Thoughts on slotting Assasin's Strike (or equiv)?
well with MA AS i'm slotting 3 ACC 3 Dam because the recharge rate is fine and is always up for each fight
In PvE - what attack chain do you use? Typically in solo missions mobs come in packs of three so need to finish em quick.
My plan, once I get SOs was to Hide->AS, then Build-up normal attacks, then Placate -> AS.
Currently with DOs I have slotted it 4 Dam 2 ACC.
With SOs I will probably slot it 3x Dam, 2x Acc and then probably a recharge.
It really depends on how you play and how much you use it. It doesn't really recharge that slowly anyway.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Since my tactics against the typical 3-mob group is - AS, Scrap, Placate/AS and the AS is normally back up by the time I want it again, I'm unlikely to slot it for recharge - maybe one recred if I really feel the need. 3 damage, that's a given - I'd originalyl intended to slot it for 2 acc 4 damage, but post-ED I'm in doubt as to the value of that 4th damage slot. That benig the case, either I simply won't put a 6th slot in or I'll put an endred in the last slot (or recred if, as I said, I really feel I need it).
I'm tempted to put the recharge in just for large teams, soloing I do enough scrapping for recharge not to be a problem. When in large teams I tend to mainly use AS.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I'm planning on 3 dam, 2 acc, 1 recred.
In small teams it recharges fast enough for me without any recharges. However this might change as I work placate into my fighting style.
I think I'm going for 1 acc, 3 damage, 2 interrupt recuction
It does accept interrupt reduction yea?
I think I'm going for 1 acc, 3 damage, 2 interrupt recuction
It does accept interrupt reduction yea?
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Apparently it doesn't accept interrupt reduction.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
You definetly wanna go for 3 Dam... basicly your Assassins Strike is all the damage you have. It's what defines you it's your heart and loung. If you would have wanted a Light Scrapper, better try a */Energy blaster
No seriously, its fun to bring down a red/purple Lieut 2-3 hit. Buildup and 3 Damage SOs are so mandatory for a Stalker (from my point of view)
My thoughts:
If you group alot, slot for recharge and accuracy.
If you cannot one-shot him, damage him and let the other guys finish the job while you rehide in safety/placate/whatever. Corruptors will love you.
I'd say hitting more often is more worth than hitting less with more damage. Also, I just can't stand to 'Miss' my target.You get one attack. Make it count.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll do cool and find your own style.
You get one attack. Make it count.
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Yes I agree, I go heavily on the Acc. Every "miss" is driving me one step closer to insanity.
Thoughts on the my Assassin's Impale (& eqiv):
Mostly I try to assassinate everyone before slashing, mutilating and impaling them to death. Assassin's Impale includes everything I can/have assassinate(d). These include a gate! and... 'shifty eyes' even filing cabinet :P.
For me, ive taken the power pool/travel power: Teleport. Very good bid, very useful for those handy hide and seek moments, helps alot for AI = Assassin's Impale (or equiv) but leaves lacking any chance of getting flying foes. But I stand by what ive chose
But the other thing with having teleport is that I usually quickly click for the AI then quickly click the teleport then send myself up onto some high building they'll ether take some seconds to fly up to, or can't get to, then zap back again and finish em off, or zap else where, where they won't find you. Untill you strike again.
As for my slotting, I have it at 2 or 3 damage enhance so far, 1 recharge, 1 accuracy, though those are relic and prop over a few thousand infamy priced enhancements, does good so far.
Id say 3 DMG 3 ACC.
I personally think 1 ACC is far too low.
I discovered today that i miss an orange leut ( it was a dockworker of some kind ) about 25% of the time with 2 ACC solos in AS and im katana as well(supposed to be more accurate).
Thats simply not good enough when AS is your livelyhood. Im gonna slot 3 ACCs and 3 DMGs in it for sure and then use hasten to make it recharge faster but you know, each to there own
Id say 3 DMG 3 ACC.
I personally think 1 ACC is far too low.
I discovered today that i miss an orange leut ( it was a dockworker of some kind ) about 25% of the time with 2 ACC solos in AS and im katana as well(supposed to be more accurate).
Thats simply not good enough when AS is your livelyhood. Im gonna slot 3 ACCs and 3 DMGs in it for sure and then use hasten to make it recharge faster but you know, each to there own
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I think 3 ACC SOs should make you capped up to +4s ( purples ). 2 ACCs will give you about a 90% chance of hitting +4s and cap on +3s.
The kind of accuracy you are talking about would be having a training ACC enhancement as I don't think dockworkers have any additional defence. It could be that you were having an unlucky streak, these seem to happen very often. I've noticed that since I6 hit accuracy appears to be worse and this is mainly due to having long strings of misses and long strings of hits that we are now getting. We only notice the misses. Running herostats shows that the average to hit percentages are in the 90% as we would expect them to be.
I haven't slotted 2 ACCs yet in AS, I have a SO and a DO in ACC and 2 SOs and 2 DOs in damage. I doubt that an extra recharge will help that much. I'm not sure what to do about the final slot when I get all SOs. 1 ACC does seem too low to me too.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I think 3 ACC SOs should make you capped up to +4s ( purples ). 2 ACCs will give you about a 90% chance of hitting +4s and cap on +3s.
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Yeah that sounds right, perhaps i was just on an unlucky streak?
I think ill do some testing and get back to you. I certainly dont seem to be getting those sorts of results in game; but the figures from US forums would agree with you.
Assassin's Impale includes everything I can/have assassinate(d). These include a gate! and... 'shifty eyes' even a filing cabinet :P.
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Good job!
I hear they're very dangerous if they're only wounded.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

Assassin's Impale includes everything I can/have assassinate(d). These include a gate! and... 'shifty eyes' even a filing cabinet :P.
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Good job!
I hear they're very dangerous if they're only wounded.
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They can be dangerous in groups too ( like any enemy for a stalker).
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
my slotting will be
2 acc as its got a higher acc anyway
3 damage
and 1 end reduc, as its annoying to use lots of endurance if its interupted (this is because i have gone the non stamina route)
I'm just 6 slotting AS with damage DO's right now. And get nearish the limit. When I get SO's I plan to stack damage and accuracy equally. But that's just me.
The Smoking Demon
Ash/Tar Corruptor
@The Smoking Demon
2 Accuracy, 2 Damage, 2 Recharge
Probably in that order of implementation too. No post-ED enhancement effectiveness loss here.
Two Acc SO's should mean it hits plenty, even a few levels above. Two Damage and not three because it already does massive damage, and combined with Build Up, its pushing towards over-kill. Two Recharge because its pretty slow. Simple.
1 Acc 5 Damage and build up with ToHit buffs and i very very rarely miss anyone in PvP
I was thinking of putting 3 recharge redux, 1 accuracy and 2 dmg. Reason for going wiht 3 recharge redux is to allow for faster re-use with Placate.
Or am I better off with 3 dmg, 1 acc and 2 rchg redux?