id just like 2 say, while i think the things added in issue 9 are pretty sweet, im an experienced player, i pity the newbs who have 2 learn all this new stuff AND the other stuff. I mean we all think things are easy, cuz they are after uve dun em like a thousand times but imagine ud never played this game before, now imagin u had 2 learn about enahncements, trainin DO and SO, then SK'n n exemplering, then task forces, respecs, giant monsters, reputation settings, Sg's, bases, salvage, ANd now they gotta learn bout inventions, recipes, universitites and bloody auction houses, i mean cummon its enuf 2 scare a newb outta playin the game, im sure lookin at thins ur thinkin, wot a retard its hardly rocket science! but think bout havin 2 learn it ALL from scratch, its a lot 2 take in, they may be tempted to go back 2 playin rayman on their playsation lol!!!