24 -
i recently respeced and picked up petrifying gaze. I must say at first i was a bit dubious about its usefullness. Being a controller before an MM i can say holds are lifesavers but can be a waste of time if the recharge/accuracy or duration are a tad too long. But i was more than happily suprised to discover its fairly quick at recharging and has a decent duration.
Slot that puppy up and you got yourself a boss stopper. I'm extremely thankfull for it when a stray lieutenant gets passed my zombies and comes for me. -
cool thanks. What about floor tiles?.. like the ionzing grate n and floor light grid thing. it possible to put things on those?
I may be missing something ehre in basic base building... but is it possible to place those little things such as books, microscopes, jars etc on desks or somthing?. Coz i cant figure it out and it makes them pretty pointless coz they look stupid on the floor.
cool i'll be there saturday with some SG mates
cool i'll be there saturday with some SG mates
awesome SF. Our group finished before the others, coz we we're just SO freakin 'ard.
will be at the next one!!! -
i'll be there, where ever "there" is?.. whats the location?
(level 23 mm) -
SGs are for wimps who cant cut it in the criminal world!
Don't join us "Discord", a corruptor and mastermind only SG, because it will mean you are a wuss who needs safety in numbers.
muwahaha -
get a corruptor friend with Kinetics and the Speed Boost power.... nuff said. (the result is me currently enjoying what i call "superdine zombies") -
Ok i know back in beta i was warned away from it, as i was just a few short of 20 to give it a try myself.. but i took it anyway.
Experiances?.. well it has its advatanges and disadvantages.
Firstly it sucks with pets AI (well, zombies anyway, not sure about the rest) as with 4 pets summoned they seem to stop every few meters and end up lagging behind and leaving range. It makes zone travel incredibley long, so u wouldnt use it to get from A to B unless the protection is essential (alot of flying mobs/pvpers around). Its also hard to keep any endurance once all your blighters are leeching off ya.
On the upside it really is alot of fun.. the sight of zombies dive bombing to a targeted enemy is never tiresome to witness. It is also very usefull for CoVs seemingly most adopted mission zones, the open area instances. You can fly your entire group of zombies (along with teammates and any pets they may have) right across the map to your targets.. i.e the cape mission. Its also amusing watching other MMs have thier fun in your little flight bubble with thier pets.
i'd speculate it is handy for PVP especially if you have the invisiblity pool, you'd be able to come from any direction. Although for a strict charector template you'd most likely have a better power to choose from.. its probably somthing you'd buy if you had nothing better to get. -
nice one
P.S.. like your blog, its pretty cool. You got a plot or some twists of any kind in the works? -
yeh it happens now n then, just use the goto command as stated above. Works a treat for zombies too.
so we can be invisilbe while our pets attack things?.. was wondering whether it was worth to get the dark stealth power and powr pool stealth.. might be handy. I mean afterall u cant get hurt if you cant be seen.
i have a mastermind and corruptor group, curently 6 members. Only a few days old as i did say i wouldnt make an SG again due to time constraints but my right hand men are highly active so its working well. Have a lil 3 room base atm too
We are called Discord. Hit me (Necrosend), Professor Hades or Dreadeye with a tell in game for an invite. -
Lets start it off then shall we
The ultimate in combinations, the power of the mind and power of.. well.. raw power.
Discord is a newborn Supergroup for Masterminds and Corrupters. We already have several superb members level 10+ and are looking for any who beleive themselves worthy. Formed after a mission that included slaughter of several hundred Longbow operatives, it is clear all those in Discord won't tolerate such weaklings.
Already gaining a foothold within the Rogue Islands our objective is simple.. complete control. Send a tell here or in game to myself (Necrosend), Professor Hades or Dreadeye. -
Brings a whole new meaning to the term: Death from above.
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nice one -
its very stupid. I'm sure they will notice it in time tho
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So what was Beta actually for?
[/ QUOTE ]
well we both know Beta was completely useless.. it was hardley active long enough for people to really put it through its paces.
Prestige/base building is a long term thing i guess. They dnt want people to just suddenly have bases overnight, but they obviously didnt think people dont want to wait years to have somthing decent. -
anybody tried inviting someone.. spending the prestige on say.. 20 plasma screens. Kicking them, deleting the item and therefor regaining its prestige. Then re-inviting the same person?.. do u get a further 20k pres?
i know this sounds a lil exploitational.. but hey, we're villains and so are Cryptic for putting stupidly high costs for everything -
They want people to have something to aim for.. fair enough, it'll keep some people hanging on. But most are gonna get fed up with the current insane amount that things cost. So its goin to have an adverse effect.
The whole point of bases is for Raiding.. how many large active groups that have over 70% active members do you know?.. 10?. That leaves very few choices for groups that could afford a base as it is, nevermind those of which that actually want to partake in the PvP with IoPs anyway, and not just use bases for RP/conveniance.
its very stupid. I'm sure they will notice it in time tho -
u iz a bunch ov morons.
who cares!.. if you dont like the way its written, dont read it.
Back on topic: i know that having group fly will more than likely serve no purpose for my zombies with them being melee. But hey at level 24 i will probably go and get a respec anyway so may as well have some airborn cadaver fun. -
.. should be renamed "Longbow Slaughterfest". Man what a mission!!.. was team with a group of really cool Masterminds and a corrupter last night... up against what must have been a few hundred longbow operatives.
For those of you have done this mission oyu will know what i'm talkin about. Imagine this.. Your zone is about 2/3rds of Kings Row, and within it at approx every 50 yds or so.. are a group of 12 longbow heroes. Was almost 2 hours of Non-stop fun, minimal deaths thanks to pets and a heal beacon from an MM by the name of Last Ninja.
Thanks to all those who took part and slugged thier way through the entire thing, was more fun than a strike force!. -
rofl!!!.. only you Q.. only you.
if you want i'll stick the whole thing in a single pdf and host it.