telekenesis in pvp
1 bf's for the hold part.
4 bf's for the repel part.
A Paragon Defender
Scrappers, tanks, brutes and some defenders/corrs have/give mez protection to the hold part. Its not any different than a regular hold, except that its autohit.
A Paragon Defender
Yes it does work in pvp
It is an autohit power, that is cone shaped that picks people up and pushes them away. Once they get far enough away power will detoggle. While it is centred on a target it is more like a cone attack, collecting any enemies near it.
Is a great power in pve, perhaps a little rough in pvp.
Is a great power in pve, perhaps a little rough in pvp.
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lol little rough? clearly you haven't fought a good player in the arena, takes people out of the game completely, a must have if u have access to it
lol have used it many times silly being a dom. By a little rough, I mean an autohit power that essentialy takes someone out without any chance to resist, might be a bit much. Doesnt stop me using it mind lol.
lol have used it many times silly being a dom. By a little rough, I mean an autohit power that essentialy takes someone out without any chance to resist, might be a bit much. Doesnt stop me using it mind lol.
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oh ok my bad misunderstood u, yeah i think its very overpowered and am waiting for the accuracy check nerf to appear
Hehe just my slow thought processes and bad writing before my 2pm wakeup point.
Yeah am with you on waiting for the acc "adjustment". Tho I supposed pve wise the fact that mind doesnt get a pet and the confuse power essentially sucks xp does make up for it to some extent in the PvE field.
While it is centred on a target it is more like a cone attack, collecting any enemies near it.
[/ QUOTE ]Small AoE around the anchor actually, rather than cone.
[...] and the confuse power essentially sucks xp [...]
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Right now, sure.
Over time... not really.
Okies Guess a cone just seemed to make more sense, obviously not one that just actually I guess small anchored aoe makes more sense. I'll be quiet now
Okies Guess a cone just seemed to make more sense, obviously not one that just actually I guess small anchored aoe makes more sense. I'll be quiet now
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It's technically a small AoE, but in most ways it's more useful to visualise it as a cone, since the repulsion effect means you have to sweep in a cone-like area to pick up multiple targets.
By my 50s shall ye know me:
Tundra, DVM, The Late, Neutrino Ghost, Sir Clanksalot, End Of Days, Prof. Migraine
Howler Monkey
Aye was agreeing In a round about obtuse not too easy to understand way.
Use teleport while you're under the effect of telekinesis - you start bouncing around all crazy like!
Yeah am with you on waiting for the acc "adjustment". Tho I supposed pve wise the fact that mind doesnt get a pet and the confuse power essentially sucks xp does make up for it to some extent in the PvE field.
[/ QUOTE ]As already pointed out, confuse either increases your XP over time, or doesn't significantly affect it, unless you're using it to do ALL the damage you're never getting reduced XP.
I sure as hell don't mind using confuse =) after reading that post on it I like it even more now . Mass confuse = good bye alpha strike. I look forward to trying tk on someone whos forgotten to buy break frees
TK is very very annoying to have put on you, especially if you're a melee type character. The german S4 bantam team used it to keep my scrapper out of the fight and as a result I only got one kill throughout the entire match. The main problem with it is that it absolutely annihilates your endurance bar, even with 3 endrdx's in it.
Anyone made much use of this in base raids?
With a correctly positioned auto doc and a convenient corner would it be possible to perma hold the attackers?
word of causing though. If you use it in pvp zones remember its easy to push someone into a group of mobs and get them killed. I was hanging with some friends in sirens and they used it a few times on me for fun well ending up next to a couple of Tsoo Ancesters and a Ill/FF warden a few times
Just a fair warning if you play with friends
I had it used upon me when messing about in Siren's Call ( there was a fun fight between my Ice Tank and a Dominator and a stalker ) . Whilst it didn't detoggle me it made me almost useless. It seemed to be good and effective without being overpowered, I did have some control on where I could move but only enough to change directions.
I'd get it if I were you.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I did try it and one break free made it really [censored] :P. I geuss it would be ok against soemone with no break freees and no hold protection
I did try it and one break free made it really [censored] :P. I geuss it would be ok against soemone with no break freees and no hold protection
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Same would theoretically apply to all holds, not just TK. Break frees and hold suppression are always there. But TK also has the repel element.
Yeah I didn't have much fun vs a brute.. :/ pretty useless when I can't hodl anyhting :P
In PvP zone, to avoid the repel effect of TK, just help the power by going in the same direction it wants you to go. It's a toggle, and like most of them, if you're far enough, it's off. Then come back to the fight, TK has a quite long recharge...
In tiny Arena maps, you can't do that, though.
Tried it again tonight, was pretty good. Best use so far : stopping peopel running away :P.
I've not tried pvp with my dominator yet but I'm curious how this works before I jump in, try it and make a fool out of myself =). Does it work like pve? guaranteed to hit, hold people untill your end runs out (seems quite powerful if it does). I've noticed somehings break free of it occasionally so I geuss AT's with hold resists might not get held. Will a breakfree break it? Tactics for using it?