Mez protection for MMs




I'm trying to work out which secondary to take when I make my thug MM. Can anyone tell me what level of mez protection is provided by the Traps FF generator and the forcefields' dispersion bubble, please?

thanks in advance



No one? Has anyone tried either of the anti-mezz bubbles in PvP? Are they enough to stop a controller hold ? Do they stack with combat jumping and acrobatics? Do they stop holds altogether or just reduce the duration?

I read on the US boards that dispersion bubble is mag 2 or 3, but if anyone has practical experience using them, especially in PvP, I would really like to know what they're like to use in practice.


PS I gave the thread 5 stars just to try and get some answers, sorry if that's bad form...



I'm not a number cruncher so I have no idea what level of protection it gives, but it's usually good to shrug off a stray hold from a Dominator/Controller.

Course, if they start stacking the holds you best have break-frees.



havent tested it on MMs, but on my troller it offers some pretty sweet mezprotection

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Traps generator really isn't too hot I'm afraid.
And any 'Troller or Dominator worth it's salt won't just be throwing you the odd one hold .



The traps FFG has the advantage of not detoggling when you are mezed, so it can shorten the duration. I don't think either give very high mag mez protection, but remember that anything that increases your def can help to stop mez powers hitting. They should both stack with the protection from Acrobatics and Health.

I really should do something about this signature.



Thanks for all your replies. It looks like my tankermind idea using bodyguard mode and provoke will be feasable if a bit vulnerable to mez attacks. should be fun though!



maybe dark miasma, that has shadow fall which gives stealth and mez protection.



Unfortunately I dont know the mez resistance magnitudes..

If you are thinking 'tankerminds' then traps is not a good choice imo.. I'd say forcefield. On the other hand, dark with its mass heal might work better with bodyguard feature.. Poison has lots of cool stuff but the things to protect itself are scarce. Same with TA. Not a 'tankermind' choice. No offense but I think traps needs some love from the devs.



Shadow fall only gives protection against (IIRC) fear and confuse.



Is this for pve or pvp?
In pve your pets will draw more aggro than you, in pvp players will try to ignore the pets and go after you.
I would say dark for pve and FF for pvp. Dark is still strong in pvp, but I think FF would be better for a pvp 'tankermind'.

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