Quantum flight




I've heard Quantum flight is a bit of an endurance hog, but how bad is it, if slotted with End redux is it possible to run it continuously?

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



so far i know, its scaled based. At start it doesnt take that much, but after 30 seconds or so it becomes more and more. Untill the moment you have like 4-5 end/sec and even 3slotted i dont think you will survive

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Yeah I think even 3-slotted with endurance reductions with 3-slotted Stamina and multiple speed boosts and recovery aura wouldn't be enough to keep it going.



Thanks for that tip. I didn't realise there was a growing cost so dug a bit further and found Q-flight was sleath nerfed last year so that you get 45 seconds before the end costs start to increase and you can expect to be out of End less than 45 seconds after that

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)




I read the description of the power last time I leveled my PB and thought ... wow, that'd be really cool, so I took it.

It failed to say at the end of the description, Ha ha only joking.

It has been a waste of a power for me, i'm sure there is some way to use it effectively, I just haven't figureds that out yet



I'll be taking it anyway and slotting it for recharge redux. Since I play in nova and dwarf form primarily I have to switch back to human form for self buffing. This can be especially difficult in dwarf form when I find myself surrounded by mobs, health's dwindling - human form has two heals but switching could mean suicide or taking on so much damage that it negates the heals.
QF will be a nice way to switch, get buffed and switch back without leaving myself temporarily almost defenceless.

I can see it also being a nice panic button if a quantum or void takes me by surprise

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Except that you can only activate QF once in human form, so it may be too late to hit the button once you have switched ... I'll try it out later and let you know how it went ... may take the form of a /tell saying I'm on my face if it does work though it would be a pretty effective use of the power, also would give you the option to leg it as well.



It works, just do a bind or a macro that switches you to human form then automatically activates quantum flight. Switching to human form has no extra animation time so it's not a problem.



I find Quantum Fly very useful for taking down voids.

Spot void, QF next to him, hit build up, wait for him to attack, de-QF, whack him upside the head with IS, finish him off.

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Except that you can only activate QF once in human form, so it may be too late to hit the button once you have switched ... I'll try it out later and let you know how it went ... may take the form of a /tell saying I'm on my face if it does work though it would be a pretty effective use of the power, also would give you the option to leg it as well.

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Providing it works the same was as energy and combat flight it shouldn't be an issue. Currently I've got the Numpad 0 set up to take me from Nova form to human form with energy flight already running with a single keystroke.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



I find Quantum Fly very useful for taking down voids.

Spot void, QF next to him, hit build up, wait for him to attack, de-QF, whack him upside the head with IS, finish him off.

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Oi, that's a nice idea! I will have to try that next time I solo a void



It has been a waste of a power for me, i'm sure there is some way to use it effectively, I just haven't figureds that out yet

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Well, being the best phaseshift you can hope to find in the game, it has his drawbacks..
You can instantly activating it, skipping the rooting(and often killer)animation of Phaseshift and Nebulous Form..
If things get hairy or you run in a Quant or Void without noticing him and are left with a little bit of life: *PUFF* Phased and flying



QF is lovely! Once you have a macro set up (to drop out of whatever form you are in and start up QF), it works as an escape power very well. Just make sure you don't have any hold or sleep powers stacked on you if you're coming from Dwarf... they'll hit you in the .2 second gap between Dwarf and QF, leaving you very squishy and very faceplanted.

The end drain isn't that, given the nature of the power. When you hit QF, it's normally because you want to get out of a situation incredibly fast. Once you are out of the situation (down the lifts/halfway across the map/500 feet above ground level) you can switch on Combat Flight and begin to regain endurance and heal or whatever.

It also works as a travel power if you're impatient and can't be bothered to use Dwarf Step/Teleport - Switch on QF and fly at capped speed, then toggle back to Nova to refill endurance.

Edited for spelling - wrote "sloop" instead of "sleep".



I plan to take QF as a panic button, but how fast is the +spd? Is it stupid fast like SS, or is it "I can't even tell the dif swift style" faster?



Exactly the same as 3 slotted fly.



Exactly the same as 3 slotted fly.

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In other words, pretty damn poor considering the huge endurance drain. Defensively it's a nice panic button but forget about using it as a travel power.



It used to be an amazing form of travel, but now it's just good for a getaway... forget the flight part, it's really just phase shift.



Agreed that it's largely useless is a primary travel power and that its main use is as a "I'm-a-superhero-get-me-out-of-here" power, but it is good as a secondary travel power, for when you've come out of the mission and went streaking off to the next one and the poor sod that wasn't quick enough off his marks take the full brunt of an ambush. More than once I've turned around and fired off QF for the flight speed boost.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Exactly the same as 3 slotted fly.

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Well that sucks, for a power that has "Flight" in the tital as a +30 choice or whenever you can get it, on an AT that is supposed to be epic you would think they would push the boat out on some of these powers and make them alittle fancy, I had visions of speeding past people with even Super Speed



Yep, our 'epic' AT's really aren't that epic. Guess they didn't want to unbalance the game with super AT's. To hell with fun, keep them grinding...



Ok heres a question before i take the leap and pick this dubios power, hows it gonna work my being bait for stalkers in PvP, if they come flocking and thier pesty assasin strikes fail with me still standing ready for a dose of build up and IS i'll hav it



Theres nothing dubious about this power. It's perhaps the best phase shifting power left in the game. That it also comes with the fastest fly in the game built in is just as added bonus.
To answer your question; it'll only really work in the scenario you describe if you know the stalker is about to AS you as you can only run it for, at most, about 90 seconds at a time before you run out of end.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



ok its in the build then at 41, maybe 35 would of been better but photon seekers looked fun, light form is going in at 38 and i ain't up for moving that. I am sure i will sort the order out in a respec