Well AFAIK blaster damage is unresistable in PVP, might be mistaken though if anyone would care to clarify??
Militis Metus << Website
ArchRevenant 50 EM/Inv Brute
Lethal Charge 50 SS/Elec Brute
Tsubasa - 50 Kat/SR Scrap
Spectre - 50 Fire/Fire Blast
Outside the fact you might try posting a topic a little bit less 'caps and cencored', Blasters with BU/Aim can hit basicly through any Def-based armor (it are defence armors, not resist armors, thus not lowering any incomming damage).
Upcomming defence changes in Issue7 pulls the balance back a bit, defence-based players get less chance to be hit then.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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Well AFAIK blaster damage is unresistable in PVP, might be mistaken though if anyone would care to clarify??
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Close... 30% of Blaster damage is unresistable.
Also, Crystal Armor gives +DEF against energy/negative, not +RES like Brimstone Armor gives against fire/cold.
soz it's 12:27pm and i've been on the go since 2pm yesterday afternoon, as for censored well yes 2 words and they were an abriviation of what the (you know the rest) if this is being rebalanced then good, but let me put it this way about brimstone armour for example, take 12 dot from fire no brimstone, take 9 dot from fire with brimstone :/ kinda see me point? does NOT do a lot tbt so again still begs question whats the point in havinging em if they are that shall we say poor to avoid another [censored] mark?
Base resistance of Brimstone Armor seems to be 18,75%, which slotted up becomes ~29%... so it chops off almost 1/3 of the damage as you found out yourself.
~29% damage resistance towards fire/cold is quite respectable... heck, it's more than I get on my Invulnerability Tanker.
12 -> 9 doesnt look much.
But a Fire blaster hitting you for 600 (asume) damage -> 400 damage does make the difference.
You can really expect a 12 dot going 1 dot from just 1 single armor (outside GA - or click power). Lets keep some balance
Stone tankers/brutes are bitty squisy during the road to granite, but those armors they get are mostly even stronger then other armors from the other sets (while those are their main armors).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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As it's been said matey, /Stone brutes aren't really cut out for Sirens in my opinion, levelling my stone was 38 levels of pain, and 2 levels of more pain (with no kin corruptor / 2 levels of joy (with kin corruptor)!
Stones only use is Granite really, other sets do everything else better outside that, so if granite ever gets nerfed it will be the death of /stone for Brutes or Tankers.
The benefits are great, but the minuses balance it nicely
- Kal
afaik GA has been left alone since I4, not considering ED.
So i gues combined with ED, it looks like its the most balance power in the game
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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KK lol, guess i've been told lol
but personaly i'd like the choice as to wether i'm slotting crystal or rim with dam resists or defence, personaly i'd prefer to slot crystal with dam resists not defence :/ but that's me
Yup once you get to the higher levels and regularly face orange/red in teams, the defense sets fall behind in power.
Hopefully the defense changes in i7 should even this out more with the higher levels not receiving their 'to-hit' bonus against the lower lvl player.
Only time will tell
Those shields are probably meant to be weaker than most other shields because you get granite armor at 38, which kicks bootie. But Minerals, stone skin, earth's embrace, rooted and rock armor are must haves along with granite armor. minerals is the only resistance you get to pis damage, earth's embrace is your only self heal, stone skin is an auto so it stacks with granite armor, rooted helps alot and stakcs with granite armor, and you have to get rock armor anyway.
Minerals gives defence to psi, not resist
(my reason of not getting it)
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I dont know why it isnt the case but, according to the herobuilder but tankers have so much resistance for the price of so much endurance whereas scrappers and brutes have to pay the same in endurance for less resistance with similar sets i wonder isnt there an AT modifier in this and is it really fair?
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
cant be arsed to read all the replies so sum1 mite have alradys sed this but once u have granite, brimstone n crystal are useless so either respec em or dnt get em in 1st place, dats my advice newayz
I dont know why it isnt the case but, according to the herobuilder but tankers have so much resistance for the price of so much endurance whereas scrappers and brutes have to pay the same in endurance for less resistance with similar sets i wonder isnt there an AT modifier in this and is it really fair?
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Because Granite has penalties that will balance those 'advantages' by far. And as scrapper, exclude the /regen scrapper, they never run out of end.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Minerals gives defence to psi, not resist
(my reason of not getting it)
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Minerals also gives you +Per.
what is the point to brimstone or crystal armour?
when i have them running against say fire and nrg attacks, they DONT cut the dam i receive down by much even 3 slotted with dam resists and 1 end reduct SOs
so [censored] is the point in having them???????
they cost endurance to run, they offer little actual protection so anyone know why should bother with these?
PVP against nrg blasters well had it several times where they've taken me down to 1/4 HP in 1 blow so again [censored] the point? :/ think this is something cryptic SHOULD look into as brimstone 3 slotted = 30.94% and crystal = 20.63%