The Return of the Paragon Club Nights...(Again)
By the way - Any help regarding transport would be very helpful - Let me know if you can lend a hand
Don't forget to tell all your friends!
I can use my empath - Man Down - to help with TP duties in steel.
want someone to DJ there as well?
Well if you're offering, sounds like a good idea - Might as well push the boat out after so long, eh?
Damn Quickblade,
It really has been a long time since the last one
Does this mean we may well see the return of team Whol bee as well?
Persil/pursel from my SG has disappeared with no activity in over a month and I enjoyed the odd TF I did with you guys when I dragged Kal'tk along!
Well I'm hoping I can return to regular play (divide my time between CoH and CoV)
If that happens, you can be sure I'll be trying to get the Bees back together - Illumina and Kinetic are still pretty active, and I know Pursel/Standoff is still posting on the boards a lot - So you never know
Don't forget, Dance Party tomorrow night! 7:30pm!
I hope the numbers of people that are coming are higher then number of people replying to this thread
If my PC decides to work I might just bring the fabulous Cinder Ella along for a boogie. Failing that i'll be down my local getting hammered.
OK folks, a little early but I am outside the PDP entrance in Steel Canyon - Feel free to send me a /tell if you're there and you would like transport to the venue
OK folks, doors are now "open" - So come on down, send me a /tell and I'll bring you down here!
Thank you Quickblade for a cool party, it was my first one and hope to return again if you are organizing more. I would have stayed longer but my pc had other plans Off now to kick it really hard.
Anyway thank you big thumbs up
Hey QuickBlade, You probably won't remember me but I helped out with a few parties back at the start of '05. Are the parties carrying on? Still every friday?
Pff, shows how much you know. My Scrapper helped since the opening of the RP night, and it's every OTHER Friday, so's not to clash too much with Galaxy Girl's at 9
when r u starting it or is it already started just let me know plz
sounds prty cool btw
so do we know when nxt one is bcoz i missed last one
lvl 50 enrgy/fire blaster magico
Looking at the dates of the previous posts on this thread. I'd guess there's not likely to be one for some time.
This thread predates Pocket D and I've not seen a post by Quickblade in a very long time.
Yes, I really mean it this time!

It really has been months since the last one, and as I'm trying to get back into CoH now seems as good as time as any to bring back the party!
So here's the details for those who don't know what I'm talking about:
The Paragon Dance Party can be accessed using doors in Steel Canyon, Independence Port and Talos Island. I used to hold an event there on the Union server every other week on a Friday evening.
Doors officially "Open" on Friday, 7:30pm GMT - However, from 7:15pm to about 7:45 I will usually be found outside the doors in Steel Canyon.
Just come to Steel Canyon, send me a /tell and I will teleport you to the entrance!
So who's interested in coming along? If you have any queries, feel free to fire them in my direction
Hope to see a few of you there!