All-Defender team recruiting!
yes come and join us! make a new defender (either trick arrow or force fields), get him/her up to about lvl 8. log in tuesday at 7pm and join the fun! its that simple
If you require a hand getting the toon to 8-10, give us a shout. We all have cronic Altitis.
Happy to make a bubbler for you all, just don't be mad at me when I take all the knockback powers
Well as long as you "take care of" the debuffless knock-back victims, it all sounds perfectly reasonable to me
( I said 'take care of him' not 'take care of him'! - name that film?)
Once you have a name sorted, feel free to introduce yourself on the Team Synergi thread and hopefully we'll all get to meet you soon
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
The 51st state, Do I win a prize?
The offer is there if you need a hand to level.
Nah, I should be OK. You guys are all still 8-12, right? If so, I'll aim for 10.
I've got a trick arrow/archery currently level 6 and rising if you'd like his help.
That sounds pretty good to me
We'll have to try and harass everyone into full attenance next week - we can take a group picture for the SNHS website or somesuch.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
Bubble O Seven has been created and is currently sitting at level 3. I'll... uhh... level him over the weekend
That is a great name!
Got Skewer up to level 7. I've now cemented a plan to take every single Trick Arrow and Archery power since there's exactly room to do that and get a travel power up to level 38. I guess after that I mgiht have to pick an epic pool or sometihng but that's not really so relevant until they add an archery epic as well so I'll never ever have to put the bow away!
Well guys, I owe you all an apology; RL has taken over my teusday nights against my will which means you now have a slot for an empath I'm really sorry guys, it has been good fun, but certain things at the moment are making my playtime in general very difficult so you may be seeing alot less of me in all forms. At any rate I wish you the best of the luck with the group dudes!
I'm able to make an Empath to join you on Tuesday evenings. I'm probably goin to take all/most of the primary and a selection of secondary powers.
Got a few questions though:
1= How many people have got leadership/plan on taking it, and should I?
2= Fitness pool? I know we'll have RA and Transference but these come up later on in the levels.
I'll roll an empath now and post again when I've decided on a name etc.... if you'll have me.
I'm confused.
I've planned my first 20 levels and have worked out I only have one attack (which is not slotted). Would it be worth getting rid of Resurect and/or Absorb Pain to mke room for another attack?
Sorry to hear you're leaving us FR - you know you're always welcome if you randomly find yourself with a tuesday evening free
And welcome aboard Rockstar!
Leadership-wise, I know two of us have Assault at the moment, and I'll be getting Tactics at 14. Obviously the more people who can squeeze leadership into their build the better
I really don't think stamina would be necessary - Speed Boost and Accelerated Metabolism have nice endurance boosts to them, and defenders' inherent power gives them an endurance discount as their teams health drops - alongside RA and Transference I really don't see endurance ever being a serious issue.
I would also probably recommend against getting superspeed as a travel power, as Speed Boost is available on demand - get yourself a nice 3d travel power instead And then Inertial Reduction opens up at lvl 18 of course... In fact if one or two of us got grant invisibility and we coordinated a little we could probably do without proper travel powers, but that relies on specific folk attending.
I'd say resurrect to be the more useful of the two - you have to remember most of the group has heals available, so absorb pain probably wouldn't save us where everything else failed.
Anyway, I look forward to meeting everyone on Tuesday all being well
Alas you'll all miss Ms Relentless' and Syphusion's double-act of nuking the opposition. Maybe I should pick up or respec into Short Circuit soon? I know it's a poor substitute, but the group just wouldn't be the same without a fair ratio of kamikaze tactics
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
Ok I've got my toon made and I'll level him up a bit tomorrow.
Called him Antibody.
Decided I'm not going to take Stamina and get Leadership.
Woo, glad a replacement was found so quick! Well you'll be at Rogue's level soon I'm sure!
Rockstar, you must be a defender nut! Good on ya buddy!
If Rogue's around I'd be happy to exemp always y'know; I ALWAYS have debt esepcially after bloody bay action!
Take care guys!
Sorry to see you go Frozen!
Welcome Rockstar!
arg! i've lost my kamikaze partner :/
sorry to see u go buddy. but welcome on board rocker!
I've got Antibody sitting at level 6 at the moment. Will try to level him a bit more if I have time today.
Look forward to 7pm.
Well that should be everyone. So new team list is:
Synergi - Kinetics
Syphusion - Radiation
Soundstorm - Sonics
Ioreth - Storm
Midevil Diamond - Dark Miasma
Skewer - Trick Arrow
Bubble O Seven - Force Field
Antibody - Empathy
hopefully see you all around 7pm. i'll try and log on as tufty first to sort out invites to SNHS.
edit: actually ioreth should be able to do that so i'll be on as syph.
And were will we be meeting?
no idea! what are we doing tonite? more hollows missions? sewer tunnels?
Bubble O Seven managed to claw his way to level 5.6 after a terribly busy weekend. He's sitting in Freedom Court next to Back Alley Brawler, ready to head out whenever the rest of you decide on a location.
Also, he took Force Bolt.
And slotted it
The Tuesday night all-defender team is looking to recruit 2 new members, one forcefields, one trick arrow.
We meet each Tuesday at 7pm, typically wrapping things up by 9pm.
Our highest level is 12, with our lowest at 8, so anything around there is welcome, as would lower levels - sidekicked up, you'd catch up quickly enough anyway.
Check out the Team Synergi thread to meet the guys
As a side note, we're all members of the SNHS (all-defender supergroup, part of the 1-AT coalition).
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation