Gauntlet 2.0
But let's face it - Brutes do get a really cool Inherit toy.
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...I hate it.

EDIT: I would like to add that I have heard that Masterminds tend to fill the role of Tankers on Villain-side fairly often since they can distribute damage they receive between all of their minions, giving them higher HP values than initially perceived. I cannot confirm this as I have barely touched villain-side content. However, from a functionality standpoint Brutes do resemble Tankers more closely and there is a fairly wide belief that Brutes are "Villain Tanks" - so even if those of us here understand otherwise, the general populous may be swayed by a different, perhaps flawed perspective. I doubt it will damage Tankers at a critical level, but the basis of my argument is that their inherit abilities and Gauntlet-lite capacities have led me to feel that a revision of our own Gauntlet is justified in some way since they now have access to our content and will be stepping on our toes to some degree.
They can take the alpha and won't fold like tissue paper, sure; but I don't consider them to be tanks.
1) Useless when solo
2) Works better with faster execution and recharging attack chains / power sets (slower sets like Energy Melee do not benefit as well) 3) Brutes have a less effective version (so it has competition / isn't unique) 4) Minimal effect on efficiency / survivability / management (most Inherits carry this theme) 5) Arguably detrimental to early-level Tankers prior to obtaining adequate survival tools or the incremental stat gain for higher HP that is more noticeable after many levels 6) Does not feel thematic 7) Can significantly lose importance in large teams mid-to-late game (Their enemies usually die before you grab all aggro) 8) Almost never equates the benefits of taking the power "Taunt" - more so for long activation / recharge attack chains (see above) - also makes its function easy to replace 9) Only works on Secondary Power Set abilities and not on Pool or Veteran attack powers (please correct if I'm mistaken) |
1) When I say this, keep in mind that I have a pet peeve with inherents that don't help when solo. Yes, it does nothing solo, yes it's annoying. However, I look at it this way - they could have given us the same mitigation numbers as Brutes/Scrappers but with a meter that builds up increasing its effectiveness while fighting. Sounds great, huh? Well, except you need to be fighting to build it up, so you don't always have your defenses. (Ex: Starting an AV fight cold turkey would make you weak at the beginning, and as tough as you are now in the middle.) I'm just giving you this example as something that "helps solo" but is weaker than you have now.
2) I just thought of something - Gauntlet's radius isn't standard, it varies - usually higher damage attacks have a larger radius. So while a power like Total Focus is slow, it has a wider radius (17ft) than something like Jab (3ft - good luck hitting more than 2 mobs with it). Then there are enigmas like ET that deals more damage than TF, but only has an 11ft radius, while MG deals less but still retains a 17ft radius. Worst of all, all of these are disconnected from animation time - so some slow attacks (TF) will be more useful for Gauntlet than others. (I wonder if Castle has a formula for radius, or if it's just eyeballed...) Faster chains may be better, but not necessarily. Seems like it would depend on circumstance.
4) The theme of Tankers isn't just to survive, but to take hits as well. What good is extra survivability if you're not using it?
5) Keep in mind duration scales with level, so Gauntlet at low levels is incredibly weak. It doesn't function at all until lvl5. At lvl5, it still only lasts 4.5s base (before the purple patch, etc). Now, auras / Taunt can get you into trouble, but Gauntlet? Not so much.
6) Depends on your point of view. Hitting someone hard enough (no tangent here, please) to cause them to drop what they're doing and pay attention to me feels pretty good to me.
7) My main counter point - if your group is killing spawns fast, then you have to move faster. In other words, if it takes the spawn 15s to die, you may want to move on halfway into the battle. Mobs are still taunted to you while you're moving ahead and you get extra time to gather aggro from the next spawn / clump them together. This is what I usually do, and adjust when I move to the next group based on how well / fast the group is doing. Also, if spawns are dying that fast, then your inherent likely isn't the only thing that is "wasted." Imagine needing 2 bombs to destroy a building, but dropping 5-10 on it instead. Completely unnecessary, but that's what happens in some group makeups in CoX.
9) Kind of. Pool powers have the single target taunt, but lacks the AoE portion of Gauntlet. (Pools don't taunt for Brutes at all.) For Veteran Rewards, afaik they don't respond to any inherent power - with a possible exception of Vigilance.

Keep in mind I'm not saying Gauntlet is perfect by any means. It has problems (mostly that the unique, AoE portion is easily swamped by other Tanker abilities), but I can see flaws in some of the statements you made above.
The question is does Gauntlet get applied when using Taunt and does it stack? If I use Taunt on a group of mobs across the street does Gauntlet increase the magnitude of the original Taunt? |
That being said, I think there is one perk for Gauntlet, when the taunt is applied to the target, it should generate additional threat. (Taunts being applied add phantom threat, even in the absence of damage.) I've never tested that, and I'm not even sure how to test that, though.
Having said that, Gauntlet is a pittance compared to Taunt (power), auras, and AoEs (higher target cap, damage/debuffs/etc for more threat) all trump it. If nothing else, I wish I knew which targets it hit. Having same graphical effect (no sound) as Taunt, for example, would be a nice QoL feature.
Thank you for the insight and counter-points, Serrate. Admittedly I'm not an authority on the inherit or how it operates but I did my best to consolidate everything I could remember hearing at some time or another regarding Gauntlet. Thanks for providing clarity on my errors (expecially on point #2).
Regarding counterpoint #5 - I'm not sure if that was an accurate example, but to build on it I would like to state that unless you've got a Tanker primary that's real strong out of the box (ie. Willpower or other second-generation sets) I think that 4.5 seconds of gauntlet still matters quite a bit, expecially since you're talking about just one attack generating that kind of long-lasting threat. I imagine that the average player can launch between 2-3 attacks in that time (Brawl and the first secondary set power at the very least). But as you pointed out, I don't see it as a gigantic issue since most folks get into their mid-teens really quickly. However, my stance is that it's the many little things which can drag something down rather than a singular massive flaw. I feel it's still a debatable concern, albiet minor.
Also, regarding #4 - I must admit I'm not terribly concerned with a lack of enhanced survivability through the inherit. But it does seem like a pretty good place to somehow work out the issues with Tankers being the least endurance-efficient archetype.
Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!
Having said that, Gauntlet is a pittance compared to Taunt (power), auras, and AoEs (higher target cap, damage/debuffs/etc for more threat) all trump it. If nothing else, I wish I knew which targets it hit. Having same graphical effect (no sound) as Taunt, for example, would be a nice QoL feature.
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

Regarding counterpoint #5 - I'm not sure if that was an accurate example, but to build on it I would like to state that unless you've got a Tanker primary that's real strong out of the box (ie. Willpower or other second-generation sets) I think that 4.5 seconds of gauntlet still matters quite a bit, expecially since you're talking about just one attack generating that kind of long-lasting threat. I imagine that the average player can launch between 2-3 attacks in that time (Brawl and the first secondary set power at the very least). But as you pointed out, I don't see it as a gigantic issue since most folks get into their mid-teens really quickly. However, my stance is that it's the many little things which can drag something down rather than a singular massive flaw. I feel it's still a debatable concern, albiet minor.

Also, regarding #4 - I must admit I'm not terribly concerned with a lack of enhanced survivability through the inherit. But it does seem like a pretty good place to somehow work out the issues with Tankers being the least endurance-efficient archetype.
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Sadly, I never got to see this on Test. I can think of a few tests I would've loved to conduct with a visual indicator of who Gauntlet was hitting. Rats!
While I agree Tankers could use a bit of work on end efficiency, I would say that's a general Tanker issue rather than one with Gauntlet. In other words, although Gauntlet could be used as a mechanism for alleviate end issues, it's not a problem that Gauntlet doesn't.
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

Fair enough but adding an endurance transfer effect to Gauntlet still seems like an elegant fix to both the tanker endurance issues and the utility of Gauntlet at all levels.
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Your perspective and design philosophy may vary, but the reason I do this is because adding more attacks at those levels for better-sustained attack chains seems pointless since the fairly unnoticed benefit of Training enhancements for Endurance Reduction (or anything for that matter) and the lack of Stamina make for some serious downtime and drawn-out battles unless one of your power sets has an endurance management tool built in.
Again, not a critical problem but just trying to underline the possible benefits of Gauntlet as an endurance tool.
Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!
In that context, it would certainly inspire Tankers to take a more offensive approach early on. Given I have Dedicitis (I have basically one character that I play on ALL THE TIME), but when I occasionally try my hand at designing a new Tanker in Mids' (and play for about 3 hours before I lose interest) I give survivability optimum priority, sometimes relying on the Tier 1 attack well past level 10 (thank goodness for brawl and vet powers).
Your perspective and design philosophy may vary, but the reason I do this is because adding more attacks at those levels for better-sustained attack chains seems pointless since the fairly unnoticed benefit of Training enhancements for Endurance Reduction (or anything for that matter) and the lack of Stamina make for some serious downtime and drawn-out battles unless one of your power sets has an endurance management tool built in. Again, not a critical problem but just trying to underline the possible benefits of Gauntlet as an endurance tool. |
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

I'm at work, so I'm afraid I haven't read the whole thread. Despite this, I wanted to thrw my own little idea in the ring. It's something I suggested before. Leave Gauntlet as it is, but give it an endurance reduction bonus for every foe it affects.
I know, this doesn't affect damage or survivability, but to me, Tanks aren't really suffering in these areas. It's endurance problems that kills them most often in my experience.
Another possible benefit is making multiple tankers on the same team more attractive by stacking the endurance drain.
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Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!
The question is does Gauntlet get applied when using Taunt and does it stack?
If I use Taunt on a group of mobs across the street does Gauntlet increase the magnitude of the original Taunt?
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat