MA/Regen Build




Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Thunder Kick==> Dmg(1)Acc(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(15)DisDur(37)DisDur(46)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)
02) --> Storm Kick==> Acc(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(15)
04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(7)Rechg(7)Rechg(31)Rechg(34)Heal(36)
06) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(6)EndMod(9)EndMod(13)
08) --> Crane Kick==> Dmg(8)Acc(9)Dmg(11)Dmg(17)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(10)Heal(11)Rechg(13)Rechg(25)Rechg(34)Heal(36)
12) --> Hasten==> Rechg(12)Rechg(21)Rechg(23)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)TH_Buf(42)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16)Heal(17)EndRdx(19)EndRdx(25)EndRdx(45)
18) --> Crippling Axe Kick==> Dmg(18)Acc(19)Dmg(21)Dmg(23)Immob(37)Immob(46)
20) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(20)
22) --> Hurdle==> Jump(22)
24) --> Health==> Heal(24)
26) --> Stamina==> EndMod(26)EndMod(27)EndMod(27)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28)Heal(29)Rechg(29)Rechg(31)Rechg(36)Heal(37)
30) --> Dragon's Tail==> Acc(30)Dmg(31)Dmg(34)Dmg(40)
32) --> Eagle's Claw==> Dmg(32)Acc(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)DisDur(43)DisDur(43)
35) --> Revive==> Rechg(35)
38) --> Moment Of Glory==> DefBuf(38)DefBuf(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)DefBuf(40)Rechg(40)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41)EndRdx(42)TH_Buf(42)TH_Buf(43)EndRdx(46)TH_Buf(48)
44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)
47) --> Cobra Strike==> Acc(47)DisDur(48)DisDur(48)
49) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> Acc(49)Dmg(50)Dmg(50)DefDeBuf(50)

Scrapper builds seem to be all the rage atm, so here's another one.

Finding a good home for many of my slots has been a problem since ED, gone are the days of 1 acc 5 damage in all attacks. Adding disorient or hold enhancements was fine, I avoided adding slots to knockback attacks.

If the fitness pool seems forced into the early 20's thats because it was, I wan't sure if I would need stamina as part of the build or not, would regens end recovery be enough to compensate for a lack of stamina?

All comments and critiques welcome.

btw - I intend to use this for PvE, have yet to take any of my alts to the pvp zones.



I don't see the point in slotting Disorient Durations in good attacks, slot recharge instead.

You went WAY over the top with End reduction in Integration, it needs one, tops.

Oh and how'd a ToHit Buff get in Superspeed?

World of Jackcraft.



The status slotting in your attacks is pointless really, you can't enhance how often they occur, just how long they last for. Much better to have consistently hitting attacks through additional accuracy slots IMHO.



Ok, MKII build. Removed the status effects, makes sense about duration of them not likelyhood of them happening. My blaster status effects just happened automatically . Reslotted integration and have went 2 acc in attacks. Will see if they are needed given MA's acc bonus. Can always change them to recharge if I feel its not needed.

Whats the thoughts on Focused Accuracy, is it good enough to be able to remove acc enhancements from powers?

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Thunder Kick==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(15)Dmg(37)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)
02) --> Storm Kick==> Acc(2)Acc(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(15)Dmg(42)
04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(7)Heal(7)Rechg(31)Rechg(34)Rechg(36)
06) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(6)EndMod(9)EndMod(13)
08) --> Crane Kick==> Acc(8)Acc(9)Dmg(11)Dmg(17)Dmg(45)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(10)Heal(11)Heal(13)Rechg(25)Rechg(34)Rechg(36)
12) --> Hasten==> Rechg(12)Rechg(21)Rechg(23)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16)Heal(17)Heal(19)EndRdx(25)
18) --> Crippling Axe Kick==> Acc(18)Acc(19)Dmg(21)Dmg(23)Dmg(37)
20) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(20)
22) --> Hurdle==> Jump(22)
24) --> Health==> Heal(24)
26) --> Stamina==> EndMod(26)EndMod(27)EndMod(27)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28)Heal(29)Heal(29)Rechg(31)Rechg(36)Rechg(37)
30) --> Dragon's Tail==> Acc(30)Acc(31)Dmg(34)Dmg(40)Dmg(43)Rechg(46)
32) --> Eagle's Claw==> Acc(32)Acc(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(43)Rechg(46)
35) --> Revive==> Rechg(35)
38) --> Moment Of Glory==> DefBuf(38)DefBuf(39)DefBuf(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41)EndRdx(42)EndRdx(42)TH_Buf(43)TH_Buf(46)TH_Buf(48)
44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)
47) --> Cobra Strike==> Acc(47)Acc(48)Rechg(48)
49) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> Acc(49)Acc(50)Dmg(50)Dmg(50)

Ohh and I have no idea how that tohit buff ended up in SS either.



You forgot focus chi which btw is better than the other build ups (100% damage and 62,5% acc).

A Paragon Defender



That's the same as every other Build Up...

Actually the only difference according to my hero planner is the activation is longer for Focused Chi.

World of Jackcraft.



Thats strange I remember all build ups to be +80% dam and +50 acc. Where focus chi is higher.

controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr



You don't need so many attacks, especially with hasten running and recharge reductions in them. I use Storm kick, Crane kick, crippling axe kick, dragons tail and eagles claw as my attack cycle, with Laser beam eyes for the runners, even when hasten is down and with no recharges in my powers then one of them is always up. (Cobra strike is more useful to take earlier on than 47 if you are going to, had it in my own build till last respec, excellent against sappers!!)

I don't use the fitness pool myself but slot my attacks with 1 acc, 3 dam and 2 end reductions in each as I wanted SJ as well as SS, but I know a lot of people suggest it is a good idea, so this one is up to you, if I hadn't have wanted SJ I would have taken that as well.

Only 1 accuracy is fine in your attacks, no need for 2, especially with Focused accuracy.

And as has been pointed out, focus chi is excellent, 3 slot for recharge, with hastyen works out about a 25 second downtime (10 second duration and approx 35 second recharge), means you can use it a couple of times per mob, and does massively increase your acc and dam.



Thats strange I remember all build ups to be +80% dam and +50 acc. Where focus chi is higher.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not according to Hero Builder, but that's been wrong before.



I finally tested the power, build up for BS does +100% damage, I tested using brawl on a lvl 1 then using build up and brawl. The result was a figure 100% higher. I then did the same thing with MA and the value was also 100% higher. Another fine example of my hero builder being wrong.

I wont test the acc though because it takes way too long with a power that is only up every 45 secs with 3 recharges.

But back to focus chi, get it and love it.

controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr




Due to the sheer number of attacks doing a 1-50 is presenting problems. More than likely 1-32 is how far I'll go and then respec, shuffling the attacks.

Still having problems placing some slots. Probably use a few earlier for 2 acc enhancements until focused accuracy.

Had forgotten about focus chi, I know how useful build up was so not taking it with a scrapper would be foolish.

Left out the lvl placements as I'm showing more what I'll have than when, can sort that as I go along.

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Thunder Kick==> AccDmgDmgDmg
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal
02) --> Storm Kick==> AccDmgDmgDmg
04) --> Reconstruction==> HealHealHealRechgRechgRechg
06) --> Quick Recovery==> EndModEndModEndMod
08) --> Crane Kick==> AccDmgDmgDmgAcc
10) --> Hasten==> RechgRechgRechg
12) --> Hurdle==> Jump
14) --> Super Speed==> Run
16) --> Health==> HealHealHeal
18) --> Focus Chi==> TH_BufTH_BufTH_BufRechgRechgRechg
20) --> Stamina==> EndModEndModEndMod
22) --> Integration==> HealHealHealEndRdx
24) --> Cobra Strike==> AccDmgDmgDmg
26) --> Crippling Axe Kick==> AccDmgDmgDmgAcc
28) --> Dull Pain==> EmptyHealHealRechgRechgRechg
30) --> Instant Healing==> HealHealHealRechgRechgRechg
32) --> Eagle's Claw==> AccDmgDmgDmgAcc
35) --> Resilience==> DmgRes
38) --> Moment Of Glory==> RechgRechgRechgDefBufDefBufDefBuf
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> TH_BufTH_BufTH_BufEndRdxEndRdxEndRdx
44) --> Conserve Power==> RechgRechgRechg
47) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> AccDmgDmgDmg
49) --> Revive==> Rechg



On the Foccused Accuracy question, I consider it good enough to strip accuracy SO's from my attacks. This is not backed up by any hard evidence however

One thing to consider is that you shouldn't rely on FA for all your accuracy: if you do much exemping/PvP you likely won't have it, so still slot for accuracy here and there, just don't go overboard.



That's looking like a good build, only things I would change myself would be the recharge reductions in MoG to damage resistances (3 defbuf and 3 dmgres), MoG is a very useful power, especially against things like Malta etc, but does come back quickly enough to be used once every few mobs or so, which is mostly all you need it (have found if it is needed more then revive is more useful ), whereas the extra damage resistance does help for the auto hit powers and anything that does manage to get a swipe in.

Also suggest disorientate duration for cobra strike, you don't need this power for damage (the rest do plenty enough ), best use I have found for it is mezzing sappers, lieutenants or anything else that is going to cause you or the rest of the team grief (is a much more useful now post ED, pre ED with damage six slotted you could just fire off focus chi and 1 shot them, now they will only go down to half/third health and sap you.)

Now go and enjoy the pre 20 levels and waiting for the rest of the team's health/end to come back up between fights while you sit there looking smug )



You only need one damage resistance in MoG for it to cap - infact it very nearly caps with Resiliance.



*goes and buys 2 recharge reductions for MoG*

Ta for that, not being a number cruncher or seen many figures for MoG didn't realise this, will certainly change now.

Agree with the_question though, I have focussed accuracy with 1 acc in each attack, purely for when I exemp, also I believe (not certain, just thought I had read somewhere) that 3 accbuf SO's in FA was equivilent to 1 or 2 acc SO's (cannot rememeber which) in each attack, so with 1 already in there I hardly ever miss anything I am capable of taking down.