Im confused :p
You should get Maria Jenkins as a potential contact from one of your current contacts I think.
Depending on your level, you may need to hit somewhere around 40 before you are introduced to her.
Either that or just team with people
The arc is given to you by maria jenkins in Pi, you should get given her as a contact.
Do the Maria Jenkins arc. Just keep doing her missions and she'll start the arc if you don't have too many arcs open.
Do Tina McIntyre's (sp?) arc all the way through, and Maria Jenkins arc all the way through and you'll have the badge.
Maria Jenkins gives the Hero's Hero arc, though I can't remember which contact gives you her as a contact. It might be Tina MacIntyre, I'm not quite sure.
as Xanthus said you need to do some of the missions given by Tina McIntyre aswell since she gives the Multidimensional badge mission and Anti-Matter AV which isn't given by Maria Jenkins (need them for the accolade)
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
How do u know if u have too many arcs open?? I have lots of contacts with 2 or 3 missions done but i dont know which are story arcs.... Did ones i thought were but they still giveing Kill X missions and want to introduce me to new contact.. and i wanna do the AVs for the Multidimensional and accolade badges...
As an aside.. i Ding 40 last nigh... went to level, was told i'd have access to the epic power pools... But when i went to choose a power i couldnt see Epic power pools anywhere.... do u get the 1st at 40 or 41??
Check under "Clues", if you've still got some, you've still got one (maybe more) story arcs open. Unfortunately you must complete these before another contact will give you one, as you can't have more than 2 (?) open at one time.
Slots at 40, First Epic power at 41.
I think it doesn't matter how many arcs you have open, I'm pretty sure I have loads open but I still got my missions, as long as you have an available mission slot and the appropiate contact you're set to go.
EDIT: Ignore the 2nd paragraph, just read Statis' post.
As has been said above check to see you don't have any old arcs still going. This is normally the reason Maria Jenkins doesn't come up. What happened to me.
Ok i looked in clues and i have 4 clues showing..
Email from the Doctor
Project Locke
Project Revenant Hero
Crey Cloning Project..
So if i cant have more than 2 arcs open does this mean i have 4 arcs open?? and if so which ones and how do i know to which contact they belong???
Those are all from the same arc, revenant hero project.
Those are all from the same arc, revenant hero project.
[/ QUOTE ]
And as far as I can remember, there aren't many more clues to pick up from that arc -- therefore you should have it done in no time .
Btw Gordan Stacy just gave me Tina Macintyre as a contact.. so looks like i only havw 1 arc goin and can start this one too
ummmm i still havent got maria and i only have one story ark going and im level 46..... starting to bug me i have got tina and she gave me a contact but it wasnt her.... im sooo confused
Here we go. I've researched the way this works and i'll try to keep it simple, but all in all it isn't because of the really cramped up game mechanics
-you can have only 2 arcs open at the same time.
-clues in you clue screen indicate you have arcs open, but mini arcs from contacts can put clues there too. Sometimes clues from the same arcs are grouped as a line of clues (sensible way to do it), other times they are seperated and seem like clues from different arcs while they actually aren't
!!-arcs which are offered by contacts in the past, but which you haven't started count as arcs in progress actuallly. (ZOMG outrageous idiotic game mechanics we actually getting here) There is no way of seeing this directly becuase since you have never started the arc there are no clues for it in your screen. Only way to find out is to go see ALL your old contacts and check wether they give you a mish. When they do so it's definitively an old arc you have never started really (hence no clues in your clue screen)- but been offered so they count as started. You must do this one first before you can get new ones. This is where it gets fuzzy, but it all comes down to that you prolly have a whole string of old arcs to run through before you can get new ones.
-good to know is that ones you've done a few mishes (3 or so depending on lvl and contact) they normally ALWAYS introduce you to a new contact in the same lvl range. So for example if you don't have maria as contact yet, go to all the other contacts in her range (lvl 45-50) and do some mishes for each. This way you will get maria as contact for sure under normal circumstances.
Hopefully this will get you sorted, but as long as they don't smoothen out the whole arc system (main issue being: offered but not started arcs count as having started it) this still will be hindering some people knowingly and A LOT of people unknowingly. And for you who read this and understand the implications, don't try to think of all your (older) alts -specifically high ones- because you'll start to cry...
I finished all the contacts I visited. Im still confused. I guess Ill have to see them all again map by map to see if I still have old arcs.
I cant for the life of me get my tyrant arc and Maria Jenkins still gives me no more jobs. I wonder if I missed the boat.
Some people are recently getting a bug that opens up an arc when you end another even if you don't have called your contact for months and they can't get new ones till they find out wich one is open.
Anyway, Maria Jenkins is a lvl 45+ contact, she can be introduced to you by any of the other contacts in PI, she'll give you some missions before the arc, then she'll give you the arc if you have no more than 1 arc open.
heheheheh lode back in the ol days when tyl was lvl'ing..............
I did kemens arc, with jenkins at same time, maria evetually gave tina, finished kemens to get more from botht he 2 ladies then some of crimsons and then bk to more from the ladies then wham tyrant dead and the team jumping round in the lava for laughs XD
I finished all the contacts I visited. Im still confused. I guess Ill have to see them all again map by map to see if I still have old arcs.
I cant for the life of me get my tyrant arc and Maria Jenkins still gives me no more jobs. I wonder if I missed the boat.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well there are a few more undocumented enigmatic little prob with contacts and getting arcs...
For you Lode, just walk by ALL your old contacts, starting from the newest and go backwards.
Some contacts offer you by chance an arc on a first visit. So it could be you visited a contact only one time (maybe just for being introduced to a next level contact) got the arc offered, declined it and moved on not looking back to that contact ever again cos you didn't want to do their mission (magic CoT Orenbegan [censored] maps maybe? .
This way that arcs still counts as being started hence blocking another arc to be played.
!Important: since you can only have 2 arcs open at a time, having 2 arcs open already makes no contact being able to offer that arc- although it might have been offered in an earlier stage, thus counting as a started arc already!!- so you don't seem to have an "opened" arc with them. Make sure you finish one arc you know that is opened already and finish that before visiting old contacts for "opened" arcs. You have to repeat this procedure every time to be sure you've done those "opened" old arcs. This is one of the enigmatic things of the non sensible arc system.
I have a pretty analytical mind, but this logic totally goes beyond me. Maybe someone else can explain this incredible idiotic mechanics to us?
YAY after going though 12 contacts i finnal got her.... already taken down infernal and malaise... great fun and xp all around thanks for helping me guys!
I would like to thank all the people who ran though my old story arks... the crey mind control one and the terra conspiracy... thanks again guys
Right how do you start the praetonians story ark with all the avs etc cause i really wana start bashing some avs to get portal jockey