Nebulous Form




Ok so the Kheldian version of Phase Shift. Is that supposed to be complete protection, because that's how it reads and how I thought I remembered it?



Your memory does not deceive you.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



I thought not, but now I can't figure out why I died while running nebulous form.
I was in Faultline near the Arachnos flyer that's sat behind the entrance to their dig.
There are no known exceptions?



A sort-of exception is that any damage-over-time you've picked up before starting the power will continue even after you're phased. That's the same behaviour as regular Phase Shift, mind.

This might not cover your circumstances at all, but the power was changed some time ago so the end cost ramps up hugely after 30s, so however you're slotted you'll run dry and drop the toggle after a minute or so. It's no longer usable as a "make a cup of tea and the toon's safe in the meantime" power.



I don't think it was DoT. At the time I thought that the "Only Affecting Slef" text came up in plenty of time for the power to be properly up and running so I wondered whether the Phase Shift rules were different of maybe the Arachnos weapons were some sort of exception. Barring that I wondered bug, so at some point I'll go see if I can reproduce it and die in the name of science.
Since I thought the power was up in time I discounted the possibility that it was one of those times where something has happened as far as the server is concerned but the client hasn't caught up yet, so maybe the damage was figured to have hit /prior/ to phase coming in but hadn't yet been applied.
As I say i didn't think so at the time.



Hmmm - all I can think of then (barring bugs) is maybe it was a snipe or something else with a long animation that caught you?

IIRC the "to hit roll" on these is made the instant you're spotted, and anything you do after that won't stop it landing even though the attack animation (and matching effect) may not complete for several seconds.




anything you do after that won't stop it landing even though the attack animation (and matching effect) may not complete for several seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT, I've used Quantum Flight on my PB before in what I thought was "good time" only to have gotten disorientated by a long-activating attack AFTER the "only affecting self" message appeared.

You can probably see this best if you're fighting DE mobs: the "Hurl Boulder" attack is laughably slow, and even when the animation completes you can literally "outfly" the Boulder for several seconds until it connects.



Nebulous Form != Quantum Flight

The Warshade Power simply switches off after 45 seconds, rather than the progressive end-increase of the Peacebringer version.

I still hate the fact that the devs nerfed our secondary travel powers because of a perceived PvP exploit that isn't even an exploit while claiming that they couldn't adjust powers purely for PvP when they clearly can.

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Quantum Flight shuts off after a while too, although it's well over the minute mark. I can get it to that point fairly easily with a full End Bar by using Conserve Energy and Geas the Kind Ones...

The PB one has progressive End usage increase but practically instant (less than 1 second) activation.



Running Lightform and Conserve Energy will actually take you back to full end when using QF. Don't have Geas on Sundae but I suspect you could get 3-4 minutes using a combo of the three.



Didn't they also claim changes wouldn't be made just for PvP? Oh, I can't remember and it's such an old argument.
Anyway, I am thinking at the moment that it must be that annoying delay between when a power is considered to have functioned and when the effects are actually presented on the recieving end.
I'll try and test at some point though because it didn't seem likely at the time.



Running Lightform and Conserve Energy will actually take you back to full end when using QF. Don't have Geas on Sundae but I suspect you could get 3-4 minutes using a combo of the three.

[/ QUOTE ]

No you couldn't, reason being that after a point it shuts off regardless of your endurance.

When running Geas and Conserve energy I have a FULL endurance bar at the point which Quantum Flight automatically detoggles (it's over one minute but less than two).

It appears that rather than simply shut QF down, it drastically spikes the end cost up to 100% of your endurance bar per tick... when it "detoggles automatically" in this manner my OTHER toggles (such as CJ and Acrobatics) also drop and my end bar takes a nosedive.

(That's also with +10% endurance from the accolades)



Nebulous Form != Quantum Flight

The Warshade Power simply switches off after 45 seconds, rather than the progressive end-increase of the Peacebringer version.

I still hate the fact that the devs nerfed our secondary travel powers because of a perceived PvP exploit that isn't even an exploit while claiming that they couldn't adjust powers purely for PvP when they clearly can.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, my mistake, as was my estimate of how long you could keep Quantum Flight running.



Didn't they also claim changes wouldn't be made just for PvP? Oh, I can't remember and it's such an old argument.

[/ QUOTE ]
The oldies are the goodies.

There was a "unless we have to for balance reasons" caveat attached to that statement in its original form, although that said I seem to recall US red names also swearing blind PvP wasn't a factor even after the nerf.

Mind you, these are the same people that said "controllers were never meant to have more than one set of pets out at once", so I don't regard everything they say as utterly beyond doubt.