PvP games
Tuesday night is also CoV arena night on Union.
Primarily to try out different tactics and practice but we sometimes have some heroes taking part resulting in a few battles.
All those events on union, is the main reason i made my new toon there. Big difference from defiant with arena PvP imo.
Wednesday Night PvP Fun.
Starts 20.30 on the test server to give people chance to make full us of respecs and testing new powers and skills in a PvP environment in the arena equal sides and try to create balance teams.
Everyone and anyone is welcome any AT Hero Or Villain.
People wanting to try PvP for the first time or just wish to gain a little more experience in PvP.
I wont lie you will be playing along with Unions Elite. So its not going to be easy but as long as you come prepared for fun and not to take things personally you can learn a great deal from the people that attended on a Wednesday night.
The idea behind these events to help people learn all about PvP and try and improve the PvP community.
Read here for further details
Monday Nights European PvP
20.00 On Test Server.
Monday nights is a battle between the best PvP'ers of each server meeting up for a European fun PvP event.
You require a team if you wise to take part. If you want to be part of it and dont have a team please contact me or X-treme.
The events rotates on a weekly basis to what team size you requires from a Pentad team to a 8 man no more than 2 AT's that same.
You can read more info about it Here
If anyone wants to ask any questions please contact me @Knight Stalker.
wooo pretty colours KS...
If anyone wants to ask any questions please contact me...
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OK, when did you vacate the nimmer closet?
Does anyone else think this should be a sticky?
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Sticky? how come?
Sticky? how come?
[/ QUOTE ]
nm. i thought it had more info in it than what it actually did. I thought it was like a sort weekly pvp diary thing.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Just somewhere where people can post info about PvP events . Many people wnts to pvp but they dont know about TS nights
I think most people arent that much interested in organising things instead of just fighting.. hmm. Maybe I should give it a shot sometimes.
Well, last night was fun in TS mainly when it was getting really late (about midnight
OK to those peeps interested in PvP and don't know how to find people to play against:
- Monday nights there's some PvP fun in Test Server. IIRC it's in Galaxy Arena, not sure about the time though
- Wednesdays, I know there is something, but cant remember what tbh lol (someone will have to help me here)
- Saturdays, Arena is kinda crowdy in Union
OK, it's not a PRECISE info lol, but at least it's a first step. Hopefully someone with more accurate data will come and give exact hour and places, and prolly add some other days/events, etc. Sadly, many people that like PvP don't know about the events that are going on, so I thought that with a bit of info they would encouraged to join the regs and spend some good time