First Controller




I am toying with the iddea of playing a controller for the first time. Would it be possible to get some advice on what powers might suit someone playing a controller for the first time?

Also would the background matter much when creating a controller?




Background matters only that much as you let it matter. Personally, I think most of the powers would be fitting for several backgrounds, be it a failed scientific Crey experiment, a mad tech inventor or (like my Illu/Storm) a magical spirit.
Regarding powersets... well, I guess most of them are equally suited for a first time controller. Illusions primary would be quite easy since much of your control comes from your pets which leaves time for playing with your secondary. I think it would be best to think about what you want to do with your controller (damage, holds, other forms of control) and ask about powersets suited best for that purpose.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



I suppose this might be interesting for you:

Its from the American Forums and gives a very good overview over all the Controller Types.

Though I do opose to some of the things said there, nothing in there is dramaticaly wrong. But unfortunately I cant reply to the thread



The beauty of this game is that you can create any character with any backgound/bio you choose. The sky really is the limit on why your toon is the way he/she/it is. Any controller combo has it's plus's and minus's of course, but I really enjoyed this combo. Have a go at as many combo's as you fancy!


Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire



Controllers are really fun, I must admit! I used to play as a fire blaster on US Guardian now I play a Fire/Rad Controller on EU Union, His story is caught in a mutations lab explosion whilst trying to save peoples lives I suppose it really depends on your liking... Fire for damage, Ice to slow, mind & illusion to confuse. It really depends on what control you have the most fun with, same goes for secondary.



I have to agree with those who are bragging up the Controller AT.

My 1st AT was a scrapper as I wanted some damage dealing. I followed this with a few Blasters for some long range fire power (and loads of debt, but thats another story ). Wanting a change from damage dealing I decided on an Empath Defender which was ok. THEN I tried the Controller AT and fell in love.

They have some of the coolest powersets and the wildest animations (who else can beam in a car from nowhere and throw it at the bad guys?) They can make a mediocre team into good one or a great team into world beaters.

Its almost impossible to go too far wrong in the powerset choices so I am sure you will do well whatever ones you decide on. Always remember the most important question (Am I having fun?)and you will not go too far wrong.



yeah !!!

i love controllers so much did 2 back to back to 50 , trying a defender now and i wish i had done another troller but i need a change ( got a scrapper and a tank done and never enjoyed blasters each to their own [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img])