Let the wisest among us gather...
Time/Date dependent, Wilf'd love to show himself up for the plb he is.
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
I am there if it goes ahead, i love riddles or anything like that
Oh hell yes.
Im interested in this I have to say.
Hmm isnt 22nd the thursday?
Hmm isnt 22nd the thursday?
[/ QUOTE ]
That is the first test! Hurrah! you pass! Obviously I spotted it too *cough*
Ahem... yes, that was clearly a test to see how quickly you'd notice...
Well, I'd say there's enough interested people to go ahead with it. Friday the 23rd, 6 PM BST/19:00 CET, under Atlas. Gawkers and cheering fans are welcome.
Keep in mind, though, that I'm not gonna make it easy. If you're hoping for riddles that start with "What is white when it goes up..." you're in the wrong league. On the other hand, I won't use 'silly' riddles along the lines of "What is yellow, flies, and goes 'Clack, clack, clack, clack'?"
These will be old-school riddles that can be figured out if you're swift of thought and mind...
Oh, and as for the rewards... though it'll be mainly symbolic, there will be 99.999 Inf for every correct answer, and a bonus of 2.000.000 for whoever has the most correct answers at the end of the event...
Lol, if I can make it I'll have a go to demonstrate my astounding lack of wit
Sounds like a pretty unique and fun idea, if I can make it I will do.
a while back Proximity of the Femme Fatales held a little quiz night.Was a good little fun event, and was a novel way to distribute some inf to folks. it went rather well and a good time was had by all.
This sounds like it will be similar to that and its sure to be a success if get enough folk participating.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
Super, smashing, great.
Speedboat temp power for star prize then?
Will see if I can be there
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

For all of you Atlas evil-doers you all know the really lame jokes of Freezing Orbit.
.. I'll be attending I think.
EDIT: Noticed a frickin' typo. On my own name.
Yay! Sounds like fun, plus I bagged loads from Prox's night I will try to attend if I can
Good luck with your Riddle night
As some have mentioned, I ran a small quiz night a few months ago and it was a nice evening's fun. I'm sure people will enjoy a good riddle
One hour 'till the riddles begin...
Here's a classic to get your minds moving in the right direction:
What walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?
is the answer highlight white
Okay, the competition is finished - quite entertaining! I'm posting the results here, but I'm afraid I forgot to note down the full names of all the contestants, so feel free to correct me if you see this...
Kinetic Star: 4 points
Distru: 4 points
NullPointer: 4 points
Physco: 3 points
Paragon: 2 points
Hell Ram, Blue, StarFlux and Herulus all got 1 point
The final tie between Distru, Null, and Kinetic was determined with a tough tiebreaker question... nobody actually got it right, but Kinetic spotted a flaw in the riddle, and was awarded the victory for this.
A final Bonus Question for 3 million inf was posed, but he failed to answer it correctly - thus, his final gain came to 2.399.996. Not a bad number, even for a 50.
Concidering that this competition was quite a success, there may be another... at some point in the future. I'd need to collect some more riddles, though, since I pretty much used up my entire repetoir on this contest.
Oh, and for your entertainment, here's the tiebreaker question (minus the flaw that Kinetic Star pointed out)... I ask those present at the contest NOT to say the answer here... let the forumites try to figure it out by themselves...
One fine morning, a hunter departed from his camp, and walked due south with his trusty rifle on his shoulder. After a mile, he stumbled and skinned his knee, but being a tough hunter, he just cursed loudly for a bit and walked onward. After another mile or so, he spotted a bear and took aim but only then realized that he hadnt taken the safety off! The bear caught his scent and fled to the east, with the hunter in pursuit. After a mile, he caught up with it and fired a shot, but the bear was only wounded, and managed to drag itself another mile eastwards before the hunter managed to get in the killing shot. Delighted with his catch, he dragged the carcass two miles due north to his camp, only to discover that in his absence, another bear had trashed it!
Now tell me this what color was the bear who trashed his camp?
(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)
It wasnt his camp. So no bear trashed it.
Definately white
Cryoburn Ice/Fire Tank
Sunless Avenger DM/SD Scrapper
It wasnt his camp. So no bear trashed it.
[/ QUOTE ]
QFT. He's 2 miles to the east of the campsite he set off from.
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
I was really fun, I hope for a new riddle'o'rama soon!
One fine morning, a hunter departed from his camp, and walked due south with his trusty rifle on his shoulder. After a mile, he stumbled and skinned his knee, but being a tough hunter, he just cursed loudly for a bit and walked onward. After another mile or so, he spotted a bear and took aim but only then realized that he hadnt taken the safety off! The bear caught his scent and fled to the east, with the hunter in pursuit. After a mile, he caught up with it and fired a shot, but the bear was only wounded, and managed to drag itself another mile eastwards before the hunter managed to get in the killing shot. Delighted with his catch, he dragged the carcass two miles due north to his camp, only to discover that in his absence, another bear had trashed it!
[/ QUOTE ]
wasnt his camp as, he went south then followed the bear east. Then killed the bear and went north, so hes not at his camp
There has been plenty of costume-competitions under Atlas... and our daily work is a contest of strength with the various villains around us. So maybe you're good-looking and powerful... but are you smart?
If so, now is the time to show it - on friday the 22nd, I intend to host a contest of wits - a contest of riddles. Fools need not apply. Let those who believe themselves to be smart, clever, or wise, attempt to answer my riddles... millions of influence will be on stake, as well as the honor of being the smartest among heroes...
Who would be interested in participating in this contest? Mind, if there is little interest, I won't go ahead... one can hardly have a contest without contestants.