Singularity is unlike the other pets, so far as it concentrates on crowd control over damage.
It likes nothing more than to have competitions with you, to see who can hold and immobilise the most enemy.
Mine is slotted with one accuracy, a couple of hold duration and a couple of damage.
While the damage isn't fantastic, it does start to add up.
Your Sing also likes to repel enemy when they come too close, so it's good to hide behind when the melee type enemy come racing in.
Have fun with him.
Excellent, thanks
I tried him/her/it out when I was teaming yesterday, and I didn't have to use any of my holds or anything, since Singularity was doing all the work for me. It was quite fun
I imagine it may be irritating when solo-ing, but I'll have to see
Soloing actually works really well. You will start to anticipate what your Sing is going to do, and you will begin to work as a team.
I wouldn't leave home now without my beloved Glow Ball of Doom.
For the record your Sing will accept Accuracy, Damage, End Reduction, Hold Duration, Immobilise Duration, Knockback, Range and Recharge (Hero Planner also says Intangibility but I cant think why, I've never seen it use Dimension Shift). Plenty of scope for different builds so see what you like .
Personally I'd go for 1 Acc and either 3 Hold or 3 Dam depending on what you want him to do for you. Thinking about it, for a Dominator you probably want 3 Hold - you want to do the damage yourself to build Domination while the little guy handles crowd control.
"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."
Apparently in early-day CoH, one of the singularity's powers was casting Dimension Shift
@Under Control
Ive never found a need to slot my sing with acc. They seem to have very high acc without slotting.
Singularity + Grav Dom + Speed Boost = Level 42 AV being completely locked down for an entire battle without being able to attack. At all.
I love my girlfriend's Dominator.
Apparently in early-day CoH, one of the singularity's powers was casting Dimension Shift
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That would have been annoying >_>
But thanks for your input guys, I'm really starting to love my pet :P Does the thing cast Wormhole as well, as I'm sure it did something similar earlier?
Apparently in early-day CoH, one of the singularity's powers was casting Dimension Shift
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That would have been annoying >_>
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It was. That's why they changed it.
Does the thing cast Wormhole as well, as I'm sure it did something similar earlier?
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No, but it does have a permanent Repulsion field, so if you saw someone flying through the air they probably tried to melee attack it. Standing directly under your Sing is a very good defense against melee attackers .
"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."
Singularity is the best pet ever ! I've never had one myself, but it's - by far - the coolest of them... closely tied with Spectral Terror
. You just want to hug them
Apparently in early-day CoH, one of the singularity's powers was casting Dimension Shift
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That would have been annoying >_>
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It was. That's why they changed it.
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Now, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but Dimensional Shift was taken out of CoV too I imagine? Cos when I was fighting some folk with my glowy ball, I swear some of the mobs became untouchable. Not just in a stalker way, cos they locked down and not moving at all.. So it makes me worry >_>
Now, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but Dimensional Shift was taken out of CoV too I imagine? Cos when I was fighting some folk with my glowy ball, I swear some of the mobs became untouchable. Not just in a stalker way, cos they locked down and not moving at all.. So it makes me worry >_>
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The pets use exactly the same powers in both CoH and CoV
@Under Control
Now, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but Dimensional Shift was taken out of CoV too I imagine? Cos when I was fighting some folk with my glowy ball, I swear some of the mobs became untouchable. Not just in a stalker way, cos they locked down and not moving at all.. So it makes me worry >_>
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The pets use exactly the same powers in both CoH and CoV
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I can vouch for that. My level 36 grav dom's sing has never, ever used intangibility.
A good tactic is to open with an aoe hold or two, then rush in unloading the meager damage that doms can do. Your sing will create the illusion that you're still holding.
If you both start holding stuff, you can lockdown several enemies at once (especially with 3 slotted recharge in your hold and hasten). I also noticed that (with mine) that most of the time it'll either attack the closest enemy or it'll focus fire on the boss/av/hero that you're fighting. It's really handy when it does that. It can't be healed, but can be buffed. I sometimes ask for buffs to be put on it. It's tough, but don't get carried away thinking it's invinsible. If things start messing up, he can hold the enemy off, but if they're +2 or higher, they'll tear through it in about 20 seconds. Most of the time he'll be at full hp as he doesn't generate too much aggro on himself.
He's a fun pet. Mine is slotted 3 damage 2 hold 1 acc
I'm just paranoid then, that's good :P
I've started using him as a bodyguard. That is, pull opponents towards them and watch them get knock backed, as I hide behind giggling. It's rather good fun. He makes a good tank though, only died once I think.
One more question; Is he affected by your own Domination? I imagine the answer to be no, but thought I'll ask anyway.
just a lil checkup, what enemies were you fighting? Because some enemies can become intangible themselves (carnies for instance)
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Was fighting Longbow and Rikti. I know the Longbow possibly can, but haven't been fighting Rikti long enough to check
One more question; Is he affected by your own Domination? I imagine the answer to be no, but thought I'll ask anyway.
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I believe the answer is no, but I can't be certain.
One more question; Is he affected by your own Domination? I imagine the answer to be no, but thought I'll ask anyway.
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I believe the answer is no.
[/ QUOTE ]
And you'd be right...although I wonder if you'll be able to pass the Domination buff when the "Pass the buff" changes come into play...
@Under Control
One more question; Is he affected by your own Domination? I imagine the answer to be no, but thought I'll ask anyway.
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I believe the answer is no.
[/ QUOTE ]
And you'd be right...although I wonder if you'll be able to pass the Domination buff when the "Pass the buff" changes come into play...
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I'm pretty sure they've said the "pass the buff" tech won't affect summoned pets, just powers which work under the hood by a pet summon, but aren't obviously a pet (if that makes sense)
find me: @Ebon Hawk or @Jayd Dragon on Union
I've found sing is best utilized in two fashions (other than just letting it do its thing) and neither of these require any particular slotting (for me its two hold, two acc, two dam):
1. Locking down bosses/elite bosses/AVs. If you can get your singularity to target what you want it to, then between you, your sing, domination and/or certain buffs you CAN permahold an AV. I've done it. It is possible, if not a bit tricky. I've noticed the singularity will generally attack whichever is closest to it and stick, it also seems to target switch depending on amount of aggro. If you cant get it to target the boss/EB/AV by simply moving forward, try summoning it on or near said mob so it'll most likely get the aggro.
2. Tanking! Okay so this is not the most efficient way to use your sing but if your power is already recharged this can actually help to take the alpha from big groups when nobody else can. Simply summon your sing in the middle of the group of mobs, and watch them fly. The damn thing can take a beating and will draw aggro from that repel, and your teammates can mop up more safely. It even survives about half the time I do this for me.
I recently got to level 32 with my Gravity/Energy Dominator and was rather excited to get my pet, Singularity.. Maybe too excited, but anyway.
What powers does Singularity have? I've noticed that it was spewing out Gravity Distortion, Crush and Lift like crazy, which makes my job slightly easier, but this means I have no idea what to do with it. I'm planning on 6-slotting it ASAP, but I'm not sure what enhancements to use?
So, does anyone have any tips or experience when it comes to Singularity?