Will there be a big Haloween Bash on Union?
You never know with Ncsoft, always full of surprises
OOOOO me what a party :P
I just wonder what would be different compared to other parties. Fancy costumes? As if we didnĀ“t have enough of those all year...

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Evo Radio's planning a huge cross-server party, as I understand it. I'm not sure myself, I'm going to a party with some hot hot girlies.
Evo Radio's planning a huge cross-server party, as I understand it. I'm not sure myself, I'm going to a party with some hot hot girlies.
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Or at least you hope they're girlies underneath the costumes.
last time i spoke to any of the suport team there wasnt any events planed for halloween or the one year of cov event but you never know the suport team might pull something together at the last min
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Why not just organise our own party in Pocket D...halloween cossies all round of course, well we got a spare cossie slot specially.
Evo Radio's planning a huge cross-server party, as I understand it. I'm not sure myself, I'm going to a party with some hot hot girlies.
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Or at least you hope they're girlies underneath the costumes.
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Well, considering I know the people who're coming to the party, I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference. I'm debating on a costume for myself - if I hadn't had my hair cut recently, I'd bleach my hair, dye it red, grab some dungarees, and go as Chucky. As it stands, I might have to go as a clown.
As it stands, I might have to go as a clown.
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"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
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HAH! I paid for ALL THIS without batting an eyelid in 2001. Halloween's my favourite time of year.
FG, do what Baldrick would do. Put two pencils up your nose and be a pencil case.
Just don't trip though, ouchie.
Ouch, but i agree Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year
Ouch, but i agree Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year
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I manage an entertainment complex and nothing beats dealing with complaints standing at six foot eight dressed up as the crow. This year i might dress up as Jambi
I do certainly hope so. I got a nice Haloween costume and all.