Mild vent against daft Void placement




I'm slowly getting the hang of my PB, and how to cope with the PB-specific problems (Quants and Voids especially) - on the whole so far so good.

Just lately I started on the Croatoa arcs, and was a bit boggled to find those sneaky Voids had somehow managed to infiltrate themselves into Tuatha De Dannan missions. A bit later I was even more boggled to find one cheerfully standing next to spawns on a "defeat all ghosts" mission, waiting for the PB to come along.

I took them down fine, but my real question is how on earth are they meant to be there?. In a sort of RP way I can see that Voids could find their way into many mob types - Freaks, Family, CoT even - but Tuatha? A bunch of non-humans fundamentally opposed to any sort of human presence? Ghosts, who attack on sight and don't come across as even capable of rational persuasion?

A little thing, and I guess not really an issue, just another of those CoX "Eh!?" moments.



It never made much sense to me either really. Although it made less sense when I was doing one of those missions in Croatoa - one of the ones where you get about 4 waves of ambushing mobs one after the other sneaking up behind you - and one of the ambushing groups had a cyst with it! Not nice.

Would make more sense to have void/quant ambush groups spawn on missions and come for you. Could consist of a void and a few normal human minions as his lackeys who have followed you to the mission to try and kill you. Would make the missions a little more dynamic although I'm not sure people would be keen on a voidstalker creeping up behind you and ambushing you mid mission.



Would make the missions a little more dynamic although I'm not sure people would be keen on a voidstalker creeping up behind you and ambushing you mid mission.

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It already happens.

Soloing another of those Croatoa missions ("Clear office of Fir Bolg" or something along those lines) I entered a large room and spawned an ambush made up of a Seeker and his two Fir Bolg lackeys (!?).

The first I knew of this was when a quantum-type shot went shooting past my ear from behind; I was in human form at the time, so if that first shot had hit it could have been very messy indeed.



Think yourself lucky.

I remember a Katie Hannon TF about a month ago when a Shadow Cyst crystal spawned in wave eight of the ten AV ambushes.

Yes folks, you heard that right, we were AMBUSHED by a Shadow Cyst crystal.
The next wave didn't attack till we disposed of the AV, the surrounding Cabal flunkies, a crapload of Unbound Nictus and one very angry Crystal. (And tasted dirt several times of course...)



meh.. reminds me of the following situations that ended up very messy for my WS:

void boss next to AV (dun remember exactly, but I think it was either anti-matter or mother mayhem)

void lieut near shadow cyst (2 diff spawns, but very close to each other such that it was kinda impossible to aggro 1 without the other)

2 shadow cysts near AV (requiem in final WS arc). Now THAT was messy!

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Think yourself lucky.

I remember a Katie Hannon TF about a month ago when a Shadow Cyst crystal spawned in wave eight of the ten AV ambushes.

Yes folks, you heard that right, we were AMBUSHED by a Shadow Cyst crystal.
The next wave didn't attack till we disposed of the AV, the surrounding Cabal flunkies, a crapload of Unbound Nictus and one very angry Crystal. (And tasted dirt several times of course...)

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Daaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaamn, and with that, nn.



i've had a void, cyst and AV in same room. not the same spawn, but close enuf so any aggro on the other groups caused the cyst to spawn.

and that is the precise reason i love self-rez...

must admit tho, i do enjoy taking on dark nova/dark dwarves. theres something cool about watching two squids shoot at each other from side on view

although the placement of them does occasionally seem a bit odd, and has anyone else noticed you can spend weeks withpout seeing nictus, then get a day where theres a nova or dwarf every other spawn?



from a story point of view i think the way into missions is they travel through space hunting khelds and can basically pop up anywhere.

(technical reason is they pop up for mobs that can't hold a quantum rifle)

is odd that the mobs don't attack voids but this game is based on comics so it's never going to make complete sense



i've had a void, cyst and AV in same room. not the same spawn, but close enuf so any aggro on the other groups caused the cyst to spawn.

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and I was thinking in a solo mish void next to named ruin mage was bad or in the middle of a DE mob with multiple eminators.

Does anyone actually find the dwarves and novas (either light or dark a threat).

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



i've had a void, cyst and AV in same room. not the same spawn, but close enuf so any aggro on the other groups caused the cyst to spawn.

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and I was thinking in a solo mish void next to named ruin mage was bad or in the middle of a DE mob with multiple eminators.

Does anyone actually find the dwarves and novas (either light or dark a threat).

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not really..dwarf at high lvl's hit hard tho:P



This is why I have given up any hope of soloing my PB at the moment. I'm doing malta missions, and found a mob with 2 sappers and a void seeker, who do you kill first? Suffice it to say I killed none of them and ended in a trip to hospital myself, actualy was quite annoyed by that!!



Ouch - my PBs still in the late 20s, so the joy of Malta + Voids is still a good way off.

I did come across a new example of Void's shoehorned in where they don't really fit at the weekend, though - the feared "Stop 30 Fir Bolg escaping" Croatoa mission.

There were a few static Voids camped with Fir near the cairn/escape door - fair enough, seen that sort of thing before. But, a few Voids were also thrown in with the escapees - meaning the mob AI had them running right past the Kheldian that's meant to be their one and only target, in a desperate bid to escape the map with their new Fir Bolg friends.

Gone native, eh?



You pop 4 lucks, an insight, a breakfree and 4 rages. The strategy depends on what powers you have.



Has anyone else noticed them appearing on mishes with no Kheldians on the team. Running my defender through some of the hollows mishes the other day we had 5 void bosses and 3 quantum Calibans as well as a couple of void seekers without a WS or PB having been anywhere near the team far less on it. Thats 8 bosses - I've never seen a quantum or void boss on my PB.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Has anyone else noticed them appearing on mishes with no Kheldians on the team. Running my defender through some of the hollows mishes the other day we had 5 void bosses and 3 quantum Calibans as well as a couple of void seekers without a WS or PB having been anywhere near the team far less on it. Thats 8 bosses - I've never seen a quantum or void boss on my PB.

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The game has a long, and rather scatty, memory about Khelds having appeared in the past. If you, or another member of your team, had been teamed with a Kheld earlier in the day it tends to carry on adding voids/quants just in case.



This is why I have given up any hope of soloing my PB at the moment. I'm doing malta missions, and found a mob with 2 sappers and a void seeker, who do you kill first? Suffice it to say I killed none of them and ended in a trip to hospital myself, actualy was quite annoyed by that!!

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SS+Stealth or Light form or Quantum flight to the middle of the group, pop Pulsar first to mezzle the Sappers, Two shot the void with RS/IS and then introduce the survivors to your vast array of AOEs...


Conserve Power, Pop a few rages, Build up, Dawn strike. Pop a CAB, IS the void to finish it off then shift to dwarfie to clean up the stragglers.


Dwarfie Teleport or Quantum Fly past them.



Solo'd Tommy One eye on Srtiga & had 4 quantum whoevers & 2 void stalkers....thankfully not all at once but boy did I feel popular!

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



why can't there be one void for every player in the team (khield and non-khield) and an extra on for if your on a higher setting

8 players on relentless = 13 (or 12 ) voids/quantums