Patron Advice
None of the Mastermind PPPs are overly inspiring, imho - and the choice between them is as much a matter of theme/concept as gameplay.
I went with Ghost Widow purely on concept (dark powers to match my secondary), took all of her powers, and they were moderately useful. The resist shield helps, but I found myself having to toggle it back on often after sleeps/stuns knocked it off. The cone immobilise was quite good after I stuck 3 ranges in it (covered a huge area - I used it after my fear or disorient). The hold was handy for stacking on bosses with my own /dark hold. The damage attack was a bit rubbish and is probably the one thing I'd drop if I could be bothered to respec him (not much else I'd really want).
The shield could be your deciding factor - Scirocco is arguably best for that (resists to Smash/Lethal/Energy - 3 most common damage types in PvE), or Black Scorpion for defence to those 3 damage-types plus Toxic as well (and as it's defence it will let you dodge some status effects typed in that way). Mako and Ghost Widow's shields are both resist-based and offer Smash/Lethal/Toxic plus Cold for Mako or Negative Energy for GW, neither of which you'll run into much.
They all offer a hold, and the holds are pretty similar in all respects. The Black Scorpion one debuffs fly/jump/spd/rchg (in case hold doesn't take effect) but does no damage like the others (which is minimal anyway), so is possibly best. I think Mako's one has -fly too.
The area immobilises are fairly similar too - Black Scorpion and Scirocco offer target-based circular ones, while Mako & Ghost Widow give cones, so depending on your playstyle that might affect your choice (cone worked well for me as I could just follow the cone fear from my secondary with it). Again the Black Scorpion one debuffs fly/jump/spd/rchg, but does no damage, so is probably the most useful again. The Scirocco one is the only one that blocks knockback afaik.
The damage attacks they offer are all cones. The Ghost Widow one is very narrow and only tends to hit multiple targets at maximum range or if they are stood behind each other - not sure if the others are quite as bad. Damage types are the usual for each patron (GW: negative, BS: energy, Scir: energy) except for Mako, who gives the only pure Toxic damage attack in the game - a damage type that is rarely resisted by enemies or players - so that could be a reason to take his pool. Although the base MM ranged damage modifier is so bad I'm sure even that is uninspiring.
I think the only other effects are that all the Scirocco attacks/controls do End drain, but it's so minimal you probably won't even notice.
So Black Scorpion looks pretty good, but as you observed it has that redraw, which might affect you more than most as you'd have a double redraw with your secondary being weapon-based too. Black Scorpion's powers would certainly be easier for you to explain/justify concept-wise (the other shields have graphical affects that might be harder to explain as Victoriana tech), and I could certainly see all the powers being potentially useful to a /TA - in fact you might even find the mace attack handy if you didn't want your plasma gun because of the look, or did you avoid it because of redraw alone? If you used it after you'd used the mace for something else (holding or immobilising) then it would minimise redraw problems.
I thoughed I saw somewhere a build with spiderlings in it, wich patron is that or did I forgot to put my googles on?
I thoughed I saw somewhere a build with spiderlings in it, wich patron is that or did I forgot to put my googles on?
[/ QUOTE ]
All Patron Pools except for Masterminds have a pet as the final power.
All Patron Pools except for Masterminds have a pet as the final power.
[/ QUOTE ]
*curses* >=(
not got enough pets as it is?
not got enough pets as it is?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are NEVAH enough pets
not got enough pets as it is?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are NEVAH enough pets
[/ QUOTE ]
D2 Zoomancer, eh?
not got enough pets as it is?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are NEVAH enough pets
[/ QUOTE ]
And someone linked to the US page with player made videos and this one explains why
(right clicking, 18.6MB and named "Hype Won" Created by Melvin Laurel)
I thoughed I saw somewhere a build with spiderlings in it, wich patron is that or did I forgot to put my googles on?
[/ QUOTE ]
Stalkers that follow Black Scorpion can get a few spiderlings as their "pet". I bet they're rubbish though
He is a staminaless Bots/TA tech origin victorian inventor.
Any advice on patron to choose?
[/ QUOTE ]
Stamina is a great patron
I chose Ghost Widow, tried the powers and respecced to take Swift (Flight speed ), Health and Stamina.
Being able to call some bots in the middle of a fight while running Leadership and dropping traps is a lot more useful in my opinion (but I don't fight in PvP so...).
not got enough pets as it is?
[/ QUOTE ]Only one pet, the 7 guys from my primary are henches
And yet they show up in the pet window
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
And yet they show up in the pet window
[/ QUOTE ]
Not always - sometimes your teammates show up in the pet window, and pets show up as options . Not quite sure how that happened, but it's an interesting bug I've had happen a lot.
Sadly I didn't have all the available pets there - missing the Xmas snowman pet, the Imp from Billie Heck, and I was the wrong origin for the Wailer from Hardcase (and we wanted to kill Synapse without resorting to cheating with shivans ) - and Synapse had killed at least a couple of swarm pets before I even took that screenie.
I guess if you wanted the most pets available you'd need to make a Necro/Traps (potential for 7 pets in primary, 4+ in secondary - more if you count the actual traps) of Magic origin (so you'd get Wailer pet from temp power Hardcase gives), and make sure you get every available temp pet from missions (Billie Heck, Mr Bocor, Hardcase, Vernon von Grun, Kuhr'Rekt) plus PvP zone pets (shivan and mini-heavy?) - that should get you over 20 pets
Not always - sometimes your teammates show up in the pet window, and pets show up as options . Not quite sure how that happened, but it's an interesting bug I've had happen a lot.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not a bug
The Pets option at the top of the team window loads or closes the Pet window. The Options option on the pet window changes to/from Advanced and Individual control modes.
They're not labels for the windows, they're buttons in their own right.
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
Not always - sometimes your teammates show up in the pet window, and pets show up as options . Not quite sure how that happened, but it's an interesting bug I've had happen a lot.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not a bug
The Pets option at the top of the team window loads or closes the Pet window. The Options option on the pet window changes to/from Advanced and Individual control modes.
They're not labels for the windows, they're buttons in their own right.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's right, but you'll admit it's confusing at first glance.
Confusing yes, but not a bug
I guess if you wanted the most pets available you'd need to make a Necro/Traps
[/ QUOTE ]
*cough* Gangwar *cough*
tbh i cant stand thugs :P by the time you you get their 2nd upgrade they dont look like thugs anymore and imo the Bruser looks terrible >.< but thats just me
tbh i cant stand thugs :P by the time you you get their 2nd upgrade they dont look like thugs anymore and imo the Bruser looks terrible >.< but thats just me
[/ QUOTE ]
Never 'dis thugs! Okay, just a little.
Not a bug
The Pets option at the top of the team window loads or closes the Pet window. The Options option on the pet window changes to/from Advanced and Individual control modes.
They're not labels for the windows, they're buttons in their own right.
[/ QUOTE ]
Learn something new every day
Not always - sometimes your teammates show up in the pet window, and pets show up as options
[/ QUOTE ]
Yay! Someone else has Transformers bots! (Mine are the cassetticons )
hey ho chaps
Finally got my MM, Weaponeer, to level 40 (What is it with finding teams on CoV???
He is a staminaless Bots/TA tech origin victorian inventor. (Has not taken, and will not take, the pulse rifle attacks).
Any advice on patron to choose?
The Mace Mastery certainly fits best with concept although there is a draw/redraw problem.
Any thoughts?