Recluse's Victory: Hero Teams needed
Laustin will be up for that. If I'm available that day I'll stomp about for you.
Mongoose R is up for it
Sounds good and I want badges!
Count me in.
Either as my Eng/Dev blaster or Earth/Kin controller.
I'll be there with Busty Boo! MA/SR scrapper
1 team will do it just fine providing you have the necessary setup
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Cheers for the responses, teams for this is looking promising already.
1 team will do it just fine providing you have the necessary setup
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Those in the know, what would be the preferred setup to take on the AVs in RV? ...cos I haven't the foggiest! :P
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

As far as I know, I'm not working on the 25th, so I'll be there to administer justice as as when it's needed.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
|I'l try and bring the Shiny robot lovegod along for a bit of AV bustin' action.
A New world Order?
Arc ID: 56881
A Dark Future
Posters by Soul Storm
Brilliant! Keep the list going!
If there's a large number of heroes in there, expect it to become laggy á la Hamidon-stylé. Possibly even worse since most CoV maps are pretty harsh compared to CoH maps on the ol' graphics cards. So may have to employ limited costumes (ie: no capes/auras) ...yah yah, I know its a bit of a chew on, but may have to be done if numbers are great.
I'm anticipating villains coming across to hinder our progress, however instead of having a specific team concentrating on loose ends (the villains), I'm considering half of a team to concentrate on villains the other half on the actual AVs. I'm proposing this as if we have teams for Villain Control Teams and AV Strike Teams, then the Villain Control Teams will miss out on the badges.
If anyone has any tactics we could use aginst the AVs or any villains trying to disrupt us, please feel free to post here.
Looking forward to teaming up with you all.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

I'll be there with either Seigi DM/Regen Scrapper or Incandesce Ill/Kin troller
1 rad, 1 tank, 2 trollers, 1 def, last bit mix of dmg dealers, or less of either troller/dmg dealer.....
anywho, you NEED a rad or 2 + kins for the -regen on mega fast recharge to keep it down, also drone the annoying ones such as ghost widow to make sure you get at least 1 AV, then systematically go through em scirocco being hardest to spawn, and only 1 i need XD
I'll be there with Blizzy (her new build rocks
Cheers for the responses, teams for this is looking promising already.
1 team will do it just fine providing you have the necessary setup
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Those in the know, what would be the preferred setup to take on the AVs in RV? ...cos I haven't the foggiest! :P
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2 rads, 1 kin, 1 tank, 1 emp (for mishaps/emergencies) and 3 scrappers should waste them with impunity )
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Had another go earlier this afternoon and even with 2 debuffers on the team, the AVs regen was still too strong.
Hero List so far...
Captain Solaris Lvl50 Rad/Rad Defender
Laustin d'Woods Lvl50 Illu/Kin Controller
PEBBLES Lvl50 Earth/Kin Controller
Incandesce Lvl50 Illu/Kin Controller
Mongoose R Lvl? ?/? ?
Busty Boo Lvl50 MA/SR Scrapper
Golden Girl Lvl? ?/? ?
Mercury Angel Lvl50 Invul/EM Tank
BLIZZARIA Lvl50 Ice/Ice Blaster
Ranger Emily Lvl50 AR/Dev Blaster
So far 2teams of 5heroes.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Put me down for this as well if you would, I'll bring Chisel of course, and can do some nice acc debuffing for you, can't do much for the regen though I'm afraid.
was the kin spamming transfuion, like on auto? and were u spamming lingering rad capt?
other than that, cuz of they're hp amount, does take a while to knock em down
Good luck organising this!
From the last time I'd do this I'd say your best to hope for 3 well organised teams...
We had 3 rads and the AV's fell quickly, as long as everyone targeted the right one.
was the kin spamming transfuion, like on auto? and were u spamming lingering rad capt?
other than that, cuz of they're hp amount, does take a while to knock em down
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I was spamming Transfusion (it wasn't on auto, but I used it when ever it was up eg. every other attack) and Capt had Lingering Rad as well. The main problem was that we could never separate them enough to concentrate on one at a time.
was the kin spamming transfuion, like on auto? and were u spamming lingering rad capt?
other than that, cuz of they're hp amount, does take a while to knock em down
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I was spamming Transfusion (it wasn't on auto, but I used it when ever it was up eg. every other attack) and Capt had Lingering Rad as well. The main problem was that we could never separate them enough to concentrate on one at a time.
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Aye...We got lucky with Black Scorpion and Lord Recluses...had Blk Scorp down to a quater of his health and the begger vanished!
Later came acros Capt Mako and GWidow and the two were nigh on inseperable!
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Wait a few months or so and I'll be riiight there with ya.
Come on Solaris...get it together, 13 villains lastnight took down 4 members of your precious Freedom Phalanx (Manticore, Sister Psyche, Back Alley Brawler, Positron).
Either way....sounds like the 25th June is a good day to be in RV dontcha think?
Militis Metus << Website
ArchRevenant 50 EM/Inv Brute
Lethal Charge 50 SS/Elec Brute
Tsubasa - 50 Kat/SR Scrap
Spectre - 50 Fire/Fire Blast
Come on Solaris...get it together, 13 villains lastnight took down 4 members of your precious Freedom Phalanx (Manticore, Sister Psyche, Back Alley Brawler, Positron).
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Thou hast not met The Freezing Orbit.
I was there at the start, and by god I'll be there when they drop!
count me in Cap! I can bring either a troller or a tank. Or a PB if i can be bothered to earn him 8 bars
After fighting in Recluses Victory for the last 4hours, its clear to see that more than one team will be needed to take down the AVs that spawn once destroying 4Bases.
Eight lvl50 heroes later:
Captain Solaris lvl50 Rad/Rad Defender
ton lvl49 Invul/Stne Tanker
unit1 lvl50 Nrg/Nrg Blaster
Discharge lvl50 Fire/Emp Controller
Tyrannus lvl50 Invul/Fire Tanker
Orion Star lvl50 Emp/? Defender
Miss Easy lvl50 ?/FF Controller
Mr. Apollo lvl50 ?/? Scrapper
...despite quite a balanced out team, we were still none the richer (this 8man team prompted 3 villains Ghost Widow, Captain Mako and Sicorro...the katana weilding one, can't remember his name).
I'm proposing a gathering for Sunday 25th June or nearabouts depending on the interest. Times will either be from 10am onwards or throughout the evening.
Its obvious that the villains will catch wind of this and possibly assemble a strike team to foil our attempts. Therefore the more heroes available the better our chances...who knows, if enough heroes, it may prompt Lord Recluse out himself (is that possible? ...heh...i don't know).
If the interest is great then I may move the date later this month so we can organise it a bit better.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"