incoming soon, funny you should mention that because there is a 'Tri-Form FTW' design in the works too .



First in a series of 'Imp my Ride' designs.

'Imp my Ride' Mugs.

Featured Copyright-free photo: 'Left Alone' by Francois Schnell.



Zomg!! if I ever became a Tea/Coffee Drinker that "Imp My Ride" will be my favourite mug!! unfortantly it doesnt feel right drinking pepsi out of a mug



Love the middle, will waiting to see the rest before I buy one.