A Moment Out of Line
great story there, good ending, very believable
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
A voice came booming down the hall as a tall muscular man wearing nothing but a mask and speedos entered, Alright! Who needs some EXTREME HEALING!!!
Devidose sighed, Aw man Jum, put some clothes on! ( )
[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha, loved it! But you forgot to mention dazzling, charming and bold onto tall and muscular
Heh, loving that Jum cameo
lol, ty, thought the Jum moment would go done well.
i plan on more stories after i get the main one regarding Devidose done, should take me a couple of months
there are going to be cameos all thru the story, and some based around missions will include ppl i have teamed with around those relative lvls and others i have come to kno thru other events.
the ding mish from earlier will definetly be written up as it covers a key moment in the story so along with those that were on the actual mish i will be including several other due to prior planning and plol lines
Gotta love the totem thing as well. I love that link!
i loved it when it happened, one of "those" moments
Too right, the chat log was PERFECT. More please!
more of Blapper doing that? pfft, thats too easy, just need to follow him with a camera
I feel you need to include your despicable farming of that PP mish, getting various people in at various points to splat them all for the badge, and joyously planting yourself in the process at least 4 times (and that's just whilst I was there).
Or are we conveniently forgetting that?
sorry? i have no idea what you are talking about!
So conveniently forgotten!
About mid thirties (just as you were passing me in fact) you had a mission (in Founders I think) that was almost entirely made up of PP's in terms of enemies. You harvested them for the PP badge, doing the mission over and over again without completing it, having various people join you for almost an entire day.
I did the mission with you two or three times, during which you rather unceremoniously planted three or four times.
Funny how easy it is to forget
Nice read Quilt, just THIS struck me.......
Remember this moment, this day that I could have killed you, and that now you are loving on borrowed time.
[/ QUOTE ]
Any1 see the spelling mistake?
Ooooooooooooooo loving on borrowed time, gotta love it quick
Shnyet AWAY
Nice story, esp the Jum cameo .
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org
EU, Union mostly.
A Short Story: A Moment Out of Line
(This story isnt set yet at a fixed chronological time, and as such the events in it are not relying on any other major stories written by myself or others much. also i havent really checked it over that much so expect mistakes in spelling, context and grammer, it also happens to be 7 in the morning
The Precision Ranger base was sparsely populated due to the recent increased activity in the Rogue Isles. More and more mission requests were coming in every day and even with the entire 1AT working at full capacity, the missions were not decreasing in frequency. Genergy sat in the control room, empathically communicating with the base computer, monitoring all the incoming messages and relaying them to the appropriate teams. Devidose materialised out of the base teleported covered in slime, closely followed by Blapper, who was in a much cleaner state.
Devidose pulled off his helmet, throwing it towards a desk, Would it have been to much to ask to let me get clear before you nuked those Hydra men?
Blapper walked by Devidose to the control room, Hey, it worked didnt it? Gen, you got anything for us?
Genergys eyes opened, glowing blue, Sort of, a coded message for Devi just came in. Apparently there is some large creature in a cave and the locals want it investigated.
Devidose disappeared into the storage room, his voice trailing away slightly, Got to love those locals, always being vague. What I dont get is why they asked for me. Coming out of the storage room, Devidose adjusted the breastplate and hood on his secondary battle suit.
Doesnt say. Perhaps the locals have heard of the work you and Blapper have recently been doing and know that the two of you can help?
Devidose, Blapper and Genergy all looked at each other, Genergy raised an eyebrow, Blapper grinned and Devidose sighed as they all spoke together, Trap
North of Talos, Devidose and Blapper stood outside a boarded entrance to a cave.
Why is it always a cave? Or an underground lab, or a top secret bunker? Why can it not for once be somewhere open that you can see whats awaiting you? Devidose kicked a rock as they readied to enter.
Blapper turned to him, smirking slightly, You mean like last week in PI when that Zeus Titan chased you from Portal Corps to the ferry?
Devidose glared back, Ok fine, but thats not the best of examples. Youve done your share of stupid things, or do you want me to bring up the BP Totem again? Blapper remained silent. Exactly, now, shall we go in, or knock?, Devidose grinned slightly as he finished until Blapper smashed the entrance to the cave in a single punch, Well, that works too I guess
Entering the cave the two began to move deeper into the underground network of tunnels that was spread out underneath Paragon City. At a fork in the labyrinth the two split, Ok, Ill go left, you wanna take the right?
Blapper nodded in agreement before saying Keep comms running, if something happens, mention it.
Devidose coyly replied, Likewise, and will do as the two moved off down their separate paths.
Devidose stirred as he walked down the tunnel, the faint hum of the T3 feeding data to the suits processors was all but masked by the cloaking device as he silently moved deeper in the tunnels.
So remind me again why we are here if were sure its going to be a trap?
Because Gen and myself want to know why someone would want to target and trap a ranger. Considering its you, I would have thought you would be more concerned.
Hmm, I guess I am concerned, but unfortunately Im also pretty positive that I know who it is again
Silence filled the caves and comms feed.
LQT? came the reply eventually.
In all likelihood, yeah.
Why is it he wants you dead again?
Meh, something about him wanting to prove hes the better or stronger of the two of us. Its kinda the same deal with Mirtae and Lord Morbis.
Youre family doesnt have the best of luck with alternate selves do you?
Well, only LQT is an alt. Morbis turns out to be a clone, yet another pet project from the wonderful people at Crey Industries. Thing is, they wanted someone with his raw talent at technology so they used the Revenant Project tech to create Morbis. As far as I understand it, they tweaked Morbis mind to be less ethically motivated. As a result he was fine with developing new weapons systems for them. What wasnt considered was he would turn on Crey, which he did, and took all his work with him. He teamed up with LQT and theyve been coming after my family ever since.
That doesnt sound good
No, to be honest, only my sister is the real safe one out there at the moment.
You have a sister? Since when, and how come you never mention her?
Thats a different story, trust me, they way it goes, it sounds like chains
Chains? How does that one work?
No, I mean, I hear chains. Nearby.
On my way. Have you got a visual yet?
No, the T3 is having difficulty, I think theres a dampening field up. Let me see if I can narrow down the scans. Its possible that -
A loud crash came across the comms.
Blappers blue eyes glowed brighter as the comms fell silent, Devi! Devidose, you there? Respond! Blapper sprinted back down the cave to where Devidose was.
Devidose turned a corner, just in time to see a large fist wrapped in chains approaching his face. The punch caught him off guard and Devi fell to the floor, his vision dazed. Stumbling to his feet he saw a large masked creature approaching and launched a blast of fire at it. The blast exploded in the creatures face, stopping it for a moment before it grinned and started running.
Aw [censored], not smart
Blapper turned the next corner while trying to contact Devidose and the PR base to no avail. Turning the last corner he came to see a huge man holding Devidose by the head. Blood was streaming down Devis face, the result of several strikes from the chains on the mans fists.
Put him down and tell me who you are before I drop you , Blappers hands began to glow.
The man dropped Devidose to the floor and grinned, Chainfist Suddenly he sprinted at Blapper and began throwing strikes. Blapper jumped back as Chainfist brought both his hands down, smashing the floor. Blapper countered by thrusting a charged fist into Chainfists face, but Chainfist took the strike and continued attacking. The two continued to brawl, missed strikes connecting with surrounding terrain, demolishing it. Although Blapper was scoring more hits in the fight, Chainfist was apparently gaining strength with every hit dealt and received.
Briefly stepping back, Blapper maintained his guard, What are you? Why are you doing this?
Chainfist grinned again, Lord ordered me to smash the puny man. You I can smash for fun. I get stronger with every punch, every hit. Youre foolish to fight me!
Blapper smirked, Really? I think youre the fool here. It appears that your Lord didnt mention something to you.
And what would that be?
A voice came from behind Chainfist, I hit hardest when Im hurt!, turning round he saw Devidose clasping a sphere of fire just long enough as it was released as a streaming arc of flame at Chainfists face. The bolt caught Chainfist hard, knocking him back into the tunnel wall. Blapper moved over to Devidose and helped him up. It seems your boss forgot to mention that Chainfist , Devidose clutched his sides as he stood.
No, I didnt forget, I just decided not to mention it at the time, the voice rang out through the cave as suddenly Devidose and Blapper were hit with an energy siphon wave. Collapsing to the ground they looked up as an armoured figure emerged from the shadows, the drained energies arcing around his raised left hand. Gesturing his hand at Chainfist, the energies arced towards the fallen behemoth and renewed the fallen brute.
Rise Chainfist. Rise so that you may continue to serve me.
As Chainfist stood, the figures face became visible. Scarring from electrical and fire based burns covered parts of the face as two cold eyes watched his fallen combatant rise. Lord Qel-Thyr walked over to the immobilised bodies of the two Precision Rangers.
You see Devidose, you never will win against me. And Blapper, Chainfist here seems eager to resume your little dance, but my point has been made and this charade has gone on long enough. Remember this moment, this day that I could have killed you, and that now you are loving on borrowed time. Instead, for now I shall let you go, so you may contemplate our next meetings. Be assured, it wont be as pleasurable. Qel-Thyr activated a comms device, Morbis? Deactivate the Mediport jammer, we have some guests that are leaving Qel-Thyr looked down at Devidose sneering as he blurred out of vision as the teleported beacon in his ID activated, taking him away to the base.
Devidose sat up in the bed, regretting his movements as the pain from his sides reminded him of his encounter with Chainfist. He looked around the Medibay and saw Blapper sitting upright on an adjacent bed, and Genergy and Frozen Rogue standing at the bottom of his own bed.
Rogue looked down at Devidose, Everything alright? You were both out of comms for a while there. We were about to dispatch a scouting party to come and find you, that is until you teleported in injured. Blapper is nearer full health thanks to the cybernetic implants he has powering him, but you will need some good old fashion rest, with some additional assistance. So, what happened out there?
Well, I can tell you that my alternate self really doesnt like me Frogue, Rogue frowned at Devis nickname, Err, I mean sir! Lord Qel-Thyr appears to have set the whole thing up in a show of his new muscle; Chainfist. I can give you a full debrief once I feel better, I think Chainfist broke a few of my ribs
Rogue grinned, Dont worry about that, you will be feeling better sooner than u think. We called the SNHS and theyre sending over someone to help.
A voice came booming down the hall as a tall muscular man wearing nothing but a mask and speedos entered, Alright! Who needs some EXTREME HEALING!!!
Devidose sighed, Aw man Jum, put some clothes on! (