Prestige farmers...
*cough* [removed] *cough* not mentioning any names you understand
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Breaking the board rules, much?
I've noted one leader of a certain sg that invites everyone - doesn't care if he knows you or not - i guess invisible team invites are a no no but invisible sg invites are fine - hoards all the prestige from its huge member base (50+ at last count) and kicks people on a whim...
i also noticed his 'm8s' farming bank robbery missions for thier efficient prestige returns
*cough* [removed] *cough* not mentioning any names you understand
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Considering that the afformentioned group was "supposed" to be players from certain existing CoH supergroups only that explains why people have been kicked (if you weren't in those groups) and also why the member base is so high (I beleive it was 3 or 4 supergroups originally).
Its heppening on COH two ive noticed a Super group leader who is in atlas and basicaly invites all the new players to his sg i created a new guy to test and second i spawned in atlas i got an invite lvl 2 look at the members list so many members below 10 it is funny. But im guessing they are doing this for bases? im not sure why they are doing it.
I hope people realise that when someone leaves the SG you also lose the 20k prestige bonus you got...
I hope people realise that when someone leaves the SG you also lose the 20k prestige bonus you got...
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Which doesn't matter if you've already spent the Prestige on constructing the base.
Of course, there'll be issues when it's time to pay the rent! Their base functions will go offline.
erm nope - i was invited by a dood i played with called mincer - played as silent dragon in CoV beta with him too... btw i been playing since my 33 lvl blaster in CoH beta so im no boon... or i guess thats a matter of opinion
and no that don't explain member base being so high - i was present when some were complaining about the mass invites of low lvlers - where of course they were met with an entirely reasonable answer along the lines of an excuse followed by a kik or 2
p.s. EDIT i believe i have not broken forum rules by naming an sg in such a manner - i have done so with complete nuetraility eh? its like talking about SGs that like to herd/farm etc
There a fix in place apperently, you only gets prestige for the first 15 members, still a shed load of prestige to get though.
anybody tried inviting someone.. spending the prestige on say.. 20 plasma screens. Kicking them, deleting the item and therefor regaining its prestige. Then re-inviting the same person?.. do u get a further 20k pres?
i know this sounds a lil exploitational.. but hey, we're villains and so are Cryptic for putting stupidly high costs for everything
Considering that the afformentioned group was "supposed" to be players from certain existing CoH supergroups only that explains why people have been kicked (if you weren't in those groups) and also why the member base is so high (I beleive it was 3 or 4 supergroups originally).
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Well, most of the SG's who were supposed to be signing up apparently didn't know anything about the fact that they were supposed to merging. Theres a thread all about the sorry saga on the Union Hero Forums.
What the OP refers to is where one of the people setting up Villains Inc. gave invitation privilieges to someone he really shouldn't have, who then proceeded to invite every Tom, Dick and Harry into it. Apparently the OP got kicked due to an argument with the "leader".
i guess that limits it a little - only a 300k freebie... but when u can mass invite upto 75+ and get them earning prestige for u it becomes another matter eh - i guess if anything its exploitation - especially when they can just kick you willy nilly and you have no means of recourse whatsoever - i.e. you cannot have a rant on forums about it and you may even get petitioned for a ban if you rant on broadcast etc - so unless you can remember all 75 names and rant to them - no1 of them will know - unless they noticed the one line player kikd msg
I was in there before it happened, and left because the sg and coalition chat was driving me insane - almost as bad as atlas on a free trial period.
It wasn't soo much the stupid amounts of members being invited it was more the comment of "well when the people come over from CoH some of you guys will be kicked" ((not a direct quote but close as i can remember))
so i moved to a supergroup that was glad to have me as a perminant member
anybody tried inviting someone.. spending the prestige on say.. 20 plasma screens. Kicking them, deleting the item and therefor regaining its prestige. Then re-inviting the same person?.. do u get a further 20k pres?
i know this sounds a lil exploitational.. but hey, we're villains and so are Cryptic for putting stupidly high costs for everything
[/ QUOTE ]I was thinking about that, but it's so obvious that cryptic propably made sure it wont happen.
I think when you kick them, you lose that persons 20k, and if you don't have the 20k, you go into debt. Apparently.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I think when you kick them, you lose that persons 20k, and if you don't have the 20k, you go into debt. Apparently.
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That's my understanding.
Prestige can go negative. So even if you've 'spent' it on things in your base, you'll still lose the bonus Prestige earned from recruiting people if they are kicked.
Yup, that's completely true (confirmed it yesterday).
BUT, if you don't have any functional items in your base, it doesn't matter...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I have put messages in broadcast in low lvls areas to try to get low lvl members to join my SG, is there anything wrong with that?
Due to the way bases work its in your interest to invite as many people to your SG as possible.
I dont see that as a bad thing thb, at the end of the day if the low lvl player doesnt want to join the SG he doesnt have to.
How exactly can u farm a robbery mission? By not completing it and resseting? that surely cant be very efficient cos you wouldnt be getting the massive bonus you get for completing a mission.
However, if this guy is kicking lots of members of his SG for no reason that is going to annoy people pretty quick and hopefully he'll get what he deserves when everyone leaves.
I've noted one leader of a certain sg that invites everyone - doesn't care if he knows you or not - i guess invisible team invites are a no no but invisible sg invites are fine
- hoards all the prestige from its huge member base (50+ at last count) and kicks people on a whim...

i also noticed his 'm8s' farming bank robbery missions for thier efficient prestige returns
*cough* [removed] *cough* not mentioning any names you understand