I'd get Nightfall in there, works well with TT and Torrent. Definately worth picking over Repel for PvE.
[/ QUOTE ]
Get nightfall and TT though.
Slotting for NF?
Accuracy and damage, normally with end and recharge, but neither of those are particularly neccessary for a Kin.
With Kins damage buffs you should be able to go through groups of minions like a chainsaw.
Dead Calm's Defender Manifesto
Fulcrum shift + TT + Nightfall = closest you can get to old-style fire tank Burn
AS people have said, get Nightfall. Slot just like any other attack, dmg and accuracy.
I personally wouldnt bother with torrent, especially for a kinetics. You need to rely on keeping yours anchors for things like transfusion, fulcrum etc in place so flinging them around isn't the best idea
If you can spare the slots a range in tentacles would also be useful, it'd give it more or less the same range/cone as nightfall then.
Seeing as this is a kin/dark kinda thread, couple of questions for the multitudes (going towards using my I7 freespec to get my build right,) mostly about the secondary.
First off, which would be more useful to me, gloom or moonbeam? I like having the snipe option, but it is limiting to have only one normal-use attack in my arsenal. I can probably get gloom into the build later on, but am I better of having gloom there as an early starter?
Dark Pit: yay or nay? I picked it based on the advice of some guides that reckon it's very good against crowds of minions. Well, it is, ish, but so far, it just feels like a waste of a power slot, it hasn't really helped me any. Avoid like the plague?
People who use TT seem to be split equally between slotting it for damage and slotting it for debuff and immob. relative merits thereof?
Life drain seems to be another one that people warn me to avoid, is it as bad as they make out?
I suppose the only real kinetics question I have is to get your opinion on whether going 2acc/2whatever/2recharge is any more or less efficient that going 2acc/3whatever/1 recharge in transfusion and transference (with Hasten and SySpeed going off, I might add)
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Only going on what the Kin/Dark I levelled for S4 found... with siphon power, Gloom's more useful, and with my Kin/Psi I see instant and large benefits to shoehorning two decent attacks into a kin/* build before, say, 22 ish. As for tranfusion/transference slotting... I like 2/2/2, makesit easier on team to spam heals aroundif the battles spread out, and th it's a pretty masive heal anyway and doesn't need superenhancing to be effective
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
Seeing as this is a kin/dark kinda thread, couple of questions for the multitudes (going towards using my I7 freespec to get my build right,) mostly about the secondary.
First off, which would be more useful to me, gloom or moonbeam? I like having the snipe option, but it is limiting to have only one normal-use attack in my arsenal. I can probably get gloom into the build later on, but am I better of having gloom there as an early starter?
Dark Pit: yay or nay? I picked it based on the advice of some guides that reckon it's very good against crowds of minions. Well, it is, ish, but so far, it just feels like a waste of a power slot, it hasn't really helped me any. Avoid like the plague?
People who use TT seem to be split equally between slotting it for damage and slotting it for debuff and immob. relative merits thereof?
Life drain seems to be another one that people warn me to avoid, is it as bad as they make out?
I suppose the only real kinetics question I have is to get your opinion on whether going 2acc/2whatever/2recharge is any more or less efficient that going 2acc/3whatever/1 recharge in transfusion and transference (with Hasten and SySpeed going off, I might add)
[/ QUOTE ]
With a kin/dark probably gloom. You'll be able to get it to recharge fairly quickly and cycle it with dark blast. Moonbeam is useful on something like a dark/dark cos you can debuff them so they can't interupt it.
Dark pit I always say no to. If it is taken it need 6 slots to be effective. Stunned mobs also wonder off so may not be best for a kin that relies on keeping its anchors in place. You could use tentacles to keep things in place though but I'd stil not recommend dark pit.
TT on a dark/dark I'd recommend slotting for dmg. It doesnt do a great ammount but every little helps and you have other, more effective, powers to do the debuffing with. on a kin/dark maybe debuff/immob would be the safer option. Unlike a dark/dark you dont have powers to debuff the enemies accuracy so TT may help with this. Also extra immob duration will just mean you can keep things in place for longer. Again, useful for keeping anchors for transfusion etc in place.
Life drain bad? Yes! Doesnt do alot of dmg, doesnt heal alot either, and from what I can remember costs a fair bit of end aswell. Its useful is you were something like a storm or FF etc as they dont have self heals in the sets but in kin you have one of the best heals in the game (it does take a bit of practice to use though) so imo, not worth the power pick.
Though Bad Cop was created with a team duo in mind, duoing with another kin/* defender, she is now more normally duoing with a scrapper and more often recently in small teams. Its a steep learning curve to get buffs up when they're needed, and to maximise the heals. Below is my proposed build, currently at level 27, but as I will probably attemp the first respec tomorrow I feel it is a good time to find out other peoples opinions to the build.
anyway if I did drop it I'd just take it later as I personally thinks its a useful power. Attacks I have no idea about, I don't like gaining agro but I don't have anything to do with the slots or powers, I need to take something. 
01) Transfusion ->Acc x2 Heal x3
01) Dark Blast ->Acc x2 Dmg x3
02) Siphon Power ->Acc x2 Rechg x3
04) Repel -> EndRdx x3
06) Siphon Speed ->Acc x2 Rechg x3
08) Increase Density -> DmgRes x3
10) Hasten -> Rechg x3
12) Speed Boost -> EndMod x3
14) Super Speed -> EndRdx x2
16) Assault -> EndRdx x2
18) Inertial Reduction ->Jump x2
20) Tactics -> EndRdx x2 TH_Buf x3
22) Grant Invisibility -> EndRdx x2
24) Recall Friend ->IntRdx x1
26) Transference ->Acc x2Rechg x1 EndMod x3
28) Tenebrous Tentacles ->Acc x2 TH_DeBuf x2 Immob x1
30) Torrent ->Acc x2 TH_DeBufx3
32) Fulcrum Shift ->Acc x2 Rechg x3
35) Gloom ->Acc x2Dmg x3
38) Blackstar ->Acc x2 Dmg x3 TH_DeBuf x1
41) Conserve Power -> Rechg x3
44) Power Build Up -> Rechg x3
47) Temp Invulnerability -> DmgRes x3 EndRdx x2
49) Teleport -> EndRdx x2 Range x3
I was going to drop repel when I respecced but I've decided that I like it,
Suggestions, comments etc...