My Spines/Regen Build




Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Spines
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Lunge==> Empty(1)Dmg(5)Acc(15)Dmg(31)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Empty(1)Heal(7)Heal(21)
02) --> Reconstruction==> Empty(2)Heal(3)Heal(3)Rechg(40)
04) --> Spine Burst==> Empty(4)Dmg(5)Acc(21)Dmg(43)Acc(43)
06) --> Hasten==> Empty(6)Rechg(7)
08) --> Impale==> Empty(8)Dmg(9)Acc(9)Dmg(36)Range(50)
10) --> Quick Recovery==> Empty(10)EndMod(11)EndMod(11)
12) --> Dull Pain==> Empty(12)Heal(13)Heal(13)Rechg(37)Heal(37)
14) --> Super Speed==> Empty(14)Run(15)
16) --> Integration==> Empty(16)Heal(17)Rechg(17)Heal(40)Heal(45)EndRdx(45)
18) --> Quills==> Empty(18)Dmg(19)Dmg(19)Acc(40)
20) --> Swift==> Empty(20)
22) --> Health==> Empty(22)Heal(23)Heal(23)Heal(43)
24) --> Stamina==> Empty(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(25)EndMod(34)EndMod(34)
26) --> Ripper==> Empty(26)Dmg(27)Acc(27)Dmg(33)Acc(37)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Empty(28)Heal(29)Heal(29)Rechg(48)
30) --> Build Up==> Empty(30)TH_Buf(31)TH_Buf(31)Rechg(48)
32) --> Throw Spines==> Empty(32)Dmg(33)Acc(33)Dmg(34)
35) --> Revive==> Empty(35)Rechg(36)Rechg(36)
38) --> Resilience==> Empty(38)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> Empty(41)TH_Buf(42)TH_Buf(42)TH_Buf(42)
44) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> Empty(44)Dmg(45)Acc(46)Acc(46)Dmg(46)
47) --> Energy Torrent==> Empty(47)Dmg(48)
49) --> Moment Of Glory==> Empty(49)DmgRes(50)DmgRes(50)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)

I'm thinking I need to rethink my slotting?

There are empties in there - but - they were all complete, dunno why they're in.



1 accuracy 3 damage 2 recharges in all attacks
3 slot health
3 slot stamina
3 slot energy torrent for damage or not worth taking
3 slot end red in focused accuracy
1 slot revive hopefully you wont be dying that much
only worth 1 slotting resilence
and IH worth 3 healing 3 recharge if you have enough slots

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



Your build with much better slotting, and looking at philopsopher's reply:
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Spines
Secondary: Regeneration
01) Lunge ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc
01) Fast Healing ->Heal | Heal | Heal
02) Reconstruction ->Rechg | Rechg | Heal | Heal | Heal
04) Spine Burst ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc
06) Hasten ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg
08) Impale ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc
10) Quick Recovery ->EndMod | EndMod | EndMod
12) Dull Pain ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg | Heal | Heal | Heal
14) Super Speed ->Run
16) Integration ->Heal | Heal | Heal | EndRdx
18) Quills ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc
20) Swift ->Run
22) Health ->Heal | Heal | Heal
24) Stamina ->EndMod | EndMod | EndMod
26) Ripper ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc
28) Instant Healing ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg | Heal | Heal | Heal
30) Build Up ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg
32) Throw Spines ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc
35) Revive ->Heal
38) Resilience ->DmgRes
41) Focused Accuracy ->EndRdx | EndRdx | EndRdx | TH_Buf | TH_Buf | TH_Buf
44) Laser Beam Eyes ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg
47) Energy Torrent ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg
49) Moment Of Glory ->DmgRes | DefBuf | DefBuf | DefBuf
01) Sprint ->Empty
01) Brawl ->Empty
02) Rest ->Empty
01) Critical Hit ->Empty

And my take on your build:
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Spines
Secondary: Regeneration
01) Lunge ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc
01) Fast Healing ->Heal | Heal | Heal
02) Reconstruction ->Rechg | Rechg | Heal | Heal | Heal
04) Spine Burst ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc | Rechg
06) Hasten ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg
08) Impale ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc | Rechg
10) Quick Recovery ->EndMod | EndMod | EndMod
12) Dull Pain ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg | Heal | Heal | Heal
14) Super Speed ->Run
16) Integration ->Heal | Heal | Heal | EndRdx
18) Quills ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc | Rechg
20) Swift ->Run
22) Health ->Heal | Heal | Heal
24) Stamina ->EndMod | EndMod | EndMod
26) Ripper ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Acc | Rechg
28) Instant Healing ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg | Heal | Heal | Heal
30) Build Up ->Rechg | Rechg | Rechg
32) Throw Spines ->Acc | Dmg | Dmg | Dmg | Rechg | Acc
35) Combat Jumping ->Jump
38) Super Jump ->Jump
41) Focused Accuracy ->EndRdx | EndRdx | TH_Buf | TH_Buf | TH_Buf
44) Moment Of Glory ->DmgRes | DefBuf | DefBuf | Rechg | Rechg | Rechg
47) Resilience ->DmgRes
49) Revive ->Heal
01) Sprint ->Empty
01) Brawl ->Empty
02) Rest ->Empty
01) Critical Hit ->Empty

Okay detailscomments based on the original posted build)
Hasten if your going to take and your not a stalker three slots, not worth anything else.
Super Speed doesn't really need the extra slot, it does cap with two but the difference between 1 and 2 isn't that noticable.
Health doesn't need four slots. Three is optimal, four is a wasted slot.
Stamina better with 3 slots too.
Instant Healing and Dull Pain should have three recharges and three heals
Reconstruction should have 2 recharges 3 heals. Recharge caps with three but the actual difference is ~5s.

My changes:
Dropped Laser beam eyes, you already have two ranged attacks that do real damage, Laser Beam Eyes look cool but that is about as much as you get.
Dropped Torrent its not a bad power but you would be better off with my other suggestions.
You only had Super Speed, you will struggle in just about every zone in the game with no vertical travel power at, not even hurdle.

I suggest you drop two of Revive, Resilience, Laser Beam Eyes or Torrent. And take Combat Jumping/Jump Kick and Super Jump. Personally I would probably take fly as I prefer is to leaping. ANd you get air superiority as a prerequisiote, a much better attack than Jump Kick.



My changes:
Dropped Laser beam eyes, you already have two ranged attacks that do real damage, Laser Beam Eyes look cool but that is about as much as you get.
Dropped Torrent its not a bad power but you would be better off with my other suggestions.
You only had Super Speed, you will struggle in just about every zone in the game with no vertical travel power at, not even hurdle.

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I'd like to know how the Fudge dropping Energy Torrent, a Ranged Cone with Energy damage which, from my experience playing a Spines Scrapper tops off the AoE to a point where it's nearly as good as it was before ED, would be better than a comepletely unneccesary second Travel power? Every Spines Scrapper should have Energy Torrent, really, but it needs slots.

And I went to 50 in 200 hours with my Spines/Regen with no Hurdle and only Superspeed. It's not as hard to travel zones as most people say.

Super Speed doesn't really need the extra slot, it does cap with two but the difference between 1 and 2 isn't that noticable.

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Actually it caps with 1 slot in Superspeed and 1 slot in Swift, or 1 slot in Sprint, I think.

Reconstruction should have 2 recharges 3 heals. Recharge caps with three but the actual difference is ~5s.

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It's a reasonable arguement but... 5 seconds? Have you never been sitting slamming the Reconstruction button waiting for it to recharge to save your rear end? I'd always slot this 3 Recharge because it's totally worth it.

World of Jackcraft.



My changes:
Dropped Laser beam eyes, you already have two ranged attacks that do real damage, Laser Beam Eyes look cool but that is about as much as you get.
Dropped Torrent its not a bad power but you would be better off with my other suggestions.
You only had Super Speed, you will struggle in just about every zone in the game with no vertical travel power at, not even hurdle.

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I'd like to know how the Fudge dropping Energy Torrent, a Ranged Cone with Energy damage which, from my experience playing a Spines Scrapper tops off the AoE to a point where it's nearly as good as it was before ED, would be better than a comepletely unneccesary second Travel power? Every Spines Scrapper should have Energy Torrent, really, but it needs slots.

And I went to 50 in 200 hours with my Spines/Regen with no Hurdle and only Superspeed. It's not as hard to travel zones as most people say.

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I never played a spines/regen before ED so I wouldn't know, personally I don't like haveing no vertical travel power. If you want one you need to drop 1/2 of the four I mentioned. I personally get more mileage from the two I kept. (Though if the build were 100% for me I wouldn't take revive either, I don't plan on dying!)

You say it's completely unneccesary to have a second travel power, I don't think it is. Personally I wouldn't have taken SS anyway as I don't like it, if I want speed I'd go for superjump from the off. If I wanted manuaverability I would have got fly. Plus from the admitedly limited experience of PvP that I have done (not with spines) being able to follow squishies off the ground is almost essential. (And yes I know spines haas a minus fly )

Reconstruction should have 2 recharges 3 heals. Recharge caps with three but the actual difference is ~5s.

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It's a reasonable arguement but... 5 seconds? Have you never been sitting slamming the Reconstruction button waiting for it to recharge to save your rear end? I'd always slot this 3 Recharge because it's totally worth it.

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I agree but as I seldom have enough slots for all my regen and attacks anyway this is an okay place to drop a slot from as it makes little overall difference.




Reconstruction should have 2 recharges 3 heals. Recharge caps with three but the actual difference is ~5s.

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It's a reasonable arguement but... 5 seconds? Have you never been sitting slamming the Reconstruction button waiting for it to recharge to save your rear end? I'd always slot this 3 Recharge because it's totally worth it.

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I agree but as I seldom have enough slots for all my regen and attacks anyway this is an okay place to drop a slot from as it makes little overall difference.

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Personally I'd rather drop one of the heals in Instant Healing and put it in as a third recharge in Reconstruction.

Edit: I hadn't spotted the 3 heals in Fast Healing. I'd sacrifice a heal in Fast Healing for a third recharge in Reconstruction in a nano-second

Edit again: You've 3 heals in Health too. There are loads of slots in this build that would give better return as a third recharge in Reconstruction than where they are now.

*closes thread lest a further edit is prompted*

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



You say it's completely unneccesary to have a second travel power, I don't think it is.

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I always put powers for use in mission above powers to help me get to missions, that's why I feel it's important to not have more than one Travel power - two are useless, you can get anywhere in the game without any, get one and you're good, getting two is making yourself less effective at doing your job than you should.

World of Jackcraft.



You say it's completely unneccesary to have a second travel power, I don't think it is.

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I always put powers for use in mission above powers to help me get to missions, that's why I feel it's important to not have more than one Travel power - two are useless, you can get anywhere in the game without any, get one and you're good, getting two is making yourself less effective at doing your job than you should.

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I find that I'm more effective in Siren's Call when I have the super jump temporary power in addition to my own superspeed so I can see why in some circumstances people might want to take a second travel power (my scrapper will be picking up superjump at lvl 49 for use in Recluse's Victory).

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



Didn't think this was a PvP thread. But even so, Spines Scrappers don't really benifit from Superjump as much as others do.

World of Jackcraft.



You say it's completely unneccesary to have a second travel power, I don't think it is.

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I always put powers for use in mission above powers to help me get to missions, that's why I feel it's important to not have more than one Travel power - two are useless, you can get anywhere in the game without any, get one and you're good, getting two is making yourself less effective at doing your job than you should.

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay then SS is the most useless of the travel powers, SJ is better because it adds the third dimension. As I said I wouldn't have gone for SS anyway, I agree that one travel power is better than two, I just disagree that SS is the one to take. Apart from the fact that Hasten is a prerequisit. The same could be said for Air Superiority then Fly!

You cannot get anywhere in the game with SS several badge locations are impossible to reach without a vertical power. Some zones while not impossible to navigate with SS are much harder and become easier with any of the other three.

Where it not for PvP (zone) I too wouldn't bother with a 2nd travel power but I don't just do missions, or just travel or just PvP I do lots of different things, versatility is better than none.



You say it adds a third dimension, but a third dimension is pointless.

And you can reach any badge in the game you just have to find some chump with TP.

World of Jackcraft.



Go down that route and just find a chump with speed boost and you can get away without having hasten or super speed. Oh or fitness.



Eh, getting badges is a one off thing, you only need to get a badge once and not getting a badge wont kill you, extra AoE damage, knockdown too, could probably save you.

World of Jackcraft.



Just about everywhere in the game has conspicously convenient objects placed for the convenience of Superspeedsters, especially zones like Terra Volta if you know what to look for. I'd go so far as to say that if you've also got hurdle from fitness as many often do then you have no excuse for not being first to the mission everytime.Although if you don't have hurdle just keep sprint on when you're running for the jump boost.

Since spines has -fly attacks as well I'm siding with only SS needed since you can use theextra power space to take someting truly great, like kick or flurry.



I did 0-50 with just Hurdle & SS & in just PVE & it was fine as it was. Got all but a tiny handful of badges too without any chump help . Got down to about 5 maybe 6 exploration ones I think.
Getting the one on top of the TV reactor was fun & earned me a nice bag of inf' in the way of a bet .

After the PVP zones came in, I ended up going to SJ, since a lot of stuff in Sirens seemed to be happening on the rooftops.I like using vertical spacing a lot, & nothing gives someone the fright of their lives more than a screaming, whirling green blur of death plummeting down on their heads from a ledge a few hundred feet above 'em .

Other than that, I don't have any particular slots or picks I've taken specifically for PVP & I tend to go in & out of it whenever I feel like it. I like to get my n000b [censored] out of trouble when I start finding myself up to my armpits in Stalkers .

I fully admit I pummel my skull to pieces jumping around arenas & base raids tho .

Oh, for the above build, where someone's suggested some modified slotting, I'd stick for 3X def' in MOG, with the 1X Dam' Res' & still not sure about the need to slot recharges into it. And the 5 seconds on Reconstruction,... that's a looong time in the middle of the [censored] hitting the fan, which is where your Spines & Regen should be .



Go down that route and just find a chump with speed boost and you can get away without having hasten or super speed. Oh or fitness.

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AFAIK haste and speed boost stack for crazy recharge lovelyness. Oh and there's only one place where you'll find SS is a sucky travel power, but lets face it, who actually goes down the the bottom of faultline.



Or the shadow shards.......



Which is better to say?

"Oh I'm glad I have that AoE Knockback atleast, saved my [censored] from debt. Sorry I'm late."


"We wiped but atleast I got here first."

Nooooo braaaaaineerrrrr.

World of Jackcraft.