Liberty's Channel




I am starting a new global channel for Liberty, Liberty's Channel.

This channel will differ from LBx and others in that it will be kid-friendly and easy on the eyes for those who don't like the foul language and discussions that so frequently crop up there. The EULA will be enforced in this channel.

What will be allowed in the channel:<ul type="square">[*]Task Forces, Monster Teams, Teams in general[*]Game discussion[*]Chat - As long as the EULA isn't violated.[/list]
I don't expect this to become "the" channel, nor a huge population, but I do believe there are others like me who do not like the foul language and discussions that are so frequent on LBx and other channels. There currently is no kid-friendly channel that I know of. The language filter is all but useless. /gignore is a useful tool that silences someone but someone else inevitably crops up in their place.

The channel will be private. I will be giving moderatorship to only those I personally know and trust. There will be no ninja mods to ruin it. Mothership raid times will be posted in the MOTD as well in the thread on the forums (and passed to a mod in LBx to be posted there).

If you are interested in joining please post your global here or send a tell to @Steele Magnolia.

If you are not interested in the channel, please do not post.

@Steele Magnolia

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.





by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



I tried, being a mod of LBx, to make it easier to be able to get events, but was told off, so I won't be joining this channel, as per the results of the discussion with Madame Magnolia.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



I tried, being a mod of LBx, to make it easier to be able to get events, but was told off, so I won't be joining this channel, as per the results of the discussion with Madame Magnolia.

[/ QUOTE ]

After unsilencing someone I had silenced and then questioning my integrity, yes. I was rather unhappy about that.

I will still be passing MS Raid times to Jomhon for posting in LBx.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



You were being unfair. Plain and simple. You silenced one person of a two person discussion and did not silence the other. How is that fair?

Then your immature tells to me indicated just how much integrity you do have. I was not the only one to question your motives, so don't give me this bleeding heart syndrome. Step back a moment from the situation, look at it for what it was and realize that you were unfair.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



I quit the channel. What more do you want?

Edit: Nor was I unfair. The person I silenced was using foul language with nearly every line he typed. The other person wasn't. The discussion, about television shows, wasn't the problem. One person's language was.

This devolved into criticism of me, my morals, my standards, my enforcement of the EULA. I left the channel. I don't see the problem. End of story. You have the LBx channel. Let the foul language and porn discussions with XXX language commence without any attempt at restriction now. Enjoy, you have what you want.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I never asked you to quit the channel. That was your choice. Stop making it look like I ousted you. Good luck with your channel.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012




Sorry, I had to. Don't hate me. I love you both!



Edit: Nor was I unfair. The person I silenced was using foul language with nearly every line he typed. The other person wasn't. The discussion, about television shows, wasn't the problem. One person's language was.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're kidding right? Seriously kidding. After a few people requoted what the other party said you are claiming ignorance and stating you did not see what they said when you could have CLEARLY scrolled up a few lines and seen the evidence. Tell me you are not blind to one person's foul. Really, for someone who is diligently watching the channel to catch any infraction of the EULA, tell me you really didn't miss it. Give me a break. You saw it, you ignore it. You were unfair.

This devolved into criticism of me, my morals, my standards, my enforcement of the EULA. I left the channel. I don't see the problem. End of story. You have the LBx channel. Let the foul language and porn discussions with XXX language commence without any attempt at restriction now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, we laughed at the fact that you were trying to police the EULA. That is not your job, but if you feel the need to take on that responsibility, more power to you, but you are going about it all wrong. So I will question your standards... PETITION THEM. Yes, you were a mod and if it bothered you that much, PETITION THEM. Don't even give them the chance by silencing them. Because if they are violating the EULA, PETITION THEM. Or, do what you could have done to begin with... TURN your filter on. BUT you took it off, purposely so that you could find the culprits and enforce your rule of law over them. Because you are the EULA enforcer. You know what to do.

So, Rule #3 of the Code of Conduct: You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.

And to further clarify, the EULA which you should know by now perfectly:

(k) In the Game(s), in-game characters have the privilege of sending server wide messages called 'Global Chat.' With this privilege comes a high level of responsibility on the part of the user. Due to the fact that this communication channel has the ability to impact every player on the server, NC Interactive will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior of any sort in this chat channel. This includes but is not limited to: inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter, inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort, repeated 'spamming,' or 'flooding' of the global chat channel, or any other conduct determined to be inappropriate by NC Interactive Support, in its sole discretion. Any violation of this term or rules of conduct may, in the sole discretion of NC Interactive, lead to the temporary removal of the character's ability to communicate, the Account being suspended for a set period of time, or lead to permanent Account closure. We may record or monitor the chat to assist us in this process.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what to do... PETITION THEM if they offend you that badly. Just do it. Why give the person the chance by silencing them.

I tell you what tho, you're violating #1 right now to a lot of people of the Code of Conduct: While playing City of Heroes, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players.

Should I petition you? No, I will just move along and ignore you. Because it will be easier than dealing with the drama that you are starting.

Turn filters on. Use /ignore. Or petition them and deal with it.

Enjoy, you have what you want.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's right, I masterminded this entirely. Go me. Good luck with the channel.
^^^^ That was sarcasm in case most didn't get it. Yeesh.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Sorry, Tax_E_Girl. Gotta side with Steele (partially) here.

Yes, petition them.

...but you have the moderation controls. You know that someone in your little niche of the game is violating the game's standards (granted, LBx is a private channel, IIRC). Not taking action would seem to be condoning such violations.

So petition them, then modsmack them.

And if people disagree on the standards, then feel free to leave and start your own... which seems to be what Steele is doing.



I'd like an invite please Steele, global is @Aoide Muse

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



Edit: Nor was I unfair. The person I silenced was using foul language with nearly every line he typed. The other person wasn't. The discussion, about television shows, wasn't the problem. One person's language was.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're kidding right? Seriously kidding. After a few people requoted what the other party said you are claiming ignorance and stating you did not see what they said when you could have CLEARLY scrolled up a few lines and seen the evidence. Tell me you are not blind to one person's foul. Really, for someone who is diligently watching the channel to catch any infraction of the EULA, tell me you really didn't miss it. Give me a break. You saw it, you ignore it. You were unfair.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't see anyone quote it, I saw them say the other person was talking foul too but I didn't see anything like that in the chat that was in the channel from the point I logged on. I can't scroll back and read what happened before I logged on. From the point I logged on I only saw one person using foul language - repeatedly.

This devolved into criticism of me, my morals, my standards, my enforcement of the EULA. I left the channel. I don't see the problem. End of story. You have the LBx channel. Let the foul language and porn discussions with XXX language commence without any attempt at restriction now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, we laughed at the fact that you were trying to police the EULA. That is not your job, but if you feel the need to take on that responsibility, more power to you, but you are going about it all wrong. So I will question your standards... PETITION THEM. Yes, you were a mod and if it bothered you that much, PETITION THEM. Don't even give them the chance by silencing them. Because if they are violating the EULA, PETITION THEM. Or, do what you could have done to begin with... TURN your filter on. BUT you took it off, purposely so that you could find the culprits and enforce your rule of law over them. Because you are the EULA enforcer. You know what to do.

[/ QUOTE ]

As a moderator I felt that I had a responsibility to try to enforce a minimum standard: The EULA. I chose to use short silences to do so. On more than one occasion I explained than the EULA did apply to global channels, even private ones, and that people who spoke openly using foul language or about topics in violation of the EULA were at risk of being petitioned. On a channel with nearly 2500 people it only takes one to petition and get a ban.

Should I simply have petitioned and not warned people? Maybe I should have. I thought I was being courteous. Perhaps I was too kind. That's irrelevant now.

When I first started silencing the foul language and porn chatter was even worse than it is now. That's also irrelevant now. It's am no longer a moderator. I no longer feel conflicted about responsibility for protecting minors, respecting the rules of the game with regards to the channel, and my responsibilities there as I interpreted them.

So, Rule #3 of the Code of Conduct: You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.

And to further clarify, the EULA which you should know by now perfectly:

(k) In the Game(s), in-game characters have the privilege of sending server wide messages called 'Global Chat.' With this privilege comes a high level of responsibility on the part of the user. Due to the fact that this communication channel has the ability to impact every player on the server, NC Interactive will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior of any sort in this chat channel. This includes but is not limited to: inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter, inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort, repeated 'spamming,' or 'flooding' of the global chat channel, or any other conduct determined to be inappropriate by NC Interactive Support, in its sole discretion. Any violation of this term or rules of conduct may, in the sole discretion of NC Interactive, lead to the temporary removal of the character's ability to communicate, the Account being suspended for a set period of time, or lead to permanent Account closure. We may record or monitor the chat to assist us in this process.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]


I tell you what tho, you're violating #1 right now to a lot of people of the Code of Conduct: While playing City of Heroes, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players.

Should I petition you? No, I will just move along and ignore you. Because it will be easier than dealing with the drama that you are starting.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

And I find it hypocritical of you to quote the EULA at me, to say that I am somehow violating it, when you were upset with me for trying to enforce it and advocating no enforcement at all. This is incomprehensible to me.

Just let it go. This isn't going anywhere productive.

Thanks for the good wishes on the new channel. Good luck with LBx and it's next incarnation when it is renamed.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I'd like an invite please Steele, global is @Aoide Muse

[/ QUOTE ]

Invite sent.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I know I'm generally known as being annoying, immature, obnoxious..well you get the point...but I'm going to make a pathetic attempt to be serious.

I don't care who you are...anyone reading this knows that anyone can find any reason to be mad at any second of any given day. Many people take these reasons seriously, and that is when an issue begins. I know that I personally am almost always in a bad mood because I always overreact to little things...its not just you two.

Steele and're both adults. You know what's right, what's wrong, and what to do when a problem begins. Unfortunately, with this specific problem, you are both seeing different solutions to the same problem. But you know what the funny thing is? I can't tell you how long it will be, but it won't take long for both of you to realize that arguing with anyone on the internet is a pointless waste of time. You can quote each other back and forth all week long if you'd like and get absolutely nowhere.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be know I love both of you. But when 2 people have different solutions to the same problem, someone needs to step in and point out how silly it is to waste your time arguing about something that in the long run couldn't matter less.

Yes, Steele was wrong for not acknowledging the profanity filter. Yes, Tax was wrong for attacking Steele the way she did. Yes, both of you will find reasons to be upset with me for this post. But just think about it. Will arguing get you anywhere?

Let's all just get along. Deep down, we all want to be friends. I know I do.

P.S.: Yes, Camo can be serious if needed



Just let it go Camo. When women fight it's just best to let it go.

What happens is a "oh no you did-nt" switch went off in each of their heads followed by a series of finger snaps. *snapsnapsnapsnapsnap*.

I think the hair pulling is over but you don't want to set off the "oh no you did-nt" switch again.

And it's alright if you are immature and obnoxious at times. You're 11. I'm immature and obnoxious all the time and I'm 36.



For the millionth time, im 15, not 11...



Go to sleep Camo!



Well, I guess I missed all the action... (I'm thinking that's a good thing)

Steele and Tax E... From what I have ready over the years and what interaction we have shared, I have admiration and respect for the both of you...

From what I have seen, you are both fantastic players of the game and to my knowledge have done nothing but add value to the player experiences for those you have come in contact with.

I do see a lot of non 'child friendly' language in LBx... but I also see it in open broadcast... I am sure I have been guilty of breaking the conditions and language of the EULA myself (not a proud admission... but an admission none the less)...

My point being... you both bring great value to those around you and Liberty Server would be much better off with the two of you on the same side... Maybe in time you work a resolve...

Until then, openly disputing and disrupting an otherwise very social server, that for the most part pulls together and works well together and yes, we even play well together for the most part, is counter productive to both causes... There will be no winner and only Liberty Server, those that consider you friends, yourself and those that read the ill words stand to lose...

It's late, I have to be up early... and now I'm wide awake!



I usually have the channel in a separate tab. Sometimes I forget to open the tab. Other times its open to add to a session's entertainment.

That said it is sometimes not kid friendly, or even gf friendly. Normally, I couldn't care less what's said and how, unless its extreme. So she logs in to the game last afternoon after getting home from work, looking to unwind. LBx is open and right away one player is repeatedly using the f-word and someone else is overusing a word for sexual assault. (I won't even get into why it's wrong to reference such real world trauma so lightly.)

I'm not a witness to any of the drama described above, but I can see Steele's point. If you're a parent w/ young children, or have young relatives you want to introduce to the game, I'd probably remove LBx from the channel list. It's too easy to turn the profanity filter off.



I quit the channel. What more do you want?

Edit: Nor was I unfair. The person I silenced was using foul language with nearly every line he typed. The other person wasn't. The discussion, about television shows, wasn't the problem. One person's language was.

This devolved into criticism of me, my morals, my standards, my enforcement of the EULA. I left the channel. I don't see the problem. End of story. You have the LBx channel. Let the foul language and porn discussions with XXX language commence without any attempt at restriction now. Enjoy, you have what you want.

[/ QUOTE ]

Invite to LBx please!



I'll take an invite steele. The more channels the marrier.

Only thing I have to say about LBx is, there are really only 2-3 people on there I would like to cave their heads in, other than that I dont have a problam with it. If I do, I close out the tab.



I'll take an invite steele. The more channels the marrier.

[/ QUOTE ]


Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.




Would appreciate an invite please for @Buckeye-

I am always looking for teams more than the idle chit chat.



Would appreciate an invite please for @Buckeye-

[/ QUOTE ]


Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Invite to @SinnerSaint please....New to the server, trying to make a home here for my villains. Heroes call Guardian home.
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442