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  1. Thank you all for your replies, i have some thinking to do now. I was pretty sure i didnt want fly as i have other characters with fly. I also have one character with ss and spend a lot of time running into buildings but i think if i got used to it could prove very useful. Time to weigh it all up me thinks

    Also should i be going down the fitness pool route, i have no idea what the stamina is like for stalkers, or is that something only to consider later on at the higher levels?
  2. Ok i have just started a MA/Energy aura stalker, and finding it surprisingly fun. Although only a lowly lvl 4 i have started thinking about what power pool/travel powers to take. All i have thought of so far is recall friend, i thought it would be useful for when im sneaking around all stealthy i can then tp my team mates to me.

    Are there any other pools i should pick from that might be better and/or useful?
  3. Ok from the advise given i have created a dark/thermal corrupter and loving her Thank you everyone for giving me advise, she is so much fun to play. All i have to do now is try all the other ATs out but at least i know i have one i really like.
  4. Cool thank you guys I hadnt thought of a corruptor before but will now, now i just have to start thinking of names, at least i have a couple of weeks, as it really will take me that long lol
  5. Please help, i will be getting CoV for xmas and ive been reading up and cant decide what AT to chose. In CoH i mostly enjoy playing my blaster and healer, and whilst i have tried a tanker and controller im not as keen.

    I was thinking of creating a MM but keep hearing that most people have them, is that because they are easy to play? I know that i should just create one of each and see what i like but i was hoping i could have some good/bad points about them all which will hopefully give me some insight, or possibily make me even more indecisive, but if i cant be playing then i will spend as much time as possible thinking about the game
  6. Hi there im being really dense at the moment, but these chat channels that you have guys have created, i take it that anyone can join? Also do you have to join all alts seperatley or does it work as an account based thingy.

    Sorry if im not making much sense but its very early in the morning, btw thankyou to those of you who have set up the channels
  7. Thank you Quickblade for a cool party, it was my first one and hope to return again if you are organizing more. I would have stayed longer but my pc had other plans Off now to kick it really hard.
    Anyway thank you big thumbs up
  8. The Daughters Of Temenos

    We are a supergroup for female superheroes (you do not need to be female in real life). Although quite small at the moment we are looking to expand the group. Any level is welcome. We are relatively casual players so members of the group are not expected to play everyday.

    Any one interested please either PM me here or find/send an in game email to Lil Bob.