The Terra Story
Nice! Keep it coming.
Nice work Terradorm, lets see where this goes.
I like it, well put together .
It's good to see new stories are being written
Keep it up dude!
Does anyone outside of the 1AT coalition have any views on part1?
Does anyone outside of the 1AT coalition have any views on part1?
[/ QUOTE ]
Are there people outside the coalition?
Wow, very impressive! I hope you're going to make a part 2! This is a very well structured story! Btw, now that ive read ur story can u read mine (Bloodshed at Bloody Bay) and tell me wat u think! Cheers. Once again, great story, i look forward to seeing part 2.
I've finally managed to get the first part of the origin of Terra byte story done. I'm not very good at writing so please be don't judge it too harhly.
This tory happened during the Origin of Blapper. (See Precision Rangers website.)
The Terra Story
The last rays of the afternoon sun lit the small room. It was a simple place with a small square table in the centre of it accompanied by three chairs with leather bound seats which gave a small amount of comfort, enough for what lay ahead. There was a desk light off centre which gave a small amount of light to the space. On the seat further from the door sat a lone figure, mostly covered in shadow. A fine, well built figure with long hair black like a winters eve in the forest of Striga. The curves of the body made it clear that this was a woman; a woman with a darkness that stained her life and caused constant pain.
She gives herself a small chuckle and jokes with herself, this place is almost as depressing as I am. The humor quickly leaves her as the task at hand comes back to her. Its going to be difficult for her but she knew that this day would come and at least it may ease her burden as shes tired of it. She raises a gloved hand up to her right eye and removes her targeting monocle. Placing it on the desk in front of her she places her head in her hands. She slowly pulled the long hair away from her face and leaned back on the chair, looking up towards the ceiling. Itll be alright. Their friends, she tells herself, wishing on everything that she could believe it. Her senses become alert as she feels the presence of bodies drawing near. She hears their beating hearts, one of the gifts she likes less, and judges it to belong to two individuals. Good. Their here. She thinks. And now it begins.
So whats all this about Blapper? Why are we here?
The huge form of the ranger takes up most of the space in the corridor; with his commander following close behind. The glow of his bright blue eyes guide him to the room he has been called to. He stops at the door and turns to his confused comrade. Before we go in Rogue, I need to say something. I want you to promise me that youll give her a chance and listen to what she has got to say.
Who damn it? says Rogue, frozen, with the air of someone who is tired of being in the dark. Whos in there?
Someone who deserves a second chance. With that Blapper gives the door a gentle knock and slowly opens it to reveal the small dark room. He signals to Rogue, who gives him a puzzled look, to enter first. At first he doesnt notice the lone figure seated at the table but his senses soon alert him to the presence of his would be saviour.
Terra? Why have you got Blapper to bring me here? Before he can turn to regard his companion, Blapper has already closed the door behind them and walked over to take the seat in front of the window next to Terra. He gives her a nod and pats her on the shoulder, then turns his attention to his commander.
I needed to talk to you and I knew that you wouldnt agree to this if it came from me. So, D said hed take care of it. Terra said, her eyes staring at the table in front of her. She raises her gaze to Rogues. Its time I told you the truth behind the nightmares.
After I gave you my blood, it changed you. It made you suffer the horrors of my soul. Youve been made to see things Ive done and the emotions Ive felt. But these things are only a dead leaf in the lake of my past evils. It is only the darkness that once consumed my life that made you think the worst of me, which gave you every right to.
Terra paused to gather herself as she notices the trails of tears left down her cheeks. She wipes away her eyes and looks towards Rogue.
But you have to understand that that part of me is dead. I am a different person now. I am the re-born child trying to make right what her criminal parents have left for her to clear up.
Rogue takes the seat offered to him and sets himself down with the air of someone whos got serious business to attend to, but yet he can feel the pain she feels and senses the difficulty shes having talking this way.
Look. This isnt the time or the place for this. Youre a Precision Ranger arent you? We all know that you are not what you were so lets drop this shall we?
Actually, I think this is the perfect place for dark memories, wouldnt you agree Rogue? replied Blapper. It is dark and depressing. Perfect! Oh, and the reason that Terra is still a Ranger is because we wont let you dismiss her. She has proven herself more than most and that she is worthy of her stasis. Blapper continued as he passes Terra a tissue from his pocket.
Had a feeling youd need these Terra gives him a smile and wipes her eyes.
Thanks. I have kept my history from both of you for far too long and I know you both have many questions. At least, after I tell you this, if you still dont trust me you will have valuable information on my family and Arachnos.
Rogue sits forward and leans on the table with both arms on the table such as a detective would do when a criminal is ready to confess.
Ok Terra. Tell me how you did these horrible things Ive dreamt of. Tell us how a Vampire from such a family can become such a good person over night!
Even before the last word left his mouth Rogue regreted the anger hed revealed.
Well, firstly it didnt happen over night, that I can promise you. Let me begin with the origin of my kind. I know neither you nor D has ever seen a Vampire like me. Your only experience with my kind have been with the Vampiri in Striga. Well, as you know existence is made up of an infinite number of dimensions. So we live on this earth, as do others live on an alternate Earth like Halo and the Rikti. My great-grandfather and Mother came from such an Earth, though it went by the name of Terra Dios. They were slaves of the Directors, a sort of Crey family who played with genetics to try to reveal the secrets of life.
They were much more advanced than those of our world and discovered that they could mix any kind of life with any other kind. It was the Directors who first created an army of what we call Cyborgs, living Robots. My great-grandparents played host to such experiments, which changed their appearance to assume a much more human look. This was not part of the Directors plan for them it was just the beginning as their appearance insulted the Directors. Such freaks could not be seen to be their biggest achievement.
Well, after many years of experiments they managed to mutate my great-grandparents, which gave them the ability to command the elements. They were so consumed by their own success that none of them realized what was happening. My great-grandparents, tired of being slaves, decided to break free their bonds and escape. Freedom had been a dream of theirs since their birth and now these fools that had held them all this time had given them the key to their salvation. They slaughtered everyone of them in the Laboratory. Drinking them dry in the hope that they would take some of their great knowledge. Luckily for them, while my great-grandmother fed on the one who had used her body for pleasure, she got a glimpse of a doorway to another dimension. It was a secret invention that the directors had created. She shared this information with her husband, who decided it to be the perfect escape route. They found its location in an area deep in the laboratory. It stood three times their size with enough space for four large men to stand in side by side. It had a shape of an almost perfect circle. In its centre a blue swirling mass of energy moved around like a vortex. Without a second thought they dived in. some would call this a foolish act but after a life time of constant abuse, death didnt have a hold on them.
They landed in the Carpathian mountains in Romania. From their spot they had a clear view of their new home. A lush world with pure air, clear skies and a life force which made them thirst like never before. They discovered, to their amazement, that the life force of this world enhanced their abilities. They could see further than they could before, their powers were stronger and when they noticed a small village at the bottom of the cliffs, they discovered that they could move with amazing speed. One ran faster than the wind, weaving through the trees that grew on slopes of the mountains. The other could jump higher than ever before, giving the impression of flight. These new found abilities gave them such joy that the villagers could hear their approach. Monstrous laughter, that sent fear through their hearts. Terra glanced up at both of her companions and then continued.
They wiped out the village in a few days, savoring the unique flavor of living, human blood. Blood that enriched their bodies and expanded their powers. The villagers tried to fight them but they never had a chance. After they drank the village dry they went looking for another village. This went on for a while until they found a solitary castle on the borders of Carpathia. The castle was owned by one Prince Vlad Sapesh. They planned to kill him but changed their minds when they discovered that he slaughtered many with as such a blood lust that it put theirs to shame. As they killed for food and pleasure, so too did Prince Vlad kill for his own pleasure. He found joy in murdering both innocent men and invaders from neighboring kingdoms. They agreed on a packed. He would supply them with victims and they would kill his enemies.
Many years passed and Prince Vlads demands grew larger. He wanted more for his service. He had become an extremely feared man by all in his kingdom, which made it increasingly difficult to control his guards. He wanted to share my great-grandparents power. Realizing that he could become a problem, they decided to get rid of him, but it wasnt going to be as simple as that. They would have to replace him to gain control of his guards, not that they needed help. My great-grandparents enjoyed having an army at their command, plus my great-grandmother was heavily pregnant with their first child. It was through this packed that the legend of Dracula came about. Over the years to follow my great-grandparents found that they could change humans into a weaker version of their own kind. The armies of Prince Vlad were the first Vampiri to grace the earth.
Rogue sat back on his chair and removed his gloves.
I hardly think graced is a term for the arrival of those blood sucking worms Rogue froze for a second and realized that Terra still needed to drink blood.
Im sorry Terra. I didnt
Terra raised a hand to silence Rogue.
Its alright commander, youre right it was a bad choice of words.
Blapper gave Rogue a dark stare which made it clear to Rogue that it was lucky he was his commander. Blapper picked up Terras targeting monocle and looked at her.
So when did your family become the Dead Earth Syndicate?
Not for some time after. When my father was young he talked his father and grand father into contacting Arachnos. He told them that they would be able to expand their armies reach over the world, making them a power to be reconed with. His elders didnt share his ideas but went along with his request. My fathers lust for power engulfed his reason. Arachnos saw the potential in the Vampiri army. If they would follow him he would have taken my family out. As such we were lucky only we could control them. The Vampiri are very loyal to my bloodline and before either of you ask they no longer regard me as their kind. My father saw to that when I left.
To be continued .
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