Duelling hits a new low




I've said it before, but its really hit a new low. I kill a blaster and attack a scrapper twice in bb with 2 villains looking on going "oh noes, the violence". 1 Villian says we may as well team and invites me, then he belts half way across the map and trys to teleport me. I was a little suspicious so I follow him and find him standing in a load of freakshow. Never sent a petition before, and I almost didnt do it, but I dont feel like I can let that pass.

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



Rediculous, Im glad to hear that you petitioned him for that as was clearly not a pvp manuever and is abusing teaming mechanics, total greifing.

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Player finds that other players aren't always honest. Cryptic blamed for not nerve-stapling perpetrators. Film at 11.



Player finds that other players aren't always honest. Cryptic blamed for not nerve-stapling perpetrators. Film at 11.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where's my weasel repellant :P *reaches for crowbar*

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



lol, well noticed MQ!

I presume you have the tp prompt on? Good lad!

Right, rant on...

Hate duellers. I will attack you and I will not give a monkey's if I'm sent to the hosp for the 504th time, I couldn't care less what I'm called over any channel.

The behavior noted in the OP will reinforce my resolve ten fold.

HOWEVER, I have nothing against duelling in a PvP zone, I like to do it, I like to watch it and on occasion I quite happily let people get on with it. ( by crikey, that could sound so wrong... )

My point is, it's a PvP zone and serves that purpose, so when I or anyone else is 'duelling', it is done under threat of attack from people there to PvP and that's the way of the land. What I do not condone is the self righteous, self appointed 'rule makers' of a zone and particularly those that would enforce in such a fashion as stated in the OP. That type of play disgusts me and a whole host of other players; you should hold yourselves responsible for potentially putting people off PvP and address your actions accordingly. Any action seen by myself or, heaven forbid, against me, will result in a petition being sent for grieving.

Rant over, still loving PvP, loving PvP action the PvP zones and look forward to plenty more of where that came from.

Cue argument nearly as old as time!

"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad

Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights

Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights

Defiant - Supreme Hero



lol, well noticed MQ!

I presume you have the tp prompt on? Good lad!

Right, rant on...

Hate duellers. I will attack you and I will not give a monkey's if I'm sent to the hosp for the 504th time, I couldn't care less what I'm called over any channel.

The behavior noted in the OP will reinforce my resolve ten fold.

HOWEVER, I have nothing against duelling in a PvP zone, I like to do it, I like to watch it and on occasion I quite happily let people get on with it. ( by crikey, that could sound so wrong... )

My point is, it's a PvP zone and serves that purpose, so when I or anyone else is 'duelling', it is done under threat of attack from people there to PvP and that's the way of the land. What I do not condone is the self righteous, self appointed 'rule makers' of a zone and particularly those that would enforce in such a fashion as stated in the OP. That type of play disgusts me and a whole host of other players; you should hold yourselves responsible for potentially putting people off PvP and address your actions accordingly. Any action seen by myself or, heaven forbid, against me, will result in a petition being sent for grieving.

Rant over, still loving PvP, loving PvP action the PvP zones and look forward to plenty more of where that came from.

Cue argument nearly as old as time!

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree its getting silly now. People getting angry and threatening players over the use of inspirations, accusations of cheating...

I took my Tank into BB and was accused of "cheating by using inspirations " by a villain..Its not my fault if my Ice armour allows me to ignore his silly calptrops and then mace his head into a pulp

Despite that the majority of pvp for me is fun and good, though I guess we are due another "silly" period again where the fools gain in numbers.



its funny the way it swings, onion is pretty poor for zonal pvp atm while defiant has been good fun recently, it really does swing back and forward.

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



its funny the way it swings, onion is pretty poor for zonal pvp atm while defiant has been good fun recently, it really does swing back and forward.

[/ QUOTE ]

And to think I loved swings as a kid :O)
One thing that struck me about last nights incident, once it settled and I was ready to leave. The blaster who I attacked said "hey where is everyone, I was having fun".

lol, well noticed MQ!

I presume you have the tp prompt on? Good lad!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup. Which is unusual for me. I think I turned it on when someone in a team went a bit mad with recal friend, think they had just picked the power up and felt the need to use it any time they could :O)

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



Oh noooes we are receiving members from other MMOs *we all know which one, but for legal reasons i cannot say*

The number of griefers is most definitely on the increase, although that statement me be wrong, it just might be those griefers are becoming more vocal. Most of the people are good, but some to spout abuse and the like.



And to think I loved swings as a kid :O)

[/ QUOTE ]

And the type of 'swings' you get as an adult can be more fun , but I digress....

"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad

Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights

Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights

Defiant - Supreme Hero



who cares about dueling, if i see someone fighting another person i add on the fight. They can whine and complain as much as they like but there wasnt anything stated when i log into the zone saying "o btw dont add on fights dueling happens".

Now if cryptic or ncsoft or whoever implemented a dueling option as part of the arena system then i wouldnt have a problem.

But the whole dueling phenomena is all down to the epeen culture of "my build is better than yours" and im more leet.

As for the person who grief killed you i would have sent a nice pm saying "thanks muppet" then proceeded to follow him around the zone adding on all his fights.

Its just one of those things you come across in every singel MMO with pvp elements attached you end up with tards plain and simple.




I agree its getting silly now. People getting angry and threatening players over the use of inspirations, accusations of cheating...

I took my Tank into BB and was accused of "cheating by using inspirations " by a villain..Its not my fault if my Ice armour allows me to ignore his silly calptrops and then mace his head into a pulp

Despite that the majority of pvp for me is fun and good, though I guess we are due another "silly" period again where the fools gain in numbers.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only problem I have with using insps in PVP is when I spend 10 minutes fighting someone using powers only having a great time, manage to out play them – go to finish them when they eat greens while running back to the base... Very frustrating when I could have popped purples/reds and finished the fight much sooner. Maybe I’m a fool for believing people think and act like me. If it was the other way round I wouldn’t have used insps even if I had a full tray it would have been a worthy death.



But it doesn't matter that you won't use insps - there was nothing wrong with the other chap using his head and making a clean getaway. Hats off to him.

Acting one way doesn't mean everyone else has to act the same, people thinking that way is what starts these ugly messes off.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!




Now if cryptic or ncsoft or whoever implemented a dueling option as part of the arena system then i wouldnt have a problem.

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..but there is a duel game type in arena, its just that people are too lazy to walk there. In one way I can see the point, as most of times duels tend to come when there is a big fight in a zone, then 2 people on opposite teams keep being a major pain in the side of the other and they'd like to have a final match to see who's the best in the end. However, when you are in for instance SC, it kinda takes away from the game that you have to walk all the way back to talos or galaxy for an arena. Same goes for the vills having to go to Oakes or Martial for the arena..

I think alot of these problems would be solved if there were arena terminals in or near the zones.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



But it doesn't matter that you won't use insps - there was nothing wrong with the other chap using his head and making a clean getaway. Hats off to him.

Acting one way doesn't mean everyone else has to act the same, people thinking that way is what starts these ugly messes off.

[/ QUOTE ]

But if everyone thought like you all Brutes would have to do is eat 12 reds and 8 purples to 3 shot Regens Scrappers and 2 shot everything else (except tanks). Leave RV buy more insps, rinse and repeat.

This would pretty much work for any AT.



But an extension of that would be everyone else doing the same! We'd all be whiffing away until the insps ran out or some clever chap started using yellows...



But it doesn't matter that you won't use insps - there was nothing wrong with the other chap using his head and making a clean getaway. Hats off to him.

Acting one way doesn't mean everyone else has to act the same, people thinking that way is what starts these ugly messes off.

[/ QUOTE ]

But if everyone thought like you all Brutes would have to do is eat 12 reds and 8 purples to 3 shot Regens Scrappers and 2 shot everything else (except tanks). Leave RV buy more insps, rinse and repeat.

This would pretty much work for any AT.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've done this quite a few times with my EM/EA Brute, in Warburg. It takes a fair bit of inf and a lot of time running out of Warburg regularly enough to make a difference. I never bother with the purples though, enough reds to get me to cap. Usually only used against heavily buffed scrappers or granite tanks who are challenging allcomers on the beach and mouthing off about being invincible. It's a one-off trick though, charge in, drop the tank, dive out before the inevitable stalker mate of his comes out of the wings. Quietly ignore the flood of profanity and screams of "unfair!" over broadcast. Big whoop, like I care. It's a free fire zone, and I'm fully prepared for it to happen to me.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



If you can be bothered to drop large amounts of Inf on constantly getting Inspirations, then it's your choice.

I've been known to duck out and grab a tray of Break Free's in long engagements, nothing wrong with it imo.



Insps. Perfectly valid, no matter how you do or don't use them.

Whingers, catch up & start popping.

"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad

Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights

Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights

Defiant - Supreme Hero