PvP Scrapper




hello everyone. After a while of being in arena, I have decided to respec my Katana/Regen scrapper into a PvP Build. My current build(PvE) is below, any suggestions or tweaks to make it a PvP build appreciated.

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Name: Shadow Sword
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Katana
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Sting of the Wasp==> Dmg(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(11) Acc(17) Rechg(39)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1) Heal(5) Heal(9)
02) --> Flashing Steel==> Dmg(2) Dmg(3) Dmg(13) Acc(19) Rechg(40)
04) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(4) EndMod(5) EndMod(7)
06) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(6) Heal(7) Rechg(19) Rechg(43)
08) --> Divine Avalanche==> DefBuf(8) DefBuf(9) Dmg(36) Dmg(40) EndRdx(50)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(10) Heal(11) Rechg(37) Rechg(37)
12) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(12) Jump(13) DefBuf(15) EndRdx(43)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14) Jump(15) Jump(43)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(17) EndRdx(21)
18) --> The Lotus Drops==> Dmg(18) Dmg(21) Dmg(29) Acc(31) Rechg(40)
20) --> Swift==> Run(20) Run(25) Run(50)
22) --> Health==> Heal(22) Heal(23) Heal(23)
24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24) EndMod(25) EndMod(31)
26) --> Soaring Dragon==> Dmg(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Acc(34)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28) Heal(29) Heal(34) EndRdx(34) Rechg(36)
30) --> Build Up==> Rechg(30) Rechg(31) Rechg(37)
32) --> Golden Dragonfly==> Dmg(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Acc(33) Rechg(46)
35) --> Revive==> Rechg(35) Rechg(36)
38) --> Moment Of Glory==> DmgRes(38) DmgRes(39) DefBuf(39) DefBuf(50)
41) --> Hasten==> Rechg(41) Rechg(42) Rechg(42) Rechg(42)
44) --> Torrent==> Dmg(44) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Acc(45) EndRdx(46) TH_DeBuf(46)
47) --> Petrifying Gaze==> Acc(47) Acc(48) Hold(48) EndRdx(48)
49) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Jump(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Dmg(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)



slot dull pain 3xrecharge 3xheal
instant heal 3xrecharge 3xheal
reconstruction 3xheal 3xreacharge
intergration 3xheal
slot ur big hitters 2acc 3damage 1 recharge and pretty much all attacks, if your going to keep that epic power pool. And slot petryfing gaze 2acc 3 hold 1 recharge if your gonna keep that epic.



I'd go like:

Drop Dark Mastery - Body Mastery's better for PvP, Focused Accuracy + Tactics will allow you to see Stalkers. In I7.

And if you want holds, try the 'Presence' Pool.

And I... agree with Psydock towards slotting.

EDIT: Also, drop Revive and MoG. POSSIBLY Revive. MoG is useless with high Acc attacks or high DMG attacks, but its god mode for PvE.



mog isn't neccesarly useless depands on your oponent, you might want to slot it with 1 damage resistanse 3 defense though. It can be very good when facing someone with kinetics. Or a sonic, trick arrow, forcefields. Drop revive though. If you decide to take body mastery, slot your attacks with 1 acc 3 damage 2 recharges. You might want to pick up laser beam eyes as they give you some ok ranged damage. Drop divine avalanch it sucks in pvp.



Ok thanks guys, already got a new build ready for I7 respec
Here goes

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Name: Name ?
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Katana
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Sting of the Wasp==> Dmg(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(17) Acc(31)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1) Heal(9) Heal(33)
02) --> Flashing Steel==> Dmg(2) Dmg(3) Dmg(15) Acc(33)
04) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(4) EndMod(5) EndMod(5)
06) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(6) Heal(7) Heal(7) Rechg(13) Rechg(45) Rechg(45)
08) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(8) DefBuf(9) DefBuf(37) EndRdx(37)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(10) Heal(11) Heal(11) Rechg(13) Rechg(43) Rechg(43)
12) --> Swift==> Run(12) Run(43)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14) Jump(15) Jump(36)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(17) Heal(19)
18) --> The Lotus Drops==> Dmg(18) Dmg(19) Dmg(25) Acc(34)
20) --> Health==> Heal(20) Heal(21) Heal(21)
22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22) EndMod(23) EndMod(23)
24) --> Build Up==> Rechg(24) Rechg(25) Rechg(40) TH_Buf(40)
26) --> Soaring Dragon==> Dmg(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Acc(31) Acc(46) Rechg(48)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28) Heal(29) Heal(29) Rechg(39) Rechg(40)
30) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(30) DmgRes(31) DmgRes(36)
32) --> Golden Dragonfly==> Dmg(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(34) Acc(34) Acc(46) Rechg(48)
35) --> Maneuvers==> DefBuf(35) DefBuf(36) EndRdx(37)
38) --> Tactics==> TH_Buf(38) TH_Buf(39) EndRdx(39)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> TH_Buf(41) TH_Buf(42) EndRdx(42) EndRdx(42)
44) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> Dmg(44) Dmg(45) Dmg(46) Acc(48)
47) --> Energy Torrent==> Dmg(47) Dmg(50) Dmg(50) Acc(50)
49) --> Assault==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)



Drop Energy Torrent or Assault for some Hasten-lovin'!



[...] And if you want holds, try the 'Presence' Pool. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
There are no holds in the Presence pool .



Quickest way to get the best PvP build is to look in the Scrapper section HERE where I asked the same question

Gone through three builds based on comments and finalised the third one after some in game discussion from some of the main PvP'ers.

It's also optimised for use in Sirens Call at lvl 30 rather than just a lvl 50 respec.

Only point of note is that a recharge and taunt will dropped from Call of The Wolf for two accuracies after I7 when ACC checks are needed on it.



drop all slots in combat jump. slot it with 2 jump slot hurdle 3 jump. Drop slots in tactics, and assault, only slot em with end reduce. your attacks only need 1 acc 3 damage 2 recharge, get more recharge in attacks, and yes do take hasten



Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Katana
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Sting of the Wasp==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(21) Rechg(37) Rechg(40)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)
02) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(2) Heal(5) Heal(5) Rechg(15) Rechg(15) Rechg(21)
04) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(4) EndMod(25) EndMod(25)
06) --> Hasten==> Rechg(6) Rechg(7) Rechg(7)
08) --> Flashing Steel==> Acc(8) Dmg(9) Dmg(9) Dmg(36) Rechg(36) Rechg(36)
10) --> Build Up==> Rechg(10) Rechg(11) Rechg(11) TH_Buf(48) TH_Buf(48) TH_Buf(48)
12) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(13) Heal(19) Heal(19) Heal(37)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(17) Heal(17)
18) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(18) Jump(31)
20) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(20)
22) --> Hurdle==> Jump(22) Jump(23) Jump(23)
24) --> Health==> Empty(24)
26) --> Soaring Dragon==> Acc(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(34) Rechg(37) Rechg(40)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Rechg(28) Rechg(29) Rechg(29) Heal(40) Heal(43) Heal(46)
30) --> Stamina==> EndMod(30) EndMod(31) EndMod(31)
32) --> Golden Dragonfly==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(34) Rechg(34)
35) --> Super Jump==> Jump(35)
38) --> Moment Of Glory==> DmgRes(38) DefBuf(39) DefBuf(39) DefBuf(39)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41) EndRdx(42) EndRdx(42) TH_Buf(42) TH_Buf(43) TH_Buf(43)
44) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> Acc(44) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Rechg(46) Rechg(46)
47) --> Challenge==> Taunt(47)
49) --> Intimidate==> Acc(49) Fear(50) Fear(50) Fear(50)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)

i'd go something like this, if you plan on teaming you might wanna slot provoke a bit more.



[...] And if you want holds, try the 'Presence' Pool. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
There are no holds in the Presence pool .

[/ QUOTE ]

I meant Fears! Which DOES hold people without mezrez to it.

The order goes:

Challenge:Taunt Foe
Provoke: Taunt Foes
Intimidate: Fear Foe
Invoke Panic: Fear Foes

And yes, Pvt., thanks for pointing that out.



Psydock, the build you've posted will be almost useless in Sirens Call as it relies on FA completely for the accuracy component and exemping below 41 for TF's or other PvE will also see it missing a lot

There are also some wasted wasted slots in there, 6 slotting Sting of The Wasp for example, it's one of the most useless attacks in katana and if you're trying to fill an attack chain, DA is much better. The lack of damage is made up for by the fact you can stack the defence buff from it, one of the best melee ones in the game, but is totally ignored in your build. The only reason it got 5 slots in mine was because I had a spare slot at 42 but I've rarely found myself using it during testing. I may even take the slot out and put it in build up or swift.

No slots in fast heal also means you're relying completely on integration for natural regen. I don't have the figures to hand(i'm at work) but I've looked into this build extensively over the last few days and tried several builds out on test and there is a HUGE difference in regen speed. 3 health slotted fast heal and integration will see you go from 1 HP to full in 16.7 seconds, without fast heal, it's closer to 30 seconds. Skip health completely. 3 slotted with a 3 green slotted FH and Integration, it goes from 16.7 to 16.2 seconds. Definitely not worth spending a power or slots on and swift is more useful in PvP for unsurpressed movement.

On the accuracy front, FA is NOT a replacement for 2 ACC's in attacks. tohitbuffs work differently to accuracy for starters and are weaker. FA is also a toggle so if it get's dropped, your attacks will miss a hell of a lot with just 1 ACC, forcing you to sacrifice some attacks or re-toggle in the middle of a fight. Remember, 2 ACC is pretty much a minimum for PvP and if you get debuffed, FA will not make up for that extra accuracy.

MoG is very little use in PvP as the bonus it gives is not outweighed by the fact it drops your HP through the floor. Psi damage will still cut through it and there are going to be trollers in arena who will just be begging you to hit MoG. Auto hit powers like caltops also ignore the bonus and the unresistable part of blasters attacks is another.

Below is the build I've gone for after several test runs, quite a bit of discussion with other PvP'ers and a very thorough look at the numbers. The only comments I will make are that 2 ACC, FA and tactics then hitting build up will actually get people running personal force fields a little worried(OK, maybe not worried but susrpised ) and will also allow you to still hit with a some ACC debuffs on you.

The attack chain will be made of Flashing Steel, Soaring Dragon, Golden Dragonfly and Divine Avalanche. Don't underestimate the melee buff from DA.

Your choice of presenve for the fear is a good one and one i've been looking at on a couple of other builds. Mez resist to fear is quite rare and will take people by surprise, however, the accuracy, duration and recharge on that pool is not very good so leadership may be the way to go. The extra accuracy is nice and the extra +PER will stack with FA and help against stalkers with stealth AND hide.

Definitely worth trying as couple of builds out on test before I7 hits. Very rare you can go on test and find people in PvP zones but the upcoming RV has found it quite busy over there.

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Name: Kal'tk
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Katana
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Sting of the Wasp==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(40) Dmg(40) Dmg(42)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1) Heal(3) Heal(5)
02) --> Reconstruction==> Rechg(2) Rechg(5) Rechg(7) Heal(21) Heal(23) Heal(23)
04) --> Flashing Steel==> Acc(4) Acc(7) Dmg(36) Dmg(37) Dmg(37)
06) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(6) EndMod(9) EndMod(9)
08) --> Divine Avalanche==> Acc(8) Acc(11) DefBuf(15) DefBuf(17) DefBuf(17) Rechg(46)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10) Rechg(11) Rechg(13)
12) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(15) Heal(25) Heal(25) Heal(27)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(19) Heal(19) EndRdx(43)
18) --> Hurdle==> Jump(18) Jump(45) Jump(45)
20) --> Calling the Wolf==> Rechg(20) Rechg(21) Rechg(37) Taunt(39) Taunt(39) Taunt(46)
22) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(22)
24) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(24)
26) --> Soaring Dragon==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Dmg(31) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(46)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Rechg(28) Rechg(29) Rechg(29) Heal(43) Heal(43) Heal(45)
30) --> Build Up==> Rechg(30) Rechg(31) Rechg(31) TH_Buf(36) TH_Buf(36)
32) --> Golden Dragonfly==> Acc(32) Acc(33) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Rechg(48)
35) --> Swift==> Run(35)
38) --> Stamina==> EndMod(38) EndMod(39) EndMod(40)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41) EndRdx(42) EndRdx(42) TH_Buf(48) TH_Buf(48) TH_Buf(50)
44) --> Assault==> EndRdx(44)
47) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(47) EndRdx(50) TH_Buf(50)
49) --> Super Jump==> Jump(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)



Er, why do you say that SoTW is useless while Flashing Steel is a part of the regular attack chain. Flashing Steel seems clearly inferior choice for PvP as it costs more, recharges slower and does less damage. Its only advantage is that it's a cone, but how much of an advantage is a melee cone in PvP?

Also, what you're saying about ACC enhancements vs tohit buffs seems very weird. I'm not sure about the exact value of the tohit buff FA has, my planner says 25% base so 39% slotted. If that's the correct value, it's a huge buff and much superior to an ACC SO. Tohit buffs are calculated before defence, accuracy enhancements after. It's probably a good idea to have both, but loading 3 ACC SOs in your attacks helps very little if defence floors your tohit. Base to hit in PvP is so low that tohit buffs tend to perform much better. Try to calculate accuracy for a few example scenarios and you'll see it. The formula is:

(base tohit + tohit buffs - defence) * ( base accuracy * (1+enhancements)

So for example a Katana scrapper with 3-slotted FA hitting someone with 40% defence in PvP with an attack that has 1 ACC SO:

(0.50 + 0.39 - 0.40 )* (1.05*1.33)

Also there are no accuracy debuffs, only tohit debuffs. Again, you need tohit buffs to hit despite of these.



Er, why do you say that SoTW is useless while Flashing Steel is a part of the regular attack chain. Flashing Steel seems clearly inferior choice for PvP as it costs more, recharges slower and does less damage. Its only advantage is that it's a cone, but how much of an advantage is a melee cone in PvP?

[/ QUOTE ]

Must admit I dont have Flashing Steel limited use in PvP

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



Er, why do you say that SoTW is useless while Flashing Steel is a part of the regular attack chain. Flashing Steel seems clearly inferior choice for PvP as it costs more, recharges slower and does less damage. Its only advantage is that it's a cone, but how much of an advantage is a melee cone in PvP?

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, you may have a point there. I took flashing steel as I was a little light on attacks and I know how rubbish SOTW is. I didn't really look at the numbers on them and compare so will look at that tonight.

Must admit I didn't looks at it saying 'Flashing Steel is better than SOTW' and went more along the lines of 'SOTW is rubbish, whhat else am I left with'

I took it more as i've always found flashing steel to have a very quick animation and am actually surprised to hear it does less damage. My perception of it has always been that's it more damaging than SOTW.

If that is wrong, I'll drop flashing steel completely for another power(probably take QR a little earlier, if it's available at 4, then squeeze and extra pool power in)

With regards to the tohitbuffs, I don't know the exact mechanics but I do know that while FA can be used in PvE and accuracies dropped from attacks, in the testing I've done of PvE, 3 slotted FA does not even come close to replicating 2 ACC's in all attacks.

Also there are no accuracy debuffs, only tohit debuffs

[/ QUOTE ]

I think thats what you've highlighted there Idris. I can't recall it as it was while ago but there was a post where ACC was praised over tohitbuffs in PvP purely for this reason.

Relying on FA will see you suffer from debuffs more than if you relied just on ACC as they're where the debuff is applied. Again, iu'm not saying this with 100% certainty until I can find the post with it all explained in and lik to it.

Edit: Second thoughts, think I can't find it as it was on US forum not here. May take me a while to find it on there.




With regards to the tohitbuffs, I don't know the exact mechanics but I do know that while FA can be used in PvE and accuracies dropped from attacks, in the testing I've done of PvE, 3 slotted FA does not even come close to replicating 2 ACC's in all attacks.

[/ QUOTE ]

So this was PvE testing or was that a typo? It makes a big difference if the base to hit is 0.50 or 0.75. To hit buffs perform better against accuracy enhancements as base tohit gets lower. The same happens in PvE when fighting higher level enemies. One doesn't consistently outperform the other, it depends on variety of things.

Also there are no accuracy debuffs, only tohit debuffs

[/ QUOTE ]

I think thats what you've highlighted there Idris. I can't recall it as it was while ago but there was a post where ACC was praised over tohitbuffs in PvP purely for this reason.

Relying on FA will see you suffer from debuffs more than if you relied just on ACC as they're where the debuff is applied. Again, iu'm not saying this with 100% certainty until I can find the post with it all explained in and lik to it.

Edit: Second thoughts, think I can't find it as it was on US forum not here. May take me a while to find it on there.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not what I've highlighted at all. My point was, if the tohit part of the equation gets close to the tohit floor, accuracy will be poor no matter what enhancements in the power. Say you slot 3 ACC SOs, giving you nearly 100% accuracy bonus (I can never remember the ED percentages). If the tohit part of the equation is floored, you will have around 10% chance to hit the enemy, which seems pretty poor considering the investment.

25% did seem pretty high so I did some digging on US forums for the real base value of FA. It's 18.5% as confirmed to devs, so about 28% 3-slotted. Scrapper Tactics is about 11% 3-slotted.

Let's take some examples. A Katana scrapper gets hit by a hefty 50% tohit debuff while fighting a squishy with no defence.

1) 2 ACC SOs


ToHit part is floored so well effectively get 0.05*1.05*1.66= 0.088

2) FA, 1 ACC SO

(0.50 + 0.28 - 0.50)* (1.05*1.33)= 0.39

3) FA, Tactics

(0.50 + 0.28 + 0.11 - 0.50)* 1.05= 0.41

Now, if the same scrapper under same debuff attacks someone with a high defence instead, the accuracy SOs do in fact perform better because the tohit gets floored regardless of FA and Tactics. However the net to hit will never be higher than around 10%, unless the power has a very high inherent accuracy bonus.

How let's have the scrapper attack a squishy who has no defense and no tohit debuffs whatsoever.

1) 2 ACC SOs

0.50 * 1.05 * 1.66 = 0.87

2) 1 ACC SO, FA

(0.50 + 0.28)* (1.05*1.33)= 1.09 -> 0.95

3) Tactics, FA

(0.50 + 0.11 + 0.28) * 1.05 = 0.9345

A combination of both is the best here, but Tactics + FA still wins 2 ACCs. FA alone would lose to ACCs, though.

This is taken from Arcana's guide to defence on US forums. I've never seen anyone contradict the net tohit formula yet, but I guess it's not gospel. It's also as always possible that I've completely misunderstood something, in which case I hope some kind soul will set me right



The OP said it was for the arena, and its not difficult to change 1 acc for a recharge if he wanna do pvp in sirens. And no squishy will ever allow you to stand their and use divine avalanch on them. It's just stupid to use that attack in pvp. Sure you can use it on brutes and other melee people, but it's going to take ages for you to kill them and ages for them to kill you.



OK, heres my take

First off, MOG is NOT useless in pvp.

Yes it does drop your HP if you have loads of health remaining. However, facing Blue Freezer the other day highlighted the following fact: Use it when your about dead. If dull pain is still running, it will actually heal you into the orange, and having a huge def/res bonus when that happens turns you from deffo dead, to less deffo dead

Also mog is great vs Kin, great vs Hurricane, and great vs bubblers.

Second point. I haven't taken FA and i never ( well the 5% thing ) miss in PvP, as all my attacks are 3acc slotted and i run tactics. I dont need conserve power ( regen ), and the other two powers are just add ons. Who cares about seeing stalkers? As a scrapper in the arena your only target should be the squishies, unless youve killed them all on a large map, and have spare time to beat on a brute/tank/scrapper.
Both the darkness mastery and weapons mastery have their very useful advantages in pvp. Darkness can hold/immob a squishy for long enough for you to kill them, and weopons has -fly -rch and a slow.



Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Broad Sword
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Hack==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Acc(3)Dmg(11)Dmg(11)Dmg(15)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)Heal(15)
02) --> Reconstruction==> Rechg(2)Rechg(33)Rechg(40)Heal(42)Heal(43)Heal(50)
04) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(4)EndMod(5)EndMod(5)
06) --> Build Up==> Rechg(6)Rechg(7)Rechg(7)
08) --> Hasten==> Rechg(8)Rechg(9)Rechg(9)
10) --> Hurdle==> Jump(10)Jump(23)Jump(25)
12) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(12)Heal(13)Rechg(13)Rechg(17)Heal(17)Heal(21)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)Run(50)
16) --> Integration==> Slow(16)Heal(19)Heal(19)Rechg(23)
18) --> Swift==> Run(18)Run(40)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)
22) --> Slice==> Acc(22)Acc(42)Acc(43)Dmg(43)Dmg(46)Dmg(46)
24) --> Assault==> EndRdx(24)EndRdx(25)
26) --> Disembowel==> Acc(26)Acc(27)Acc(27)Dmg(31)Dmg(31)Dmg(31)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Rechg(28)Rechg(29)Rechg(29)
30) --> Tactics==> TH_Buf(30)TH_Buf(33)TH_Buf(33)EndRdx(37)
32) --> Head Splitter==> Acc(32)Acc(34)Acc(34)Dmg(34)Dmg(36)Dmg(37)
35) --> Teleport Foe==> Acc(35)Acc(36)Range(36)Range(37)Range(39)IntRdx(50)
38) --> Moment Of Glory==> DefBuf(38)DefBuf(39)DefBuf(39)DmgRes(40)
41) --> Web Grenade==> Acc(41)Acc(42)Range(45)Range(46)Range(48)
44) --> Caltrops==> Empty(44)Slow(45)Slow(45)Range(48)Range(48)
47) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(47)
49) --> Teleport==> Range(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Jump(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)



Well if you have the spare slots thats fine some of us like to slot with something other than ACC, Im guessing most of your attacks are 3acc/3dam the only benefit to scrappers with tatics is +perception as the ACC bonus is very poor.

As for FA i have to say trying to PvP without it and with i can say that FA is a scrappers best friend.

If you wanna test it out cool i meet you on test with my new build for KS with your RAD see how many times i can kill you...
Then you can take on Cherry Fusion with your scrapper and she how [censored] the Acc is when debuffed.