



Posted in another Lag thread but posting here as well in hopes of this one reaching critical mass to get some notice. Got the same issues w/ east coast servers and packet loss every 5-10 seconds. West coast servers are no problem.

@belief, @belief v2.0



Tossing my name into the hat. I play on Victory, teeeerrriibbblle rubber band spikes. Netgraph looks the same as the one belonging to the OP. Went to Virtue, green as can be with a ping of 130ish.



Count me in as one well. Play on Victory major lag spikes and rubberbanding. Netgraph is just like the OP's.



I get the exact same netgraph as indicated with all those wonderful red spikes.

This happened to me months back, just after last year's double xp weekend. Now it's happened once more after this year's double xp weekend. Fortunately the lag issue went away weeks after for last year's problem, but now it's back Coincidence? I don't know, but it looks like a pattern here. It's annoying to see NPCs, Cars, warping all over the place due to lag, and even enemies too, to the point where it's almost unplayable.

I can only hope that the lag issue goes away sometime soon like it did before. I was advised once that it was a routing issue from my location to the server, so I guess there's not much I can do too, even when I have a 1MB connection and I have no similar problems with other online games, just with CoX at this time.

Fustrated beyond belief that it happened again. Urgh.

Oh, and I play on Virtue.



I'm in on this as well. Sounds like /bugging it doesn't get you anywhere, eh? No one has managed to get this resolved via NCSoft?

West Coast servers are good for me, East Coast bad. Ping still hovers in the 200s normally. My tracert to the East CoH servers are dropping about halfway, then goes off and on. Thank goodness I'm still green on West Coast servers, but I do miss doing more than auction checks on my East Coast characters.

It has to be that specific route because I play on Left 4 Dead and Counter-strike servers that friends in two different counties in Virginia (I'm in Washington state) have set up, and I have no problems with lag, and those are FPSes!


"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
� James A. Froude (1818-1894)