Grats - Trixta L40 !!
Not bad for a little girl!
It's a pity that even you dinged 40, I don't think you can fight, I'm sure you'll be an easy prey on warbug
Anyway a big GRATS for you. It was really nice to saw you grow up to 40
Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)
Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee
Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek
Grats Trix' . The teams with you lot have been great fun
Congrats Trixta!! I think that makes a total of 6 or 7 40s we have now with a couple soon to ding - fab!!
Good going and pleased to hear that the Fallen Femmes are all approaching 40......... that sounds like they're a group of old broads........... oh well
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
wooo go you big ol Gratz from me
Grats girls
Hmmm might have to come help you womp on some of these fella's before I go.
Grats Trix My Stone Brute loves you!
- VolKalno
yay!!!! grats Trixta!!!!
Grats Trix
Nice to see another kinetic booster make it to 40
Gratz Trixta!!! Its be great fun teaming with you on your way to 40.
Thanks all! been really fun and very fast with so many friends to team with !
Congratulations as another Fallen Femme climbs her way up the evil sided ladder to L40 !!

Very well done on reaching L40, we seemed to be teaming all the way to L40 together, i managed to get their a few days before you, but you was never far behind.
And would like to thankyou for letting me there see you ding 40 !!
Look forward to more fun teams when I7 comes out and we go for L50
Well done Trixta
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069