Tri-form Peacebringer for comment




I know, the debate about how many forms you should concentrate on is something many people are simply never going to agree on, so on the subject let me say that I AM intending to stay 3 form regardless of good advice to the contrary
Let me say this also, I am very happy and comfortable with changing forms and have become used to what the 3 are good/bad at.
An example strategy against a void or quantum.
Nova in at breakneck pace firing AoE followed by bigger blasts, hopefully the AoE will have the nasty off his feet while my 2nd and thrid strike hit home. Now quick change to human form which is a pretty much instant change (and due to my key bindings brings up my shining shield to help protect me from the other agro I have inevitably drawn) and use IS, RS, GB to pummel him further. If he is still standing, or even if he isn't, I will usually swap to dwarf form at this point to help manage the major agro I've created. There are obviously situational variations on this depending on how things go and the level of the mobs involved. Self heals, essence boost, conserve energy, buildup, hasten, any and all of these things might also be triggered during the human phase. Also, please bear in mind before ripping me apart on this strategy that this is only one of many for this particular situation and is intended to demonstrate the use of the combined forms.

On which basis, I would appreciate any comments on my proposed build:

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Level: 50
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary: Luminous Blast
Secondary: Luminous Aura
01) --> Glinting Eye==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(42)
01) --> Incandescence==> DmgRes(1) DmgRes(43)
02) --> Gleaming Blast==> Acc(2) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(42)
04) --> Essence Boost==> Rechg(4) Rechg(37)
06) --> Bright Nova==> TH_Buf(6) TH_Buf(15) EndMod(15) EndMod(17) EndMod(17)
08) --> Radiant Strike==> Acc(8) Dmg(9) Dmg(9) Dmg(25)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10) Rechg(37) Rechg(37)
12) --> Build Up==> Rechg(12) TH_Buf(31)
14) --> Shining Shield==> DmgRes(14) DmgRes(31) DmgRes(31) EndRdx(50)
16) --> Super Speed==> Run(16)
18) --> Incandescent Strike==> Acc(18) Dmg(19) Dmg(25) Dmg(42)
20) --> White Dwarf==> DmgRes(20) DmgRes(21) DmgRes(21) EndMod(29) EndMod(29) EndMod(45)
22) --> Reform Essence==> Rechg(22) Rechg(40) Heal(40) Heal(46) Rechg(46) Heal(46)
24) --> Conserve Energy==> Rechg(24) Rechg(40) Rechg(48) EndRdx(48) EndRdx(48)
26) --> Glowing Touch==> Rechg(26) Heal(27) Heal(27)
28) --> Quantum Flight==> EndRdx(28) EndRdx(43) Rechg(43)
30) --> Stimulant==> Rechg(30)
32) --> Dawn Strike==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33)
35) --> Photon Seekers==> Acc(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(36)
38) --> Light Form==> DmgRes(38)
41) --> Pulsar==> DisDur(41)
44) --> Restore Essence==> Rechg(44)
47) --> Thermal Shield==> DmgRes(47) EndRdx(50)
49) --> Quantum Shield==> DmgRes(49) EndRdx(50)
01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
01) --> Power Quick==> Empty(1)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Energy Flight==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Cosmic Balance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Combat Flight==> Fly(10)
06) --> Bright Nova Bolt==> Dmg(6) Dmg(11) Dmg(23)
06) --> Bright Nova Blast==> Dmg(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(13)
06) --> Bright Nova Scatter==> Dmg(6) Dmg(11) Dmg(19)
06) --> Bright Nova Detonation==> Dmg(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(13)
20) --> White Dwarf Strike==> Dmg(20) Dmg(34) Dmg(39)
20) --> White Dwarf Smite==> Dmg(20) Dmg(34) Dmg(39)
20) --> White Dwarf Flare==> Dmg(20) Dmg(34) Dmg(39)
20) --> White Dwarf Sublimation==> Rechg(20) Heal(23) Heal(45)
20) --> White Dwarf Antagonize==> Taunt(20) Taunt(45)
20) --> White Dwarf Step==> EndRdx(20)

To be honest, the inclusion of stimulant is partly because it sort of helps complete the minor/backup healer role when combined with glowing touch and partly because I really couldn't think of much else I really wanted at this level.
The later powers, pulsar the self res and the two shields are there to use the slots pretty much, obviously they all have their uses but I simply don't see them as a priority in this build.

BTW..I have followed this build to level 27 so far and am pretty pleased with it as far as it goes.

Thanks in advance.




Seems like a cool build to me, i think ill copy it.



LOL, was just gonna say the same as Rooney, beat me to it.

Good build Skimpy



Looks like a decent build to me.
One question:
Do EndRedx enhancements help Conserve Energy?
I thought not...
Apart from that I noticed that you don't slot EndRedx in your attacks and don't skill Stamina.
Do you really manage human form without having endurance problems?



> Do EndRedx enhancements help Conserve Energy?

Yes, these 2 end reducers drop the cost of activating conserve energy from about 10 to about 5.5 which means that using this power has a lower impact on my end usage itself. Maybe the slots could be better used elsewhere and only time will really tell on this, but for the moment it seems OK. Ideally I would like to slot end modifiers in there, but this power doesn't accept them so no dice there.

> Do you really manage human form without having endurance problems?

It depends on your definition of problems
Certainly without stamina the human scrapping form is pretty end heavy and I suspect once I hit 32 and get Dawn Strike it will be even more so. Conserve energy helps here and the occasional CAB takes care of the fairly unusal instance of major end problems. At the moment I mitigate end problems through switching forms, a few miuntes in dwarf or squid form restores my end sufficiently to switch back to human form while still allowing me to participate in the fight. It also gives things like essence boost and buildup time to recharge so they are available again.
Again, it maybe that I fine tune the slotting later on and add end reducers to the main human form attacks, but for the moment it doesn't seem neccesary.




All my attacks are 1acc/3dam/1rech/1end so I desperately needed to take stamina.
My Conserve Energy mostly goes into Dwarf Form, as I no longer have Endurance Recoveries in the forms themselves.
That and of course together with Quantum Flight for fast travel...



I need help, need to respec my PB because of ED and I've finally decided to go for it. Now I have my proposed build below which is trying to go for the tri form thingy and the build doesn't seem to much different from yours.

I've left out the fitness pool as I figure this is what CAB's and Conserve Energy are for. Is this the case or will I definatly need to get stamina? I am worried about the lack of stamina though as it could make the human form much less effective.

I'm currently at lvl 31 and this will take me up to 40. And currently I am only using the nova and dwarf so know little about the human side. So if there's anything "needed" that i am missing or any tips that might prove useful to me then please let me know.

Hero Plan by Designer Hero
Program Version: 1.62
Data File Version: August 20, 2005
Designer Hero Home Page

Amalia: Level 40 Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura
Power Pool Set: Speed

Hero Profile
Level 1: Gleaming Bolt -- Acc (A)
Level 1: Incandescence -- ResDam (A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc (A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run (A)
Level 1: Energy Flight -- EndRdx (A)
Level 1: Cosmic Balance -- No Slot (A)
Level 2: Shining Shield -- EndRdx (A), ResDam (3), ResDam (3)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx (A)
Level 4: Essence Boost -- RechRdx (A), RechRdx (5), Heal (5)
Level 6: Bright Nova -- RecInc (A), RecInc (7), RecInc (7)
Level 6: Bright Nova Bolt -- Acc (A), Dmg (17), Dmg (39)
Level 6: Bright Nova Blast -- Acc (A), Dmg (17), Dmg (29), Dmg (31)
Level 6: Bright Nova Scatter -- Acc (A), Dmg (9), Dmg (15), Dmg (31)
Level 6: Bright Nova Detonation -- Acc (A), Dmg (9), Dmg (15), Dmg (31)
Level 8: Radiant Strike -- Acc (A), Dmg (19), Dmg (37)
Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx (A), RechRdx (11), RechRdx (11)
Level 10: Combat Flight -- EndRdx (A)
Level 12: Build Up -- RechRdx (A), RechRdx (13), RechRdx (13)
Level 14: Thermal Shield -- EndRdx (A)
Level 16: Quantum Shield -- EndRdx (A)
Level 18: Incandescent Strike -- Acc (A), Dmg (19), Dmg (37), Dmg (37)
Level 20: White Dwarf -- ResDam (A), ResDam (21), ResDam (21), RecInc (27), RecInc (27)
Level 20: White Dwarf Strike -- Acc (A)
Level 20: White Dwarf Smite -- Acc (A)
Level 20: White Dwarf Flare -- Acc (A)
Level 20: White Dwarf Sublimation -- RechRdx (A), RechRdx (23), Heal (25)
Level 20: White Dwarf Antagonize -- Acc (A), Acc (23), RechRdx (25)
Level 20: White Dwarf Step -- EndRdx (A)
Level 22: Pulsar -- Acc (A), Dsrnt (36)
Level 24: Conserve Energy -- RechRdx (A), RechRdx (33), RechRdx (33)
Level 26: Reform Essence -- RechRdx (A)
Level 28: Solar Flare -- Acc (A), Dmg (29), Dmg (34)
Level 30: Quantum Flight -- EndRdx (A)
Level 32: Dawn Strike -- Acc (A), Dmg (33), Dmg (34), Dmg (34)
Level 35: Photon Seekers -- Acc (A), Dmg (36), Dmg (36)
Level 38: Light Form -- ResDam (A), ResDam (39), ResDam (39), RechRdx (40), RechRdx (40), RechRdx (40)



One thing i have noticed about all the builds shinging shield seems to have only end red on it, i find it so heavy on endurance that i can barely use it

Thats with 3 slotted stamina and my shield slotted with 3 dam res and 2 end red



cheers for that skimpy, let me just print it :P lol



Trying out a three form PB at the moment up to level 13 now. Just wondering why you have included superspeed in build And no stamina? I presume the human form is not to feature heavily in ur attack modes.



Stamina isn't really needed. I recently went for a repec and decided to drop the fitness pool. My reason were that although I had a good, solid build it was a little dull and I didn't always feel like I was contributing enough to the team. I respeced in Reform Essence to replace Health, Conserve Energy for Stamina and Hasten for Swift.

I do get end issues but I can work around them. All my attacks are slotted with an endred which helps. For short fights I can manage without Conserve Energy. If it drags on, I'll pop a CAB and then hit CE. If it really drags on, it's either more CABs, lightform or switch to Dwarf or Nova for a minute or two. Half the time you'll have someone giving you RA anyway.

I mostly stay in human but switch to Nova if there is a good tank holding agro. Dwarf is for emergencies (and dancing funny)

My build (Slots may be slightly off - going from memory)

Exported from version 1.5A of CoH Planner

Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary Powers - Ranged : Luminous Blast
Secondary Powers - Support : Luminous Aura

01 : Incandescence damres(01)
01 : Glinting Eye acc(01) dam(3)
02 : Gleaming Blast acc(02) dam(3) dam(5) dam(5) recred(40)
04 : Shining Shield damres(04) damres(7) damres(7)
06 : Bright Nova endrec(06)
08 : Essence Boost recred(08) recred(9) hel(9)
10 : Radiant strike acc(10) dam(11) dam(21) dam(23) endred(23) recred(25)
12 : Hasten recred(12) recred(25) recred(27)
14 : Combat Jumping defbuf(14)
16 : Quantum Shield damres(16)
18 : Incandescent Strike acc(18) dam(27) dam(29) dam(29) recred(31) endred(31)
20 : White Dwarf damres(20) damres(31) damres(33)
22 : Reform Essence recred(22) hel(33)
24 : Conserve Energy recred(24) recred(33) recred(34)
26 : Solar Flare acc(26) dam(34) dam(34) dam(36) endred(36) recred(36)
28 : Super Jump jmp(28)
30 : Build Up recred(30)
32 : Photon Seekers dam(32) dam(37) dam(37) recred(37) recred(39) recred(42)
35 : Dawn Strike dam(35) dam(39) dam(39)
38 : Light Form damres(38)
41 : Acrobatics endred(41)


01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
02 : Rest enhancement(02)
01 : Energy Flight enhancement(01)
10 : Combat Flight enhancement(10)
06 : Bright Nova Bolt enhancement(06)
06 : Bright Nova Blast enhancement(06)
06 : Bright Nova Scatter acc(10) dam(11) dam(21) dam(23) endred(23) recred(25)
06 : Bright Nova Detonation acc(10) dam(11) dam(21) dam(23) endred(23) recred(25)
20 : White Dwarf Strike enhancement(20)
20 : White Dwarf Smite enhancement(20)
20 : White Dwarf Flare enhancement(20)
20 : White Dwarf Sublimation enhancement(20) enhancement(40)
20 : White Dwarf Antagonize enhancement(20)
20 : White Dwarf Step enhancement(20)



I respeced my PB at L32 as a result of ED. Went from tri-form to bi-form (human/dwarf) but, having played with it for a level and a half now, intend to do the L34 respec and wash out dwarf as well. Human form works excellently (although it definitely requires Stamina IMHO) for damage dealing with damage taking ability - nearest that I can liken it to is a scrapper with some ranged attacks. Fun to play, and I have found that I simply don't use dwarf any more.

When all is said and done, however, it's all down to personal play style and preferences...



One question.

How do you overcome mezzing mobs in human form ?

Do you simply use break frees ?

I have a tri form at lvl 31 and use dwarf for mezzers. I intend to slot damage up when possible to allow for prolonged fights in that form.



Incandescant strike their backsides

Thats what I did anyway.



Any 1 know what the actual specs are on the shields? im mainly interested in the shining shield and quantum shield. Even with these on and fully slotted with dmg res its still a squishy world.
This it seems is the PB thing they are fun to play but i still cant get my head around how i am supposed to see myself. Am i a blapper a scrapper a tanker or blaster? Or am i just supposed to switch around and be creative in the situation i find myself? That seems to be what i do at the moment and is great fun even tho i dont have the dwarf yet which might confuse me even more. I think from what i have read i will end up being a dwarf/human but the blaster power of the squid must be useful at times when u can keep your distance when in teams.
Also all the posted builds seem to be different which i like as i think u can be very creative with the builds based on your own preferences.
I guess i will have to keep playing and developing/respec'ing until i find something i like.
*continues to mumble thoughts to self*
*wonders whether acrobatics would be useful...*
Ah yes the shields that was the question.



Entirely from memory, but I think the kheldian toggle shields are a base 12.5% resistance.

So with ED, based on 3 res SO's, that can be gotten to about 20% (though now I'm doubting my memory, as that seems low)

and now to correct myself..

having checked Dr Rocks excellent AT comparison application, kheldian toggle shields are a base 22.5% resistance. So by my calculations, 3 SO's will take that to just over 30%. Still not great, but better than the 20% I quoted earlier.

find me: @Ebon Hawk or @Jayd Dragon on Union



Accually, it is 27.5% for the three shields, which is about about 45% resistance with 3 SOs...


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



All three shields are 22.5% res. Incandecence is about 11%. Dwarf, 37.5%. Throw in a couple of scrappers and a blaster and you'll be hitting 67% for S/L/C/F and ~80% for E/NE in human form on a team. Not too bad.

As you guessed, it's all down to personal preference on how you want to play. Human form is most versatile but you are more of a scrapper than blapper - the ranged attacks just aren't as good as the melee ones and are usually only there to fill the attack chain. You can be very survivable and do some good damage but get mezzed and things can go downhill fast.

A well slotted dwarf can tank pretty well but never as well as a proper tank. The resistance isn't enough to keep you alive against large numbers either. Get the attacks slotted up and you can happily work your way through mobs in relative comfort tho.

At lower levels, nova form can put out more damage than a blaster. They tend to overtake later on however. Still, if on a team with a good controller or tank holding aggro, nova will consistently dish out more damage than any of your other forms can.

As for acrobatics, I'd not go without it now. The number of times I died because I was knocked on my back and couldn't hit heal or pop a respite. And there is nothing more annoying than setting up for Dawn Strike and getting knocked halfway across the room just before it goes off....



Accually, it is 27.5% for the three shields, which is about about 45% resistance with 3 SOs...

[/ QUOTE ]

22.5% base, ~36% with 3 SOs. There is a resistance cap thread a little further back that has all the figures.