Corruptor Tactics - Initial Thoughts
I play therm rad, and my cycle is like this:
There's no need for anything more complicated than that, nor is there any reason to wait for the rest of the team to do enough damage for you to get scourge out. You have some truely great blast attacks, so use them! The fastest way for you to scourge is to hit the enemies too!
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Yeah thats pretty much it right there, throw in a few heals (I am NOT a healer and you are not a scrapper you are squishier than me) and thats my game plan.
Ice/Cold here and yes it's pretty much the same as my storm/elec defender. Debuff the mobs and then blast away. Only this time I'm doing much more damage.
It's great in groups and solo it's just horrifyingly safe. I feel sorry for anything with infrigidate on it. They just don't know what to do with themselves. Definately going to 3acc/3def debuff that sucker. It's the opening move that spells unavoidable death to most things.
Course it could just be that I'm a bossy so and so :P
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Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad
Rifle/Traps so I tend to play annoying using a collection of Web grenades, caltrops, acid morters and m30 grenades to seriously spread out the enemy and annoy any AOE users in the party
Tends to draw some aggro (from practically everyone) so might not be the best tactic but m30 is so hard to resist.
It's not running away. It's advancing in reverse!
Tonin's a dark/dark.
And I love him!
Tar patch's -Res is brilliant!
If soloing it usually goes:
Snipe biggest enemy
Drop Tar patch/other debuffs.
Blast everything to high hell!
In teams it's a bit more awquad (turns out tar patch agros entire groups and can lead to carpet munching ), but still fun, and generally very safe
I'm loving Rad/Traps at the moment (only level 10 though). I took Neutrino Bolt, Irradiate, Proton Volley from Rad and Caltrops, Acid Mortar, Web Grenade from Traps. I love luring mobs into my caltrops and then irradiating them all while they try to escape. All the while Acid Mortar is pounding them (seems to be ~20% resistance debuff) and I'm blasting away. With a few insps I'm able to take orange bosses fairly easily and red bosses are a nice solid challenge. Increasing the difficulty level by one makes for nice big groups of minions and fast xp.
I was thinking that end may be a problem but the combination of ED overall reduction in costs allows me to run Combat Jumping and Sprint pretty much constantly while fighting.
I can't wait to get Aim and Force Field Generator.
p.s. Proton Volley is the best snipe ever. It just looks and sound much cooler than the competition.
p.p.s. My only complaint is that the check for whether a DoT scourges is based off the first damage tick so it either all crits or it doesn't at all.
Yeah i'm loving my Rad/Rad up to now
all the fun of a blaster but with heals and debuffs to keep me alive
Soling i tend to open up woth proton volley to snipe and then if it's a large group switch targets and lay down radiation infection. Then i can run around laughing as the mobs fail to hit anything and pick them off one by one
I just started a Sonic/Rad and it plays a littel like a regen blaster I love it only lv 5 at the mo but I can see it being a good PvP build. When I get him high enought I gonna go scrapper hunting.
I've got a fire/thermal corruptor... and i've got to say it's by far the best AT i've played yet.
As for tactics, i've found that with yellow and below con mobs i get to blast to my hearts content (really carrying the team in some cases with AoE scourge attacks ), then as soon as the orange and red cons start to slip in i suddenly become a healer. which is nice as it's 2 AT's in one.
the only thing is that i'm having to miss out most of the buffs/debuffs so that i can fit in enough offensive powers and secondary pools. Maybe when lvl 40-50 is introduced then i'll have some room for shields
Dark/dark here. Generally, if I face a large group of easy mobs, I will cast Darkest Night on one of them and leave him/her for last.
In the case of tougher enemies, I use Tar Patch + Darkest Night.
Also, the Tentacles are nice against any meele attackers.
The downside, is that I've got little damage spells... Check my other thread to see what I mean. Killing mobs is easy, but seems really slow.
Made a rad/therm the other day when I was unable to log either of my main villains on (brute and stalker).
Absolutley loving it. A really good blend of skills, some that appeal to my inherent blaster side and some for keeping the squishy brutes alive.
I've also found it a great soloing set....even managing to solo a same lvl elite boss (although i did use 12 health insps). It's currently in danger of usurping both my brute and stalker and becoming my main.
I started a rad/rad last night and I agree frosty they look great. Reached lvl 6 and will probably make this my main toon on COV.
Just got Acc. metabolism and it rocks.
Still havent got many attack powers but looking at the list there are some good ones to come.
I have a rad/thermal, hit lvl 20 last night and managed to solo a Lost mission where everymob had even/+1 lvl Lt/bosses without dying once, it wasnt a cakewalk but it was satisfying, mission before I took on an orange Sorcerer and 2 yellow Lt's and spanked them
People looked at Corruptors and decided at the start they were a "mess" I spent a lot of time arguing for them, much easier to solo than any defender I have tried in CoH, especially my empath (lvl50)that I have the same amount of attacks on . I also dont seem to get as much as I would expect from playing a defender and a WS, anyone know if Corruptors have a higher Mez resistance or am I just lucky?
i'm playing rad/dark, up to lvl 13, and it is ace! Good solid offensive capabilities (especially solo), heals that draw praise, and res for those "whoops" moments.
Could do with an extra debuff, but fly comes next!
hey would like to team sometime but dont think its possible actually as im on defiant!
but let me know your thoughts on a fire/dark corruptor and how to effectively use him as i find although im a lvl 16 (noob) corruptor i can get into trouble very quickly on missions especially if u dont have a organised team with u!!
Sandmaker lvl 16 corruptor
Clinical Insanity
I was aiming to read the whole thread but this phrase caught my eye and my mind wandered for some reason
and can lead to carpet munching
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Well, Thought I would post again as my corruptor Doc Flame is 39 now and should hit 40 tomorrow sometimes Have to say its been the most enjoyable AT I've played.
I stand by what I said originally but a couple of additions... The Thermal set is lovely - Devs please don't touch a thing - its not overpowered or underpowered - just right. Nice new animations (Melt Armour (UK spellings please!!!) is especially lovely)
I've taken every power in Thermal plus about 6 Rads - with the Rad debuffs and Melt armour on mobs my teammates have no trouble slicing through +3/4s easy! Forge is very good too - pop 3 tohits enhancers in it and you can basically raise someones level 1 or maybe 2 in terms of damage and what they can hit - very useful - you'll be your dominators best friend for their holds to hit 1st time every time (which then saves your assets too!)
Anyway - gonna sleep now - got 2 bars to get tomorrow... just need to find some victims... sorry teammates
To all those I team with regularly - hulloo! to those I haven't yet had the pleasure of teaming with - hulloo too!
Hmmm thermal epic set you say - YES PLEASE! (and please don't just copy the fire set....)
Hey Guys - well I've gotten my Corruptor (Doc Flame on union) up to lvl 18 so far and had an absolute whale of a time with him. Thought I'd post my thoughts on tactics and why you might choose a corruptor. Just my thoughts mind and I'm open to everyone else having their own....

So Doc is Rad/Thermal and is, primarily, a healer. I took both shields and heals and have slotted heavily - only the x-ray blast and now Cosmic blast which is... cosmic
I've been playing in med-large teams - I do find that if I'm the only corruptor / healer on the team then when we're above 6 on the team I'm fully stretched when taking on +1 or +2s in terms of end running out and heals not recharging (Stamina is coming - Hasten prolly not).
I've found that our role seems to be twofold. One we can direct the battle well cos we have a little bit more time than others to take stock of what's going on around us. Course it could just be that I'm a bossy so and so :P
Secondly though we are able to turn a battle. Once the brutes and stalkers / MM Pets have gone in I follow right behind and heal to absorb the nme alpha strikes... then once we have more or less got things under control I use my limited (but very effective) blasts to start tipping the balance in our favour. Obviously watching end very carefully so I can spam both heals if I need to. Additionally I'm watching for nme with <1/3 health - these are "Scourgable" - and our role should be to try and take these out so that the close combat guys can move on to their next target.
On the question of Pet buffing - personally I do - but I tell the MM's that its players first - ALWAYS. No-one has complained yet (at least not to my face
To close - great work devs, tough last few days but I'm enjoying myself immensely and I'm sure everyone else is too.
Hope to team with u guys soon!