Any SuperGroups recruiting?
Pick us, pick us
Im always on the look out for active people to join sg (E.V.I.L.). I be online this evening if you want an invite.
Got quite afew active people although they are mainly mid/high level now - the problem with having lots of low levels in your sg is they tend to be alts and as such you dont seem to see them too often. My sg seems to have a mixture but will let you judge for yourself (if you so wish).
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
no pick us pick us The Horde(an no where not anyway anything to do with wow) we have about 60 ppl 8 online most nights but then again like max most are high lvs now but if u need to team i can swap to a low lv alt. i be on tonight from about 7pm as Red elemental send me a tell or tell Globel@Ronin.
coh:Ronin(50),Dark Ronin(37),Red Fire(32),Centurion One(31),Ronin X(13)
Covavidian(40),Red Elemental(27),Emperor Dragon(20),Atomic Ray(10),Devil Dragon(6)
The Hordenly the strong Survive
The Bloodline is one of the most active and friendly groups on Union, and we have an equally active group over on Heroes called New Blood Rebellion. Send me or Kinslayer a tell in-game, and check us out on Looking forward to welcoming you to our fold
Gabriel Kane, Lvl 50 Mind/FF Controller
Lucius Kane, Lvl 28 Nec/Dark Mastermind
E.V.I.L is nice you can make wasps jealeous when you are in SG mode
(see the colours and you'd understand
) (its gold really :P)
SGs are for wimps who cant cut it in the criminal world!
Don't join us "Discord", a corruptor and mastermind only SG, because it will mean you are a wuss who needs safety in numbers.
you got a lto of replys but figued i add my bit to
the group is called Dark Lords of the Underworld we got members from 2 to 40 and members of all lvls on daily. most of us are freindly well as freindly as a villain can be our base is pritty much complete so far.
our leaders do there best to help any problems our members have even if its just a hero/av needing stepped on, cant think what else to tell you if you wont to know more either pm me here or ingame as Dark Bru im on most nights
well hope you find what your looking for happy huntin,...
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
The problem with SG's in this game, like in most MMO's is everyone wants to start one of there own. I haven't seen any SG which strikes me as being all that 'active'.
Some of the smaller SG's need to merge into more active ones. Would make the earning of prestige a lot easier too... anyway on another note. Join The Horde
Thanks for all the replys guys, but Ive joined E.V.I.L. and i'm having a blast so far
Greetings all Union supervillains!!
I've been on Defiant for a while, but cant find a SG that has more than one other person on a week, so I figure I'll give Union a try.
I'll be rolling a Fire/Dark corruptor cos I've been loving mine so far but, seeing as they are classified as a support class, I'd like to be able to play them as support as well as the offensive powerhouse they are now
Are there any friendly (but evil - we are villains after all) SG's out there that could use a low level corruptor?