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  1. Moray

    Patron Advice

    [ QUOTE ]
    Not always - sometimes your teammates show up in the pet window, and pets show up as options

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yay! Someone else has Transformers bots! (Mine are the cassetticons )
  2. Moray

    Today (Sat 8th)

    Well I've got all afternoon/night to play. Anyone want to do a TF or trial? I'm lvl 30 and have only done Synapse's TF. Send a /tell to @Cybermuz if you're interested.
  3. What I find annoying is when you enter a mission, summon all your minions without having moved away from the door, go to click on one to upgrade it, and then the game decides you actually clicked on the door and sends you back out the mission. Cue returning back into the mission sans pets AND having to wait for the summon powers to recharge!
  4. Moray

    one man army

    The Muz Masters (CoH) and Malevolent (CoV) will happily join in one-man band SG raids!
  5. Moray

    looking for help

    Are you looking for heroes or villians? On Union or Defiant?

    If you're looking on Union, then any of my chars would be up for it. When are you thinking of doing it?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Any [native english speaker] one who didn't spot that this this was a sarcastic exageration, needs to grab a little cynacism. Humour, sarcasm, metaphor [Lies] don't allways need smileys plastered all over them to be obvious.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And what about non native English speakers? A fair misunderstanding surely!?
  7. Moray

    Naming minions




    Not sure whether to make Rumble and Frenzy the two Protectors and have Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw both as Drones with Ravage. Hmm...
  8. Moray


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd be happy to pay 5 inf/pres

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I cant see you getting many people taking that on. Remember the ingame exchange rate is 500inf/pres. It's hard to say, my main is 42nd lvl so his requirements would price him straight out the market and it's so easy for him to make inf anyway it'd be pointless.
    I'm toying with creating an alt and running him up to 10th and then go into business, by which time I'll know his inf requirements. In theory he should never have to go through the chronic inf shortages the mid-20s presented my main with, otherwise what would be the point?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I realise I'd be unlikely to get that kind of rate! I was just refering to Scyta's suggestion of 5 inf/pres.
  9. Moray


    But then there'd be no SGs for them to work for! I doubt it'll ever get that far as some toons will always want to actually build a base. Some will always want to stay in a cohesive SG for the social aspect. And some won't care and become freelancers. No worries.
  10. Moray


    I'd be happy to pay 5 inf/pres
  11. Moray


    Just checking BTW, which server are you on? Unless you're on Union, I'm afriad I won't be able to hire you. :-(

    As to how much 10K Pres is worth, I'd have to check my inf. I tend not to spend it much so I'd be quite generous with it I guess.
  12. Moray


    I like the sound of that. As you say it'd be a easy way for one-man-bands like mine to get Prestige. Although the SG loses the bonus 200K when a member leaves, I assume it keeps any Prestige earned?