Mother's Forumite Shop Ideas




PLEASE DO NOT REPLY ON THIS THREAD as this will just be a depository for the designs, - instead POST COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS HERE.

Hello Little Ones,

I have decided to donate some ideas to 'The Forumite Shop'.
I will be forwarding the files for both Vector and Bitmap designs to Fire Guardian who will recreate them for you should you request any of my artwork.
I am doing this because I didn't want to set up a rival shop but instead ensure the success of the current shop set up by Fire Guardian,Xanthus,Father MacKenzie and Captain Morgan on an idea by Stasis.
I have given the Official Forumite logo cleverly devised by Capt.Morgan a make-over as well as the popular Debt-Cap.
Regarding Copyright on the Archetype badges, I would hope that NCsoft look kindly on the usage as it will be benefitting the community and effectively promoting the game for NCsofts benefit. If logos need to be added or taken away - well, we'll deal with that later, all I know is that at this (the concept stage) I don't compromise.
I will not be overly branding something as coming from City of Heroes/Villains but at the same time it is kind of hard to design clothing without using any recognisable imagery from the game.
Anyway... Enjoy!
More designs added all the time so don't forget to keep checking back.

Kind Regards
Mother's Love...x

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY ON THIS THREAD as this will just be a depository for the designs, - instead POST COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS HERE.



MasterMind T-Shirts

No:1 - (front) Born Leader.Bow Before Me Minion!
(back) /em,Bowdown

No:2 - (front) MasterMind
(back) 85% leader. 15% control freak. 100% badass.

No:3 - (front) MasterMind
(back) Intelligence.Strategy.Discipline

No:4 (Front) Some of you may Die!
(back) but thats a Sacrifice I'm willing to make!
(Idea by Leif_Roar)



More Tshirts

No:1 - (Front)Stand back
(back) 100% Total Lockdown.Control Freak

No:2 - (front)Watch This!
(back) Glory Comes Face Down
(Back Motto Idea by Burning Fist)

No:3 - (front)Glad to see me?
(back)Gather for Buffs.Hug Incoming
(Gather for buffs motto Idea by Silver Weasel

No:4 - (Front)By Name....By Nature
(back) Join the DarkSide. We've got Cookies!
(Back Motto:Idea by Leif Roar)



Tank and Scrapper T-Shirts

No:1 - (front) Tank
(back) That All Ya Got?.Bring It On!

No:2 - (front) Tank
(back) The More The Merrier.Bring It On!

No:3 - (front) Scrapper
(back) You Want Some?. Come Get Some!

No:4 - (front) Scrapper
(back) I'll Stop Hitting. When They Stop Twitching



Stalker T-Shirts

No:1 - (front)Target Aquired!
(back) It's Nothing Personal ......Much. (shirt-slash and bare skin)

No:2 - (front)Assassin Strike!
(back) Just When You Least Expect It. (shirt-slash and bare skin)

No:3 - (front)Pssst....Behind You!
(back) Surprising Heroes Since 1950.
(blood-sprayed shirt-slash,bare skin with katana cut)

No:4 - (front)Any Last Requests?
(Back) Born of Shadow. Bathed In blood.
(blood-sprayed shirt-slash,bare skin with katana cut)




No:1 - (front) By Name....By Nature
(back) Plain

No:2 - (front)Ouch!!!!....Damn Stalkers!
(back) Claws slash revealing bottom cheeks

No:3 - (front)Prepare To Be.... Corrupted!
(back) Plain

No:4 - (front)Noooo!!!.... [censored] Strike!
(back) Claws slash revealing bottom cheeks



Work In Progress:

1: - Fire Controller 'Imps' Coffee-Mug.
2: - MasterMind Baby Bib.
3: - 'Heeeeeeres Sally' Boxers.
4: - 'Stunning' Malta Boxers.
5: - 'Glowie' glow-in-the-dark boxers.
6: - 'Blinded' Thong
7: - Sirens Call JetPack Rucksack
8: - 'Zig' Girls Top.
9: - 'Rain of Fire' Umbrella.
10: - Origins and Archetypes Jigsaw.
11: - Origins and Archetypes Mousemat.
12: - Imp Thong.
13: - Powerset Beakers and Mugs.
14: - Hamidon Jelly-Mould. *Speculative Product*



ML, did we tell you how much we love you?



Vector Artwork for Coloured T-shirts

No:1 - (front) MasterPlan
(back): *For back detail see 'MasterMind Messenger Bag'.

No:2 - (front) Pssst....Behind you!
(back) Born of Shadow. Bathed In blood.
(blood-sprayed shirt-slash,bare skin with katana cut).

No:3 - (front) Pull my Tentacle
(Motto Idea by Free Radical)
(back) Squid Pro Quo (Motto Idea by Silver Weasel)
(Squiddy Vector Illustration)

No:4 - (front) Squiddy Vector Illustration
(back) Squid Pro Quo



Not wanting to derail the thread any further, but have any of you looked at the request Mother's Love placed in the initial post? I'll repeat it here for clarity's sake:

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY ON THIS THREAD as this will just be a depository for the designs, - instead POST COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS HERE.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Post deleted by Mothers_Love