The "Look...About Last Night On GGOOC" Thread
I decline to take any responsibility for this if no-one likes it!
Ummm. But I also want to take credit for it being my idea if it turns out to be a good thing...
Aha! I shall take all credit but no responsibility! Yes! Ha ha!
My goodness we talk a load of crap don't we?
You do. Makes me want to get involved if I ge to laugh that much at the randomness each and everyday!
And that's just OOC... IC is another matter entirely
Unfortunately, due to the fact the Chat-Log program doesn't work with Total Cat at the moment, I have to manually select out the OOC bits, so I'll only do this if chatter seems 'worthy' of being posted, or until they update the program.
If anyone else has bits they want to add though, feel free.
That must have taken ages...
It did, and my eyes went funny
your a champion mate, and that was a better than average chat that night
You're insane..
My eyes boogled trying to skim that conversation
That's kinda the pot calling the kettle black isn't it Q?
I mean... You're completely bonkers!!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
GGOOC Chat for Sunday the 8th, I'd like to bring special attention to the end of the log, where I beat the Scrapapocalypse in a base raid, despite not even entering.
01-08-2006 20:59:20 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Don'cha wish your girlfriend had a hat like me?
01-08-2006 20:59:28 [GGOOC] Maximillian: and evening and goodbye to Sakura
01-08-2006 20:59:30 [GGOOC] Accel: <bordercolor #0000ff00><bgcolor #ffffff00>very good Max :P
01-08-2006 20:59:31 [GGOOC] Quilla: hi max and yes
01-08-2006 20:59:51 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Ooh, Quilla, I'm gonna be coming to Scotland!
01-08-2006 20:59:57 [GGOOC] Quilla: yay!!!
01-08-2006 21:00:56 [GGOOC] Zortel: Wait, who's X?
01-08-2006 21:01:07 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Umm...maX ?
01-08-2006 21:01:08 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: Lucky man
01-08-2006 21:01:26 [GGOOC] Quilla: as long as I'm Q
01-08-2006 21:01:33 [GGOOC] Quilla: then there's no hassel
01-08-2006 21:01:43 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Wow, that means I can call myself Agent X
01-08-2006 21:03:34 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: now all we need is a Y...
01-08-2006 21:04:42 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Yancha Kitty?
01-08-2006 21:04:46 [GGOOC] Wonka: Evening all!
01-08-2006 21:04:55 [GGOOC] Catkeeper: 'lo Wonka
01-08-2006 21:04:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Good evening Wonka
01-08-2006 21:04:59 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: and here's the W...
01-08-2006 21:05:10 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: wotcha chocolate man
01-08-2006 21:05:22 [GGOOC] Cassandra: yo wonka
01-08-2006 21:05:22 [GGOOC] Wonka: I did something bad just before I logged on...
01-08-2006 21:05:26 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: Evening W
01-08-2006 21:05:33 [GGOOC] Wonka: I told myself I wouldn't...
01-08-2006 21:05:34 [GGOOC] Cassandra: it ok, you can hide it
01-08-2006 21:05:34 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Wonka! Killing people is wrong!
01-08-2006 21:05:37 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: ate some cadbury's chocolate?
01-08-2006 21:05:58 [GGOOC] Quilla: Wonka! Max is coming to Sacotland!!
01-08-2006 21:06:01 [GGOOC] Wonka: No, I posted on the stupid debate about using the term "healer"...
01-08-2006 21:06:02 [GGOOC] Quilla: scotland*
01-08-2006 21:06:08 [GGOOC] Maximillian: He knows, read the GGOOC thread on the forums :P
01-08-2006 21:06:12 [GGOOC] Cassandra: deep down inside, bury it
01-08-2006 21:06:14 [GGOOC] Quilla: bah
01-08-2006 21:06:18 [GGOOC] Wonka: I know that already Quilla...
01-08-2006 21:06:28 [GGOOC] Quilla: quiet you!
01-08-2006 21:06:42 [GGOOC] Wonka: He's coming to the city I'm in...
01-08-2006 21:06:48 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: Uh-oh
01-08-2006 21:06:53 [GGOOC] Maximillian: ...and he's going to mug me
01-08-2006 21:06:59 [GGOOC] Quilla: not before i do!!
01-08-2006 21:07:06 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: he's coming to get you Wonka!
01-08-2006 21:07:17 [GGOOC] Wonka: Anyway, like I said, I added my 2p to the debate on the term "healer"...
01-08-2006 21:07:21 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Watch out, for I shall throw my hat at you!
01-08-2006 21:07:24 [GGOOC] Quilla: Welcome!
01-08-2006 21:07:31 [GGOOC] Wonka: He's coming to get me? Am I meant to be scared?
01-08-2006 21:07:42 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: Careful, that's a copyright offence
01-08-2006 21:07:47 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Quilla...try speaking in local next time :P
01-08-2006 21:07:49 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: ANYWAY I'll be back soon ish
01-08-2006 21:07:52 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: I warn you now.. he's VERY tall.. and.. hatty!
01-08-2006 21:08:03 [GGOOC] Wonka: How tall is very?
01-08-2006 21:08:07 [GGOOC] Quilla: very very
01-08-2006 21:08:14 [GGOOC] Quilla: like.. more than 6ft
01-08-2006 21:08:17 [GGOOC] Maximillian: About 6'5"
01-08-2006 21:08:18 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: about 6'6" wasn't it max?
01-08-2006 21:08:26 [GGOOC] Quilla: stupidly tall
01-08-2006 21:08:27 [GGOOC] Cassandra: 900 ft with lazer eye ?
01-08-2006 21:08:27 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: close!
01-08-2006 21:08:30 [GGOOC] Wonka: Only a wee bit taller than me.
01-08-2006 21:08:30 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: Taller than I am and I'm 6ft 4
01-08-2006 21:08:32 [GGOOC] Quilla: lol
01-08-2006 21:08:47 [GGOOC] Quilla: buncha tall people.. your all freaks!!
01-08-2006 21:08:50 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: I'm 8 foot... across...
01-08-2006 21:08:57 [GGOOC] Quilla: Around
01-08-2006 21:09:12 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: I'm 6ft 4.... down. >=)
01-08-2006 21:09:22 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: no, across.. around would be...more like 20
01-08-2006 21:09:28 [GGOOC] Quilla: i'm infinity feet
01-08-2006 21:09:33 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: I come at you from the grave!
01-08-2006 21:09:39 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: no.. you're little!
01-08-2006 21:10:00 [GGOOC] Wonka: Are just being especially silly because there's a thread on the forums now?
01-08-2006 21:10:06 [GGOOC] Quilla: oh.. that's right.. i have infinity feet
01-08-2006 21:10:07 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: I do believe I could fit you in my pocket Q...
01-08-2006 21:10:15 [GGOOC] Maximillian: No..this is normal...
01-08-2006 21:10:26 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: I'll be back in a while
01-08-2006 21:10:27 [GGOOC] Quilla: i doubt it... many have tried and failed FFM
01-08-2006 21:10:38 [GGOOC] Quilla: i'm taller than pink suggests
01-08-2006 21:10:40 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: I see Stoof managed..
01-08-2006 21:10:45 [GGOOC] Wonka: Woo. GG's empty...
01-08-2006 21:10:56 [GGOOC] Quilla: no no.. common misconceptions, stoof's in mine
01-08-2006 21:11:08 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: ah!!!! poor bugger!
01-08-2006 21:11:23 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: or is that lucky? ;p
01-08-2006 21:11:24 [GGOOC] Wonka: Woo! Spear's still got his Xmas jetpack!
01-08-2006 21:11:32 [GGOOC] Catkeeper: GG isn't empty, everyone's just invisible...and low on mass <.<
01-08-2006 21:11:41 [GGOOC] Wonka: Not that he needs it...
01-08-2006 21:12:16 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'm ticked off about the present thing being over, Vermy was only 20 presents off :'(
01-08-2006 21:12:23 [GGOOC] Maximillian: ..the badge
01-08-2006 21:12:53 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: bummer
01-08-2006 21:13:02 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Hmm...GG's empty, but the base portal's rather crowded
01-08-2006 21:13:54 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: makes a change!
01-08-2006 21:13:54 [GGOOC] Quilla: anyone got a random sg? i got another random invite argh
01-08-2006 21:14:02 [GGOOC] Molok: Now, do I turn up with Mol or Psy?
01-08-2006 21:14:05 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Join the Department!
01-08-2006 21:14:21 [GGOOC] Cassandra: i have, it jsut me
01-08-2006 21:14:22 [GGOOC] Quilla: cheers
01-08-2006 21:14:25 [GGOOC] Cassandra: np
01-08-2006 21:14:35 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Dammit..nearly subverted you :P
01-08-2006 21:18:55 [GGOOC] Wonka: Oh well... Alting...
01-08-2006 21:22:00 [GGOOC] Catkeeper: I guess I should have let him get KOed :/
01-08-2006 21:22:04 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: CK! bad boy! you attracted him to stay!
01-08-2006 21:25:48 [GGOOC] Quilla: we need Noob.. urm.. guy
01-08-2006 21:25:57 [GGOOC] Quilla: Noob beater or whatever
01-08-2006 21:26:01 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Noob Stalker
01-08-2006 21:26:36 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'll send up the Noob emote signal
01-08-2006 21:28:05 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: what is the signal anyway? I forget? is it the Prat Signal?
01-08-2006 21:28:29 [GGOOC] Quilla: we want NS not jester FFM
01-08-2006 21:28:31 [GGOOC] Maximillian: It's a smilie ---> o_O
01-08-2006 21:28:38 [GGOOC] Quilla: @_=
01-08-2006 21:28:38 [GGOOC] Cassandra: ewww, that pun reeked like week old mackrel
01-08-2006 21:28:59 [GGOOC] Maximillian: They've also been dab-handy in the kitchen
01-08-2006 21:29:17 [GGOOC] Maximillian: mt
01-08-2006 21:29:31 [GGOOC] Hikari-Hime: anyone running missions?
01-08-2006 21:29:42 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: not right now
01-08-2006 21:30:19 [GGOOC] Hikari-Hime: ah, we can't get into our mission door, was wondering if it was worth trying another
01-08-2006 21:30:46 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: you can't get in? that's wierd...
01-08-2006 21:31:19 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: I've got one in bricks you can test if you like
01-08-2006 21:31:21 [GGOOC] Zortel: Just hands on the loading screen, only way I've found to get out of is to Ctrl-alt-delete then close it down.
01-08-2006 21:31:31 [GGOOC] Zortel: Hangs*
01-08-2006 21:31:47 [GGOOC] Wonka: It's a sign...
01-08-2006 21:32:02 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: want to test my bricks one? see if you can enter it?
01-08-2006 21:32:07 [GGOOC] Cassandra: is it not resopning in the programs screen ?
01-08-2006 21:32:32 [GGOOC] Catkeeper: gah, my stomach doesn't like me T-T
01-08-2006 21:32:34 [GGOOC] Zortel: I have one in Crey's to test, and it says the program is running, the bar just won't load.
01-08-2006 21:32:49 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: might be a mapserver problem...
01-08-2006 21:33:24 [GGOOC] Cassandra: sounds like it, it wouldent be a hotel style map would it ?
01-08-2006 21:33:33 [GGOOC] Wonka: Or a sign that you should be at GG...
01-08-2006 21:33:43 [GGOOC] Wonka: It's a possibility...
01-08-2006 21:33:43 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: hehehe
01-08-2006 21:34:15 [GGOOC] Zortel: Managed to get into my crey lab map.
01-08-2006 21:35:02 [GGOOC] Cassandra: bet is was that sodding office style map, qullia and i had no end of problems with that map
01-08-2006 21:35:29 [GGOOC] Catkeeper: be back later if I feel better ^^;
01-08-2006 21:35:37 [GGOOC] Zortel: Feel better soon CK!
01-08-2006 21:35:41 [GGOOC] Quilla: it was a sucky map
01-08-2006 21:35:49 [GGOOC] Quilla: cya CK
01-08-2006 21:35:57 [GGOOC] Cassandra: laters CK, feel better
01-08-2006 21:36:04 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: Cya CK, get well!
01-08-2006 21:37:14 [GGOOC] Inago: Evenin all
01-08-2006 21:37:50 [GGOOC] Cassandra: yo yo yo I
01-08-2006 21:39:09 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: hi inny
01-08-2006 21:39:21 [GGOOC] Molok: hiya Inny
01-08-2006 21:39:28 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: Hi Inny
01-08-2006 21:39:49 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: *Adds an other notch on FFM's crown*
01-08-2006 21:40:26 [GGOOC] Inago: Just been helping my bro on WoW. I quit that game officially ages ago but he insisted he paid for it as he wanted me to play with him every now and again...
01-08-2006 21:40:28 [GGOOC] Accel: <bordercolor #0000ff00><bgcolor #ffffff00>NN all
01-08-2006 21:40:38 [GGOOC] Molok: Se ya Acc
01-08-2006 21:40:43 [GGOOC] Inago: Night Accel
01-08-2006 21:40:50 [GGOOC] Inago: Boo!
01-08-2006 21:40:52 [GGOOC] Inago: mt
01-08-2006 21:41:19 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: Night Accel
01-08-2006 21:51:28 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: good answer W!
01-08-2006 21:51:37 [GGOOC] Cassandra: certainly a massive goite, perhaps an MxO player
01-08-2006 21:51:53 [GGOOC] Doctor Temporis: I had high hopes for MxO. Sadly they were shattered.
01-08-2006 21:52:30 [GGOOC] Cassandra: yeah, i did the beta, was so very poor, ok combat system though, once you got the hang of it
01-08-2006 21:52:56 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I never got past training, kept crashing
01-08-2006 21:56:16 [GGOOC] Wonka: I think we've had quite enough reasonably sane AoD for now...
01-08-2006 21:56:38 [GGOOC] Catkeeper: back ^^
01-08-2006 21:56:41 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Age of Donovan?
01-08-2006 21:57:39 [GGOOC] Wonka: You know what AoD means...
01-08-2006 21:58:02 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Aura of Debuffed-spelling?
01-08-2006 21:58:23 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Oh wait...*slaps head*
01-08-2006 22:07:59 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: Hey
01-08-2006 22:08:05 [GGOOC] Inago: Hey hey
01-08-2006 22:10:14 [GGOOC] Maximillian: sorry Wonka, wasn't paying attention
01-08-2006 22:10:19 [GGOOC] Jedi-and: Not really, really on if you see what I mean
01-08-2006 22:17:14 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Quilla, back soon, I'm raiding Edge's base by accident
01-08-2006 22:18:11 [GGOOC] Quilla: how'd you manage that?
01-08-2006 22:19:04 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I accidentally right-clicked on him, and clicked Invite to Raid, and because he's a chump, he accaepted :P
01-08-2006 22:19:13 [GGOOC] Quilla: lol
01-08-2006 22:21:23 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I just won!
01-08-2006 22:21:32 [GGOOC] Maximillian: and I didn't even enter the base
01-08-2006 22:21:38 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: now that's funny!
01-08-2006 22:21:38 [GGOOC] Wonka: Woo! Go Max!
01-08-2006 22:22:43 [GGOOC] Quilla: who te foob is the leprauchaun?
01-08-2006 22:22:43 [GGOOC] Cassandra: Anna mantium.... groan
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not bonkers. I can prove it!!
The fact I'm going to be posting your crazy-ness from these logs is going to be rather good proof of your insanity.
In which case crazyness shall only happen over team speak.. in the channel i shall now be a normal person... bwhahaha
ok Qullia what ever you say....
P.S. bee reading OotS ? *points at Quillas Sig*
Just a small sampling of last night, where several of us had a slightly more mad than usual few minutes!
01-09-2006 22:07:24 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: *sticks his head in a hold in the ground*
01-09-2006 22:07:32 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: followed by a hole
01-09-2006 22:08:52 [GGOOC] Cassandra: hold works accually
01-09-2006 22:09:06 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Maybe it's a hold, in a hole
01-09-2006 22:10:47 [GGOOC] Cassandra: a head hold !
01-09-2006 22:11:09 [GGOOC] Molok: a holy head hold?
01-09-2006 22:11:24 [GGOOC] Maximillian: A holy hand grenade?
01-09-2006 22:11:39 [GGOOC] Molok: of antiok!
01-09-2006 22:11:39 [GGOOC] Maximillian: THRRE shall be the number!
01-09-2006 22:11:59 [GGOOC] Molok: Look at the bones!
01-09-2006 22:12:00 [GGOOC] Wonka: *lets loose the bunny rabbits*
01-09-2006 22:12:14 [GGOOC] Cassandra: and the antilopes and the sloths, and the oranutangs
01-09-2006 22:12:28 [GGOOC] Molok: I am Tim!
01-09-2006 22:13:42 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Tim? What sort of name is that!?
01-09-2006 22:15:00 [GGOOC] Cassandra: it's got a mean streak a mile wide, and teeth
01-09-2006 22:15:24 [GGOOC] Molok: If you wish to cross the bridgeof death, you must answer me these questions three, then the other side thee see
01-09-2006 22:15:42 [GGOOC] Maximillian: WHAT! is your name?
01-09-2006 22:16:06 [GGOOC] Cassandra: WHAT ! is your faviorte colour ?
01-09-2006 22:16:20 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: what's the flight speed of an unladed swallow?
01-09-2006 22:16:25 [GGOOC] Molok: Blue! No.. Green! <boing!> Aaaaarrrggghhh
01-09-2006 22:16:31 [GGOOC] Wonka: European or African?
01-09-2006 22:16:31 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Yellow! NO, blue!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!
01-09-2006 22:16:54 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: what? oh.. I dunn.. AAARAGGGGGGH
01-09-2006 22:17:10 [GGOOC] Wonka: *intermission*
01-09-2006 22:17:17 [GGOOC] Molok: this is getting silly...
01-09-2006 22:18:32 [GGOOC] Maximillian: And there was me thinking Monty Python was sensible :P
01-09-2006 22:19:11 [GGOOC] Cassandra: you must cut down the tallest tree in the forest..... with a herring !!
01-09-2006 22:19:25 [GGOOC] Wonka: Ni!
01-09-2006 22:19:43 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: albatross!
01-09-2006 22:19:55 [GGOOC] Molok: a shrubbery!!
01-09-2006 22:20:05 [GGOOC] Molok: Stormy petrol on a stick!
01-09-2006 22:20:13 [GGOOC] Cassandra: hehehehehe
01-09-2006 22:20:33 [GGOOC] Wonka: Right! This sketch is just getting far too silly!
01-09-2006 22:20:42 [GGOOC] Wonka: Stop it! Right now!
01-09-2006 22:21:31 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: But I have yet to unleash my idiom!
01-09-2006 22:21:33 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: shush wonka, or white robots from the planet Krikkit with appear with a loud [censored], and hurt you!
01-09-2006 22:21:38 [GGOOC] Molok: alright alright! I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition!
01-09-2006 22:21:39 [GGOOC] Wonka: Can I just say, Inny and TB, how cute!
01-09-2006 22:21:58 [GGOOC] Maximillian: NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!
01-09-2006 22:22:12 [GGOOC] Cassandra: Fetch... THE COMFY CHAIR
01-09-2006 22:22:18 [GGOOC] Wonka: Not Inny being infected with tuberculosis, you know what I mean...
01-09-2006 22:22:26 [GGOOC] Molok: Cardinal Biggles... fetch.... the comfy chair!
01-09-2006 22:22:27 [GGOOC] Inago: Stop spying!
01-09-2006 22:22:41 [GGOOC] Molok: Gah, ya beat me to it!
01-09-2006 22:23:15 [GGOOC] Wonka: *puts the binoculars behind his back and hides the microphone* I weren't spying...
01-09-2006 22:24:04 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Nope. But I was
01-09-2006 22:24:08 [GGOOC] Inago: saw you looking. hehe
[/ QUOTE ]
So... Another night of crazyness, which for once, wasn't caused by Quilla!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
ahh yes, disjointed monty python skectes, the stuff of meny a "normals" nightmare, good god that few minuets was geeky as hell wwasent it
Geeky? GEEKY?!?!?
Right.. well.. if I'm a geek.. Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelled of elderberries!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
ahhh, i know i know, but then i am one too.
"you shall get.... A SECOND srubery, which shall be placed slightly lower than the first one with a little path joining them down the midddle"
i'm glad i wasn't there..
Lest the minehead byelection be spoketh
I really do know almost all of those sketches off by heart
I think FFM got the most post-worthy part of last night's chat
Would have done it myself, but spent most of today setting up my new laptop.
I just thought I'd post here so everyone can see my new avatar
I just thought I'd post here so everyone can see my new avatar
[/ QUOTE ]
You silly chump, someone's had that avatar already.
What about this one?
It's been used
It's all Wonka's fault by the way.
Seeing as absolutely no plot elements need to be done here at all, I think just the general nonsense can be put up:
EDIT: You lot talk *way* too much, there's a whole 100-page thread in here
01-07-2006 21:04:24 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: greetings max
01-07-2006 21:04:33 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Evening
01-07-2006 21:05:44 [GGOOC] Cassandra: lo max
01-07-2006 21:05:50 [GGOOC] Maximillian: lo Cassandra
01-07-2006 21:06:06 [GGOOC] Zortel: Hey Maxmax
01-07-2006 21:06:17 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: Maxibaby!
01-07-2006 21:06:21 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Hey ZorZor
01-07-2006 21:06:27 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Jestibaby!
01-07-2006 21:07:20 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: jellybaby!
01-07-2006 21:07:35 [GGOOC] Maximillian: mmmmmmm...jelly babies...
01-07-2006 21:07:51 [GGOOC] Maximillian: *eyes sister's Haribo stash*
01-07-2006 21:08:57 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: mmm haribo
01-07-2006 21:09:33 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Max doesn;t have black and white view, it's just black
01-07-2006 21:09:45 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: with a hat
01-07-2006 21:09:50 [GGOOC] Accel: <bordercolor #0000ff00><bgcolor #ffffff00>how does he see
anything?! aaaaah
01-07-2006 21:09:50 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Indeed :P
01-07-2006 21:10:37 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I use my x-ray specs of course
01-07-2006 21:10:48 [GGOOC] Wonka: Evening all...
01-07-2006 21:10:52 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: anyone like trivium here?
01-07-2006 21:10:58 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: hiya Wonka
01-07-2006 21:11:01 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Hey Wonka
01-07-2006 21:11:04 [GGOOC] Cassandra: how was Civ 4 wonka ?
01-07-2006 21:11:08 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I just got a big group in the Hollows
01-07-2006 21:11:12 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: trivium? can you have that on toast?
01-07-2006 21:11:24 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Trivium is a Metal band
01-07-2006 21:11:24 [GGOOC] Maximillian:'s better with scones
01-07-2006 21:11:57 [GGOOC] Maximillian: One of my friends listens to their Ascendancy album non-stop
01-07-2006 21:12:00 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: its best served with triple chocolate fidge cake
01-07-2006 21:12:00 [GGOOC] Wonka: Civ4 was jolly good.
01-07-2006 21:12:14 [GGOOC] Leif Roar: Sounds like the brand name of a drug. "Trivium. Two pills a day can change your life!"
01-07-2006 21:12:15 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: Im listening to Ascendancy at the moment
01-07-2006 21:12:15 [GGOOC] Wonka: Metal, pah!
01-07-2006 21:12:23 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Metal owns you Wonka *Hides*
01-07-2006 21:12:29 [GGOOC] Maximillian: 80's Electro-pop FTW!
01-07-2006 21:12:53 [GGOOC] Wonka: Mid-90's britpop, actually.
01-07-2006 21:12:57 [GGOOC] Maximillian: That too
01-07-2006 21:13:11 [GGOOC] Cassandra: good music FTW, i listen to lots of stuff
01-07-2006 21:13:13 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: you're ALL wrong! 70's glamrock FTW!
01-07-2006 21:13:13 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Pulp pwned everything, save Radiohead
01-07-2006 21:13:24 [GGOOC] Zortel: Umm... Finnish rock?
01-07-2006 21:13:25 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Sparks & T.Rex FTW!
01-07-2006 21:13:43 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: nope your all wrong, year dot music is the best
01-07-2006 21:13:45 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: :P
01-07-2006 21:13:46 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Oh sod it, I just remembered, I like all music...
01-07-2006 21:13:48 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: oooh Music and tast wars FTW
01-07-2006 21:14:05 [GGOOC] Cassandra: bob dillon crushes you all under his mighty iron fist
01-07-2006 21:14:06 [GGOOC] Wonka: I'm a Common Person, Pulp were a million times better than "Pass the razorblades" Radiohead...
01-07-2006 21:14:12 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Save for hippity-hop and RnB
01-07-2006 21:14:36 [GGOOC] Maximillian: She went to Greece she had a thrist for knowledge....
01-07-2006 21:14:59 [GGOOC] Cassandra: as does hendrix, and radiohead arent that depressing
01-07-2006 21:15:14 [GGOOC] Wonka: I can give you the lyrics for pretty much all of Different Class verbatim.
01-07-2006 21:15:38 [GGOOC] Maximillian: hehe, I can do most of the songs...but I probably will get pwned by you
01-07-2006 21:15:43 [GGOOC] Wonka: Both album and single mixes.
01-07-2006 21:16:31 [GGOOC] Wonka: Plus I can do Intro, His'n'Hers, This Is Hardcore and a good amount of We Love Life.
01-07-2006 21:16:49 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Although...thanks to a certain letter I got yesterday, you might be able to pwn me in Pulp lyrics in person in a short while :-)
01-07-2006 21:17:06 [GGOOC] Wonka: You're coming to Scumdee?
01-07-2006 21:17:13 [GGOOC] Wonka: I mean Sundee...
01-07-2006 21:17:21 [GGOOC] Maximillian: 99% likely, I only need CCC to get in now
01-07-2006 21:17:29 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I already have BCC
01-07-2006 21:18:40 [GGOOC] Wonka: Well, if I'm still here in October I can give you a traditional Dundonian welcome!
01-07-2006 21:18:49 [GGOOC] Maximillian: My jetpack just vanished! :'(
01-07-2006 21:18:55 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: alting to gg
01-07-2006 21:19:01 [GGOOC] Zortel: Alt!
01-07-2006 21:19:08 [GGOOC] Wonka: I.E. Mug you, then trhow you in the Tay.
01-07-2006 21:19:30 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'm a student, I won't have any money to make it worthwhile you mugging me :P
01-07-2006 21:19:52 [GGOOC] Wonka: Hmmm. Good point...
01-07-2006 21:20:54 [GGOOC] Wonka: So have you been up to see Dundee?
01-07-2006 21:21:33 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Not yet, my main information comes from my friend who's already at Uni there))
01-07-2006 21:21:43 [GGOOC] Wonka: Ah...
01-07-2006 21:22:12 [GGOOC] Wonka: I've probably already asked, but what would you be studying?
01-07-2006 21:22:40 [GGOOC] Maximillian: International Relations & Politics
01-07-2006 21:23:17 [GGOOC] Wonka: Interesting... Prospective diplomat?
01-07-2006 21:23:42 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Potential Prime Minister :P
01-07-2006 21:23:54 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'm turning Big Ben into a space-rocket
01-07-2006 21:24:15 [GGOOC] Inago: Evening yall
01-07-2006 21:24:17 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: you're turning a bell into a rocket?
01-07-2006 21:24:26 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: ding dong!
01-07-2006 21:24:34 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: >.<
01-07-2006 21:24:35 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Yep, and possibly the tower too
01-07-2006 21:24:48 [GGOOC] Cassandra: lo inago
01-07-2006 21:24:51 [GGOOC] Wonka: I think he means the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster, FFM...
01-07-2006 21:25:19 [GGOOC] Wonka: Which is the only factually correct term of reference for that tower.
01-07-2006 21:25:19 [GGOOC] Maximillian: well, bit of both, either way, part of London is going into orbit
01-07-2006 21:25:23 [GGOOC] Kahzul: *Rocks*
01-07-2006 21:25:25 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Level Eight
01-07-2006 21:25:31 [GGOOC] Cassandra: grats
01-07-2006 21:25:40 [GGOOC] Kahzul: With a great big group
01-07-2006 21:25:52 [GGOOC] Maximillian: gratz K
01-07-2006 21:25:53 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: Gratz
01-07-2006 21:26:06 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Hoping to reach level 10-12 tonight
01-07-2006 21:26:13 [GGOOC] Wonka: I hope you get your 3Cs and you get to come to Scotland's Sunniest City.
01-07-2006 21:26:31 [GGOOC] Maximillian: yep, and Dundee too
01-07-2006 21:27:54 [GGOOC] Wonka: See the silvery Tay, look at the stumps of the first Tay Bridge, see the DC Thompson printing works...
01-07-2006 21:28:25 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Are there many Geek Chicks up there? :-)
01-07-2006 21:28:44 [GGOOC] Wonka: The spectacular Stalinist architecture of the Olympia building...
01-07-2006 21:28:49 [GGOOC] Zortel: There aren't enough geek chicks anywhere. :<
01-07-2006 21:28:53 [GGOOC] Wonka: Geek Chicks?
01-07-2006 21:29:03 [GGOOC] Cassandra: damn stright
01-07-2006 21:29:20 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Tell me about it, it's all chav ladies or women who aren;t interested, but aren't geeks anyway :-(
01-07-2006 21:29:49 [GGOOC] Wonka: Oh, there are NO CHAVS in Dundee, or Soctland for that matter.
01-07-2006 21:29:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Neds instead
01-07-2006 21:29:59 [GGOOC] Wonka: Scotland*
01-07-2006 21:30:00 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: Lucky
01-07-2006 21:30:05 [GGOOC] Wonka: Ja. neds instead.
01-07-2006 21:30:14 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I've been researching :P
01-07-2006 21:30:31 [GGOOC] Wonka: We had Neds long before you Eeenglish came up with Chavs.
01-07-2006 21:30:53 [GGOOC] Maximillian: But yes, it'd be nice to find a girl who knows what Quake 2/Half-Life/CoH is, and who also plays them :-(
01-07-2006 21:30:55 [GGOOC] Cassandra: really ? becuase i have lived with chaves most of my life
01-07-2006 21:31:15 [GGOOC] Wonka: Although Neds is a Glaswegian term for what used to be know in this area as Scheemos.
01-07-2006 21:31:18 [GGOOC] Cassandra: i hear that max
01-07-2006 21:31:27 [GGOOC] Magenta: lol max..there are girls who do that
01-07-2006 21:31:30 [GGOOC] Magenta: just more blokes
01-07-2006 21:31:35 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Where? Where!? :P
01-07-2006 21:31:42 [GGOOC] Magenta: *points to self* :P
01-07-2006 21:31:45 [GGOOC] Wonka: Certainly i wouldn't know where to find them up here anyway...
01-07-2006 21:31:49 [GGOOC] Maximillian: You single? :P
01-07-2006 21:31:51 [GGOOC] Zortel: *Raises hand* I have four copies of Quake 3 Areana for the DC.
01-07-2006 21:32:08 [GGOOC] Cassandra: sweeeet, though i suck on consoles
01-07-2006 21:32:18 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Oh I love Quake
01-07-2006 21:32:22 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Quake 4-Awesome
01-07-2006 21:32:23 [GGOOC] Zortel: Of course, this is because I kept loosing and finding my other discs.
01-07-2006 21:32:33 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'll rephrase that, it'd be nice ot meet a girl who's interested in me *and* the above geek-qualities
01-07-2006 21:32:53 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I realise we have many lovely ladies at GG
01-07-2006 21:32:53 [GGOOC] Wonka: Go for the interesting in you as the main requirement...
01-07-2006 21:33:01 [GGOOC] Zortel: Ah, but they'd only be after you for your hat. :<
01-07-2006 21:33:03 [GGOOC] Wonka: Interested*...
01-07-2006 21:33:06 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Screw that i'm Male xD
01-07-2006 21:33:16 [GGOOC] Wonka: I have a hat too!
01-07-2006 21:33:20 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Hence I won;t ask you on a date :P
01-07-2006 21:33:30 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Or am I...*Changes name to Joanna Dark* >_>
01-07-2006 21:33:31 [GGOOC] Maximillian: My hat pwns yours
01-07-2006 21:33:33 [GGOOC] Wonka: Not a top hat unfortunately, but a trilby!
01-07-2006 21:33:50 [GGOOC] Cassandra: i had a hat once
01-07-2006 21:33:55 [GGOOC] Wonka: A brown cord one no less!
01-07-2006 21:33:59 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I also have about 5 berets
01-07-2006 21:34:00 [GGOOC] Zortel: I don't do hats.
01-07-2006 21:34:01 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: i have no hat and i dont need a hat
01-07-2006 21:34:09 [GGOOC] Maximillian: and a flat-cap
01-07-2006 21:34:22 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I have a Duster hat
01-07-2006 21:34:31 [GGOOC] Maximillian: ooh..might have a brown trilby lying around somewhere
01-07-2006 21:34:42 [GGOOC] Wonka: Oh, and as an excuse for bad spelling and general fluff-talking, I have had 3 gins already tonight...
01-07-2006 21:34:58 [GGOOC] Cassandra: i would needa custom had, i have a large head
01-07-2006 21:35:01 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I have a Max-Hat, as Zortel can attest to :-)
01-07-2006 21:35:08 [GGOOC] Zortel: It's true!
01-07-2006 21:35:28 [GGOOC] Maximillian: and I wore it in Brighton, and didn;t get mugged!
01-07-2006 21:35:51 [GGOOC] Wonka: I have whatjamacallit hats... Tea-cosy-esque ones, but not in an old granny way, sort of skatertype ones...
01-07-2006 21:35:56 [GGOOC] Cassandra: nah, too meny behatted ponces in brighton, wouldent stand out
01-07-2006 21:36:04 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Badly Drawn Boy stlyee?
01-07-2006 21:36:04 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: beenies ?
01-07-2006 21:36:25 [GGOOC] Zortel: Beanie hats, I think, aye.
01-07-2006 21:36:30 [GGOOC] Wonka: Beenies, aye. Them ones.
01-07-2006 21:37:12 [GGOOC] Maximillian: My hat still pwns all of yours :-)
01-07-2006 21:37:18 [GGOOC] Kahzul: My hat Pwns yours Max
01-07-2006 21:37:35 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Does your hat feature Uber Black and white checkered
01-07-2006 21:37:37 [GGOOC] Maximillian: if you have a Duster hat, then it's probably very similar to mine
01-07-2006 21:37:38 [GGOOC] Cassandra: i used to have indys hat, nice brown felt trillby
01-07-2006 21:37:52 [GGOOC] Maximillian: ewww...checkered
01-07-2006 21:37:56 [GGOOC] Maximillian: :P
01-07-2006 21:38:08 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: i have many J... do i need to finish?
01-07-2006 21:38:20 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Its Seck-Say
01-07-2006 21:38:23 [GGOOC] Cassandra: nope
01-07-2006 21:38:28 [GGOOC] Maximillian: many Jolly Green Giants?#
01-07-2006 21:38:36 [GGOOC] Zortel: I prefer collars! Hence Fuse wears one.
01-07-2006 21:38:48 [GGOOC] Wonka: Yeah, well, my hat is an Indie-music hat...
01-07-2006 21:38:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Hats and collars don;t mix though, unless it's a priest collar
01-07-2006 21:39:14 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I wear a Dog-Collar
01-07-2006 21:39:19 [GGOOC] Kahzul: It's fun on the bun
01-07-2006 21:39:26 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Suede were good 90's britpop as well, up until after 'Coming Up'
01-07-2006 21:39:39 [GGOOC] Cassandra: you know that explains a great meny things.......
01-07-2006 21:39:43 [GGOOC] Kahzul: *Begins to cry*
01-07-2006 21:39:49 [GGOOC] Wonka: Coming Up was the only one of their albums I bought.
01-07-2006 21:39:52 [GGOOC] Kahzul: This is horrible..
01-07-2006 21:39:59 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I prefer edible buns. With raisins in them
01-07-2006 21:40:15 [GGOOC] Maximillian: if you see it cheap, trust me, get Dog Man Star
01-07-2006 21:40:33 [GGOOC] Maximillian: about 1,000x better than Coming Up
01-07-2006 21:40:39 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I've just been invited to a party..
01-07-2006 21:40:47 [GGOOC] Maximillian: an Ann Summers party?
01-07-2006 21:40:49 [GGOOC] Kahzul: And the theme is The 80's and Sitcoms..
01-07-2006 21:40:52 [GGOOC] Wonka: How about if I see it full stop? You ever seen any albums from back then on sale anymore?
01-07-2006 21:41:00 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Yes
01-07-2006 21:41:21 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I nearly gre my hair Human league style once..I could have gone to your aprty
01-07-2006 21:41:21 [GGOOC] Cassandra: best of all, don't buy suade, becuse they are obnoxious posers ;-P
01-07-2006 21:41:21 [GGOOC] Wonka: What is it with this whole 80's are cool thing?
01-07-2006 21:41:34 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I don't think it is *Shudder*
01-07-2006 21:41:40 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'm a sucker for electronica
01-07-2006 21:41:41 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I have to dress up..
01-07-2006 21:41:41 [GGOOC] Cassandra: no clue, do they not rember the pastel suits ?
01-07-2006 21:41:51 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Either as an 80's dude or someone from Three's Company
01-07-2006 21:41:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Clothes = bad, music = good
01-07-2006 21:42:03 [GGOOC] Wonka: The style was terrible, the colours were terrible, the clothes were terrible and the hair was just damn scary.
01-07-2006 21:42:14 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Human League hair FTW!
01-07-2006 21:42:15 [GGOOC] Zortel: 80's had Adam and the Ants, Human League, New Order.
01-07-2006 21:42:21 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Ok what shall I choose?
01-07-2006 21:42:23 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Moonbeam
01-07-2006 21:42:26 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: wonka talking about the Cirque?
01-07-2006 21:42:30 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Shadow fall
01-07-2006 21:42:38 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Or a Pre-Travel power
01-07-2006 21:42:41 [GGOOC] Wonka: I'm not complaining about the music, I'm meaning the whole style being 'in'...
01-07-2006 21:42:45 [GGOOC] Maximillian: lol Jest :P
01-07-2006 21:42:49 [GGOOC] Kahzul: At level eight
01-07-2006 21:43:02 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Moonbeam Zortel?
01-07-2006 21:43:05 [GGOOC] Wonka: Actually, re-write that: The whole 'style' being in...
01-07-2006 21:43:08 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Moon Unit Zappa
01-07-2006 21:43:15 [GGOOC] Solar Blitz: NN all
01-07-2006 21:43:20 [GGOOC] Maximillian: night Blitz
01-07-2006 21:43:22 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: night solar!
01-07-2006 21:43:22 [GGOOC] Inago: Night matey
01-07-2006 21:43:28 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Alt!
01-07-2006 21:43:29 [GGOOC] Wonka: Night...
01-07-2006 21:43:32 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Night solar
01-07-2006 21:43:32 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: Night Solar
01-07-2006 21:43:33 [GGOOC] Cassandra: meh to new order, Joy devison where better, and the smiths, and lloyed cole and the eurimics, and the stanglers
01-07-2006 21:43:33 [GGOOC] Zortel: I feel the need to listen to The Police. :<
01-07-2006 21:43:33 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: night
01-07-2006 21:43:40 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Cmon shall I choose Moonbeam or Shadows Fall!
01-07-2006 21:43:48 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Moonbeam?
01-07-2006 21:43:52 [GGOOC] Zortel: Shadowbeam! Moonfall!
01-07-2006 21:43:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: New Order ARE Joy Division basically :-)
01-07-2006 21:43:59 [GGOOC] Wonka: I'd take Fishpaste power...
01-07-2006 21:44:06 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: i would take shadows fall
01-07-2006 21:44:11 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: if you team a lot
01-07-2006 21:44:20 [GGOOC] Cassandra: the police are ok, don't stans so close to me is a great track
01-07-2006 21:44:22 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Crud i've gone for moonbeam
01-07-2006 21:44:36 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: No matter, still good to have
01-07-2006 21:44:37 [GGOOC] Maximillian: brb. alting
01-07-2006 21:44:39 [GGOOC] Cassandra: woth out the talent, he killed him slef ;-(
01-07-2006 21:44:48 [GGOOC] Aisla: Evening all. Anyone at GG?
01-07-2006 21:44:53 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: police? Sting rocks!
01-07-2006 21:44:55 [GGOOC] Zortel: Hi Stef!
01-07-2006 21:44:55 [GGOOC] Cassandra: yup a few
01-07-2006 21:45:01 [GGOOC] Maximillian: No, we've all decided to travel back in time
01-07-2006 21:45:01 [GGOOC] FloatingFatMan: hey Stef!
01-07-2006 21:45:08 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Right im off chanell for a bit
01-07-2006 21:45:11 [GGOOC] ShadowGhost: Hoi Stef *knuf*
01-07-2006 21:45:11 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Seeya soon my friends
01-07-2006 21:45:13 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Have fun
01-07-2006 21:45:20 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I'll be in the Hollows..
01-07-2006 21:45:26 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Message you in a bit
01-07-2006 21:45:36 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Until then *Burns Maxes hat and runs *
01-07-2006 21:46:05 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Oi! I saw that as I was logging!
01-07-2006 21:46:07 [GGOOC] Wonka: I went to school with Sting's niece...
01-07-2006 21:46:59 [GGOOC] Wonka: Strange but true.
01-07-2006 21:47:10 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Did she have a mullet too?
01-07-2006 21:47:11 [GGOOC] Zortel: Anyone here know of a band called Machinae Supremacy, or am I the only one?
01-07-2006 21:47:19 [GGOOC] Maximillian: name rings a bell Z
01-07-2006 21:47:28 [GGOOC] Wonka: No, she didn't.
01-07-2006 21:47:31 [GGOOC] Zortel: Now, Pat Sharp, there's a mullet.
01-07-2006 21:47:44 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Fun House! Whole lotta fun, prizes to be won!
01-07-2006 21:47:53 [GGOOC] Zortel: Bonus points to who can name both twins first names!
01-07-2006 21:47:55 [GGOOC] Wonka: Fun House... *shudder*
01-07-2006 21:48:11 [GGOOC] Wonka: Hey, you know they've brought back Finders Keepers?
01-07-2006 21:48:28 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Melanie & Martina
01-07-2006 21:48:33 [GGOOC] Wonka: The one where two teams basically wreck a house looking for clues...
01-07-2006 21:48:35 [GGOOC] Zortel: Bonus points to Max!
01-07-2006 21:48:44 [GGOOC] Zortel: I remember that show!
01-07-2006 21:48:48 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: Biker mice from mars and Pogs are making a come back this year
01-07-2006 21:48:56 [GGOOC] Wonka: Does that mean Max gets and extra 15 seconds in teh Fun House?
01-07-2006 21:49:09 [GGOOC] Zortel: Biker Mice from Mars? Does this mean we'll be seeing Street Sharkz next?
01-07-2006 21:49:11 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Ooh! Powerlevelling!
01-07-2006 21:49:18 [GGOOC] Zortel: Or The Hurricanes?
01-07-2006 21:49:20 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Oh my god no,Street Sharkz
01-07-2006 21:49:21 [GGOOC] Wonka: My typing is getting affected by Gin. Please excuse all mistakes.
01-07-2006 21:49:26 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I've still got one of their toys
01-07-2006 21:49:28 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Street Sharks was rubbish, apart from the bad guy
01-07-2006 21:49:44 [GGOOC] Cassandra: yaya for the biker mice, boo to pogs
01-07-2006 21:49:46 [GGOOC] Kahzul: It's too Ninja turtles
01-07-2006 21:49:57 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Street Sharks was TMNT
01-07-2006 21:49:58 [GGOOC] Wonka: I think I'm slightly too old for Street Sharkz...
01-07-2006 21:50:13 [GGOOC] Maximillian: TMNT were great in their original version, the modern one is pants, it's too dark and "cool"
01-07-2006 21:50:24 [GGOOC] Kahzul: The old one where they actually had EYES
01-07-2006 21:50:29 [GGOOC] Maximillian: True
01-07-2006 21:50:35 [GGOOC] Kahzul: This one their eyes just..glow..
01-07-2006 21:50:38 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Black
01-07-2006 21:50:44 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: hhmmm.. street sharkz No. wont see them again im sure of it. dont get me started on this subject.. i should not of said anything LOL
01-07-2006 21:50:48 [GGOOC] Zortel: Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, heroes in a half shell, turtle power!
01-07-2006 21:50:51 [GGOOC] Wonka: Which is more how they were drawn in the original graphic novels...
01-07-2006 21:50:59 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: Its based on origanl comic art
01-07-2006 21:51:13 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I liked them looking cuter :S
01-07-2006 21:51:19 [GGOOC] Kahzul: There the worlds most fearsome fighting team
01-07-2006 21:51:27 [GGOOC] Kahzul: There heroes in a hapshell and their green
01-07-2006 21:51:34 [GGOOC] Kahzul: *Screwed*
01-07-2006 21:51:39 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Its Halfshell..
01-07-2006 21:51:53 [GGOOC] Maximillian: the films were pretty poor too
01-07-2006 21:51:54 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I always used to say that 'Hapshell'
01-07-2006 21:51:58 [GGOOC] Kahzul: The films..
01-07-2006 21:52:00 [GGOOC] Cassandra: i have a TMNT rp game, based on heroes unlimited system
01-07-2006 21:52:02 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Like the china one?
01-07-2006 21:52:11 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Where they go to China?
01-07-2006 21:52:14 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I saw I + II, didnt bother with III
01-07-2006 21:52:32 [GGOOC] Wonka: Here's a quick question... Who remembers Going Live?
01-07-2006 21:52:38 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Bit like Star Wars prequels....
01-07-2006 21:52:47 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: New film next year. dark and violent
01-07-2006 21:52:48 [GGOOC] Zortel: Saturday morning TV show, Wonka?
01-07-2006 21:52:49 [GGOOC] Kahzul: You didnt watch all Star Wars max?
01-07-2006 21:52:52 [GGOOC] Magenta: i do..yeh
01-07-2006 21:53:03 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Nah, I havent bothered with Ep III yet
01-07-2006 21:53:20 [GGOOC] Wonka: Way back then...
01-07-2006 21:53:25 [GGOOC] Maximillian: So far, the prequels have ruined my cherished memories of Star Wars being nothing but amazing
01-07-2006 21:53:41 [GGOOC] Wonka: Do you remember Number 73 on ITV?
01-07-2006 21:53:44 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I'm just a SW Fanboy
01-07-2006 21:53:52 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Does anyone remember Live and Kicking?
01-07-2006 21:53:58 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I sort of am, but I'm a classic fanboy :-)
01-07-2006 21:54:01 [GGOOC] Cassandra: sandy toksvig FTW
01-07-2006 21:54:09 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I remember the first episode of L&K
01-07-2006 21:54:16 [GGOOC] Cassandra: the chip butty game
01-07-2006 21:54:17 [GGOOC] Wonka: Live and Kicking was the replacement for Going Live...
01-07-2006 21:54:18 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Max we would be good friends *Nod* :P
01-07-2006 21:54:33 [GGOOC] Magenta: going live was the one with phillip
01-07-2006 21:54:41 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Oh! I remember that now!
01-07-2006 21:54:48 [GGOOC] Wonka: The SW prequels mean that the big shock in Empire is now
01-07-2006 21:54:52 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: gordon
01-07-2006 21:54:54 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Max you and Englander?
01-07-2006 21:55:00 [GGOOC] Kahzul: *ahem* an
01-07-2006 21:55:06 [GGOOC] Maximillian: At the moment, yes
01-07-2006 21:55:13 [GGOOC] Wonka: Going Live had Sarah Greene, Philip Schofield and Gordon T Gopher.
01-07-2006 21:55:23 [GGOOC] Maximillian: *meep meep meep meeeeep*
01-07-2006 21:55:26 [GGOOC] Cassandra: vile thing that was
01-07-2006 21:55:44 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Max get your [censored] to Blackpool please
01-07-2006 21:55:57 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Are there many geek chicks there?
01-07-2006 21:56:17 [GGOOC] Cassandra: yeah, are there ?
01-07-2006 21:56:19 [GGOOC] Wonka: Live and Kicking started off with Andi Peters and Emma somethingorotherthat used to do the cooking on Going Live...
01-07-2006 21:56:21 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Not that I know of
01-07-2006 21:56:26 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Though I could dress like a woman
01-07-2006 21:56:33 [GGOOC] Maximillian: ...
01-07-2006 21:56:39 [GGOOC] Cassandra: *scared*
01-07-2006 21:56:42 [GGOOC] Magenta: yes..never likes andi peters
01-07-2006 21:56:43 [GGOOC] Zortel: I remember the cooking!
01-07-2006 21:56:46 [GGOOC] Magenta: *liked
01-07-2006 21:56:55 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Yes max come to England
01-07-2006 21:56:57 [GGOOC] Maximillian: the only cooking I rememebr as a kid was Yan Can Cook
01-07-2006 21:57:07 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Well Blackpool
01-07-2006 21:57:13 [GGOOC] Zortel: !!! Max, on ITV?
01-07-2006 21:57:13 [GGOOC] Magenta: the chef on the uppets was better
01-07-2006 21:57:16 [GGOOC] Magenta: *muppets
01-07-2006 21:57:22 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Come to blackpool and meet Clarissa!
01-07-2006 21:57:22 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'm all the way down by Brighton, Blackpool isn;t really a day-trip at the mo :P
01-07-2006 21:57:28 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Yes, on ITV :-)
01-07-2006 21:57:38 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I'll come then
01-07-2006 21:57:39 [GGOOC] Zortel: I watched that!
01-07-2006 21:57:40 [GGOOC] Wonka: Anyone remember WDYGOADSMIFO?
01-07-2006 21:57:52 [GGOOC] Kahzul: I'll come to Brighton
01-07-2006 21:57:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I remember TMWRNJ
01-07-2006 21:57:57 [GGOOC] Wonka: Commonly abbreviated to Why Don't You?
01-07-2006 21:57:57 [GGOOC] Kahzul: And dress as a female
01-07-2006 21:58:05 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Sounds good
01-07-2006 21:58:22 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I used to be fixated by Yan Can Cook Z :-)
01-07-2006 21:58:31 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Lancelot is no more,Say hello to Lina
01-07-2006 21:58:40 [GGOOC] Maximillian: This Morning With Richard NOT Judy?
01-07-2006 21:58:51 [GGOOC] Ringmaster: yes max
01-07-2006 21:58:52 [GGOOC] Aisla: Could I speak to one of the GGOOC moderators, please.
01-07-2006 21:58:56 [GGOOC] Wonka: Oh, god that was funny...
01-07-2006 21:59:01 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Sunday mornings...BBC2
01-07-2006 21:59:14 [GGOOC] Cassandra: curious Orange !
01-07-2006 21:59:18 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Does anyone remember the Clangers?
01-07-2006 21:59:21 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Trevor, witht he incredibly small mouth
01-07-2006 21:59:23 [GGOOC] Cassandra: no
01-07-2006 21:59:38 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Ugh the Clangers....utterly annoyed the hell outta me
01-07-2006 21:59:48 [GGOOC] Kahzul: With their infernal whisteling
01-07-2006 21:59:58 [GGOOC] Kahzul: And that hellish green dragon..
01-07-2006 22:00:04 [GGOOC] Maximillian: *woop woop-woop wooop wooopyty woop*
01-07-2006 22:00:36 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I'm sure I'm supposed to be RPing or somehting here...:P
01-07-2006 22:00:36 [GGOOC] Wonka: Did TMWRNJ not have the orange jelly-fixated Rod Hull?
01-07-2006 22:00:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: May have...I remember a fixation with Cinnamon Grahams as well
01-07-2006 22:00:58 [GGOOC] Wonka: You're playing Vermy, Max... he don't talk anyway.
01-07-2006 22:01:31 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I could emote :P
01-07-2006 22:03:04 [GGOOC] Wonka: Sorry to continue on the old telly theme, but anyone remember when Noel's House Party was -the- thing to watch on a Saturday night...
01-07-2006 22:03:09 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Oh yes
01-07-2006 22:03:15 [GGOOC] Maximillian: That show was amazing
01-07-2006 22:03:25 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Saturday Night Telly hasn't been the same since
01-07-2006 22:03:37 [GGOOC] Cassandra: yea, and i thank god for my mega drive for helping me avoid it
01-07-2006 22:03:45 [GGOOC] Wonka: You always lived in fear of NTV being you...
01-07-2006 22:03:47 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Nowadays all there is is 'Big Brother'
01-07-2006 22:04:02 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I was still on a Commodore 64 at that point
01-07-2006 22:04:37 [GGOOC] Cassandra: jungle strike FTW, hours of gaming
01-07-2006 22:04:58 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Anyone remember...Captain caveman
01-07-2006 22:05:02 Inago speaks loudly and firmly "Leo... when I said talk to her I meant nicely and respectfully!
01-07-2006 22:05:03 [GGOOC] Maximillian: X-Men 2 for the win, second best X-Men game evr
01-07-2006 22:05:07 [GGOOC] Wonka: *makes a concious effort to stop nostagliaisering*
01-07-2006 22:05:27 [GGOOC] Cassandra: nostalga's not what it used to be
01-07-2006 22:05:54 [GGOOC] Wonka: What's the best X-Men game ever?
01-07-2006 22:06:04 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I want to get a PSP solely to emulate a Mega Drive and X-Men 2
01-07-2006 22:06:09 [GGOOC] Maximillian: X-Men legends
01-07-2006 22:06:15 [GGOOC] Cassandra: was a streets of rage rip off
01-07-2006 22:06:26 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Didn;t stop it being good
01-07-2006 22:06:28 [GGOOC] Cassandra: now that was good
01-07-2006 22:06:40 [GGOOC] Cassandra: i know, but i never did like marvel
01-07-2006 22:07:04 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Transformers.
01-07-2006 22:07:22 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I don't really 'get' the whole DC/Marvel argument, I just read the comics I like :S
01-07-2006 22:07:42 [GGOOC] Magenta: yeh me too max.. and i still like judge dredd
01-07-2006 22:07:44 [GGOOC] Maximillian: They both make crap comics, and good comics, so there's not really much to argue with
01-07-2006 22:07:58 [GGOOC] Zortel: I read Kingdom Come for the first time today, now that's some great artwork in there!
01-07-2006 22:07:59 [GGOOC] Cassandra: no, me neither, but i naver liked any of the lines but spiderman
01-07-2006 22:08:32 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Hmm, each to their own, should add I'm not attacking your standing in the great comics war though :P
01-07-2006 22:09:05 [GGOOC] Maximillian: although obscure Dutch comics at the Brighton Expo FTW!
01-07-2006 22:09:43 [GGOOC] Wonka: Ah, Something Changed, quite probably the most under-rated track on Different Class...
01-07-2006 22:10:06 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I thought it was pretty good
01-07-2006 22:10:36 [GGOOC] Wonka: I love it, but most people don't like it because it's just a ballad.
01-07-2006 22:10:39 [GGOOC] Maximillian: the only track I'm not too fond of on Different Class is FEELINGCALLEDLOVE
01-07-2006 22:11:04 [GGOOC] Wonka: I think that's great!
01-07-2006 22:11:31 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Right i'm leaving chanell
01-07-2006 22:11:33 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Seeya tomorrow
01-07-2006 22:11:35 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Just seems a bit..bland to me
01-07-2006 22:11:37 [GGOOC] Kahzul: Bloody annoyed..
01-07-2006 22:11:38 [GGOOC] Maximillian: seeya K
01-07-2006 22:11:58 [GGOOC] Inago: Errrmmm... whats hapening?
01-07-2006 22:12:15 [GGOOC] Wonka: It's slow, and most of the lyrics are hidden underneath the chorus...
01-07-2006 22:12:45 [GGOOC] Maximillian: I just doesn't hit it with me :-(
01-07-2006 22:12:55 [GGOOC] Maximillian: rest of the album's 10/10 though
01-07-2006 22:13:25 [GGOOC] Zortel: That's it. I'm going to stick Has Been by William Shattner on!
01-07-2006 22:13:39 [GGOOC] Wonka: Have to admit that Common People is undoubtably the best. The second half really makes the song.
01-07-2006 22:13:45 [GGOOC] Maximillian: my random playist is on Sisters Of Mercy
01-07-2006 22:14:00 [GGOOC] Maximillian: agreed Wonka
01-07-2006 22:14:30 [GGOOC] Maximillian: It took me a while to like Disco 2000 because of it geting *really* overplayed on the radio over the 90's
01-07-2006 22:15:08 [GGOOC] Wonka: I prefer the 7" version of Disco2000 compared to the album version...
01-07-2006 22:15:17 [GGOOC] Maximillian: haven't heard it
01-07-2006 22:15:38 [GGOOC] Maximillian: well to you...:P
01-07-2006 22:15:41 [GGOOC] Wonka: It's the one with the washing machine sample in the chorus.
01-07-2006 22:15:46 [GGOOC] Maximillian: lol
01-07-2006 22:16:45 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Ooh, just noticed the time, I'd best be off, got work tomorrow morning, and at least you'll be free of my nostalgia-spamming :-)
01-07-2006 22:16:45 [GGOOC] Wonka: Ever heard the B-sides to the Different Class singles, Max?
01-07-2006 22:17:08 [GGOOC] Wonka: Ach, see ya Max.
01-07-2006 22:17:13 [GGOOC] Maximillian: Nope, I wasn't old enough to really be buying singles when Different Class came out
01-07-2006 22:17:26 [GGOOC] Maximillian: would have been about...8/9
01-07-2006 22:17:49 [GGOOC] Cassandra: what year was that ?
01-07-2006 22:17:58 [GGOOC] Wonka: Try to find PTA (B-side to Mis-Shapes) and Mile End (B-side on Something Changed) they're great.
01-07-2006 22:18:02 [GGOOC] Maximillian: '95 I believe it was released
01-07-2006 22:18:14 [GGOOC] Wonka: Yup, 1995.
01-07-2006 22:18:58 [GGOOC] Cassandra: damn, was fifteen then, i was listeningto stevie wonder, dillon and nivana as i was a little young for them at the time