Villain Group For Sale




ok all, i started up this sg on the date 01/11/2005
it was doing great with every1 using free trials

we currently have an 8x12 plot with the essentials of power, control, workshop, medical, teleporters and storage

total prestige just over the 4 million mark almost nearing the top 100 list

quite a few of the badges including almost the 1st healing one

bidding will start at 3 million infamy

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Whats the name of the VG?



Whats the name of the VG?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lords of War, my friend

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



k, i place 65mill infamy! (( Doesnt have )) - Robs bank ¬¬



sorry to here your selling of control of the group mate but since you are thought i would add this group is also coalitoined with my lot Dark Lords of the Underworld

who ever end up with control of the group just contact myself @Bru and we will be happy to continue the coalitoin as we are an asablished group with a large number of members someithng that culd come in handy when you just getting of the ground.

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50



What are the members of the SG like? Active at all?

Reason for selling?



im afraid, as i said, it was going great at the begining simply because it was the 14 day free trial, so we got a good distance off the starting line but i ended up kicking all those who werent online for more than 100 days, which was most of the VG, it has been replenished slightly to around the 50 members mark, all online within a month, a few villain alts of the CoH's Super Union team

also with purchase, its completely upto the winner of this auction if they keep the members or clear it...

and as stated by Bru, we do already have a few Coalitions, 1 being Dark Lords of the Underworld, along with a few smaller VG's...

also in the base are personal items placed by me, 2 teleporters with all the beacons its ur choice where u want to connect them too, if u decide to keep the teleporters, just keep in mind if u sell them or delete the room containing them, u will lose them

on a last minor note, ive been contacted by a few people this evening, they are pulling resources together with a few friends in order to bid so will b close auction, and any1 else is welcome to join the auction, the closing date will not be released to the public until the day itself, but i assure u, its not far round the corner

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Well, i wouldnt mind the Sg ;D would be a nice start espesh with the base etc.



I bid 5 mill Infamy ^^



i bid 7.5 million infamy

(any darkside member who sees this dont worry, contact me in game and i shall tell you more)



Hope the guys in your SG know your pimping them out.



8.5 Mill



Seems kinda crummy to me.. Selling your VG... Can't imagine your members would be impressed with a total newcomer to the VG taking control...

If a thing is worth having, then it's a thing worth keeping!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



your a floating fat man, y would i listen to you?

nah joking, ive given all i can, we only got a good distance in cause of the 4 day free trials at release, then every1 neva came back

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Tbh, i'm making these bids on behave of my brother, who plays villains more then me. But I also wouldn't mind messing about with a whole base to myself either



Well in the US army, a squadron has a sargeant, if this one goes or is traslated to another state, any of the Soldiers from that squad won't be the new sargent, just another sargeant would be replaced , so... this is the same thing about the "newcomer that takes the control" as u said



This is a very intriguing subject...I mean what price would you put on a supergroup? What price would Violaters get and what would your group be worth?

As people have said your members wont really want a noobie coming in and running things, especially if its like some of the above comments with just the intention of messing with base. Why dont you change it and ask for more people to help OR ask for people to come in and co-lead with you for a trial so you know you leave the group in the best hands?

I think every group had loads of idles from free trials etc, but recruitment is an ongoing cycle for some groups. Its not all easy.



well devils, you've braught sum good points up there, but bout 90% of characters are in sg's by the time i c them, im in need of money, people rarely come on so dont think they will even notice tbh :P and last point is if they wanna muck around with a base, they can copy a 10+ character to test server and make an sg there where instead of the 4 million prestige on this sg, they get sumthing stupid like 36 million

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Most SG/VG's have a shelf life. Of the original SG's created on or shortly after the launch of CoH, very few of them have lasted beyond a year. By this, I don't mean the ones everyone created when they got to lvl 10 and started spam broadcast recruitment but the ones that were built up properly.

Some have carried on going but i'd guess those that have probably have very few of the founding members left. When my SG was basically dying due to us all moving over to CoV we offered it to new leaders as well.

There 's no point keeping something if it's only got a handful of members and it made more sense for those who were still playing to move in with one of our coalition SG's as one active SG rather than 2 inactive ones.

Given that all those who were still around made the jump, should I have just let the old SG collapse? No way. The amount of salvage and prestige we'd put in was too much to just let it fold so we handed it over to some new players to give their SG a good start.

Just letting dead SG's crumble away seems a waste to me in these days of prestige earning.



thus the reason im auctioning it kinslayer, thnx for your input

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Great wad of Inf too.

"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad

Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights

Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights

Defiant - Supreme Hero



aye, that too, can barely afford DO's on my villains and i got a 33 aswell

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



i'd be offendeed inf but i can't remember the last time i logged on as Mekwar. oh well see you on the hero side



lol thats the kinda response i thaught i might get

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



ok all, update:

ColdSpark bids 15,000,000

sent in by forum PM
u have 47 hours and 40 minutes to beat that bid

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold