~Come Crash with Mr E II - DXP Weekend: 7/31-8/2~
Are Merits doubled during DXP?
Are Merits doubled during DXP?
[/ QUOTE ]
No - at least that is how it was last DXP weekend & I doubt anything has changed.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Hey Mr E, Please sign me up:
1. Eden: Radiant Flame Imp: Fire/Rad Con
2. KHTF: Frozen Ice Pixie: Ice/Ice Blaster
3. Barracuda: SKIP
4. Cap SF: NovaRush: Rad/Kin Corr
5. Dr. Kahn: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster
6. ITF: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster -or- Radiant Flame Imp: Fire/Rad Con (Depends on how much XP Fire Fae needs to get to 50 )
7. Silver Mantis: Luna Darke: Ax/WP Brute (if you all can stand my bad tanking abilities)
8. Villain Respec: Luna Darke: Ax/WP Brute (see above)
9. LGTF: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster
10. Hess: Maiden of Thorns: Plant/Storm Con
As I've discussed w/ Mr E-Man, I *might* run a low-mid level Hero side TF each night early in the evening. If I do I'll give a shout out in the global channel. Right now my SG is claiming they might actually log on, so that's why I'm not making it official
Thanks E!
46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)
I won't know my work schedule until later this week, but At least one of those, you can count TechSpider or Kinetic Kitten or Krusher Kitten in on. will know by Friday.
Somethings never change and that is good.
Mr. E is still running TF/SF for Freedom.
I've just come back to a game I love and would love to join some of the fun but I have to check my schedule out and level up my new brute a little before hand. I will have to let you know later this week.
I had alot of fun with you guys before with my brute Mu'Fist late last year. It would be a blast to do it again.
"God, please protect us from your followers. Amen." -Serge Storms
Please sign me up for 'em all as well.
1. Kara Silverbolt (Inv/SS Tanker)
2. Arthuria Pendragon (Broadsword/SR Scrapper)
3. Hatake Sakura (Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker)
4. Flames in the Dark (Fire/Dark Corr - may not be 15 by then, but I'll try)
5. Paragon's Pride (Stone/SS Tanker)
6. Ninpir Zombot (Mind/Energy Dom - will probably be in the low 40s by then)
7. Hatake Hitomi (MA/Energy Stalker)
8. Ninpir Zombot (Mind/Energy Dom)
9. Hatake Kasumi (Widow)
10. Dr. Hollywood (Empathy/Psi Def)

Somethings never change and that is good.
Mr. E is still running TF/SF for Freedom.
I've just come back to a game I love and would love to join some of the fun but I have to check my schedule out and level up my new brute a little before hand. I will have to let you know later this week.
I had alot of fun with you guys before with my brute Mu'Fist late last year. It would be a blast to do it again.
[/ QUOTE ]
Welcome Back!
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
I should be able to join you on the Ernesto Hess TF. Sign Smash Zone up for the ride.
Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero
Got Inf?
Can you put me down as an alternate for the Saturday evening ones? I don't know how my Saturday will run; it's all down to if I'm needed by various members of the family to do sundry things or not.
Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.
I am a maybe for the following: Kahn, Imperius, and Silver Mantis. The reason being is I maybe still at a conferance so I don't want to occupy a slot someone who knows they can be there for would take. if I'm online at the time ask me if I'm interrested, and I'll be glad to be your alternate.
8) Villain Respec Trial #1
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 3:00PM Eastern / 12:00 Noon Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Villain Level 24-33 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Contact/Location: Sparcetriel in Nerva Archipelago
Merit Reward: 15
Badge(s): Thorn Robber (if you choose the Respec Reward for the first time)
I'm in on this:
Lord Marshal Damos: level 31 Soldier, Bane
9) Lady Grey Task Force
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 10:30PM Eastern / 7:30PM Pacific
Faction: Hero or Villain Level 45-50 (approximate run time 1.5-2 hrs)
Contact/Location: Lady Grey in Rikti War Zone
Merit Reward: 39
Badge(s): Apocalyptic
I'm in on this:
General Damos: level 45 Mastermind Thugs/Devices
10) Ernesto Hess Task Force - The MegaMech Cometh
Date & Time: Sunday/Monday 12:30AM Eastern / 9:30PM Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Hero Level 25-30 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Contact/Location: Ernesto Hess in Striga Island
Merit Reward: 19
Badge(s): Burkholder's Bane
I'm in on this one:
Lady Universe: Level 26 Controller: Grav/Kin
If I find out that I'll be returning from the conferance in time to participate in any of the others and there's still room on the list, I'll post. But as of right now, this is pretty certain. All things in life are subject to change and this is no different. See you guys there!
Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!

Signing up for your runs is like doing taxes, E. This takes reading.
I'll be down for some. More tonight once I straighten up my toons, but it'll be split between Blackest Light, Cerulean Skie and my Crabbie, Rex.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
1.) 11:30am 8/1/09 BARRACUDA lvl 50 DB/WP Brute Samurai Ginko (little squishy need badge)
2.) 11:30pm 8/1/09 DR. KAHN lvl 50 WP/SS Tank General Gintoki
3.) 1:30am 8/1/09 ITF lvl 50 WP/SS Tank General Gintoki
4.) 1:30am 8/2/09 ITF lvl 50 WP/SS Tank General Gintoki
5.) 10:30pm 8/2/09 LGTF lvl 50 WP/SS Tank General Gintoki
If I got the times and dates right sign me up for these please
Im in bro:
1) Eden Spire Trial - Transcendent lv50 PB
2) Katie Hannon Task Force - CPT F Bomb lv32 grav/ff Troller
3) Barracuda Strike Force - Muir lv49 sonic/pain Corr
4) Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force - Muir lv49 sonic/pain Corr
5) Dr Kahn Task Force - Transcendent lv50 PB
6) Imperious Task Force - Muir lv49 sonic/pain Corr
7) Silver Mantis Strike Force - Muir lv49 sonic/pain Corr
8) Villain Respec Trial #1 - Muir lv49 sonic/pain Corr
9) Lady Grey Task Force - Muir lv49 sonic/pain Corr
10) Ernesto Hess Task Force - CPT F Bomb lv32 grav/ff Troller
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
I'll sign up for the following for sure:
BSF, Vrigil, Vil Respec, LGTF - Cryptid, lvl 50 NW
I'm a "maybe" for the following:
ITF: Cryptid
Hess: Ven Infinity, lvl 50 scrap
Just put me down for everything on Heroside with MB... I'm going to try to stay busy on him all weekend to work on the inf badge a little. lol
Heya E, if you still have room sign me up for the following
4) Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force - Either with Muse of Destruction (Crab, needs the badge) or Nocturne Flare (Fire/Dark Corrupter, currently lvl 15)
7) Silver Mantis Strike Force - Likewise either Muse of Destruction (needs the badge) or Nocturne Flare (If she gets high enough by then)
And possibly...
8) Villain Respec Trial #1 - Nocturne Flare (Again, if she gets high enough, and if there's room when you run it)
Thanks in advance
@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web
Definites list:
Eden Trial: 7/31 @ 1159pm - Cerulean Skie (elec/nrg blaster)
Reichsman TF: 8/1 @ 1130pm - Cerulean Skie (elec/nrg blaster)
Lady Grey TF: 8/2 @ 1030pm - Supreme Soviet (bots/traps MM), Blackest Light (Warshade) or Rex Obscura (Crab Soldier) - SS preferred, but will bring what the team needs
Maybe list:
ITF: 8/1 @130am - Blackest Light (Warshade)
Villain Respec 1: 8/2 @ 3pm - King Legbah (thugs/poison MM) or Rex Obscura (Crab Soldier)
As always, thanks for organizing these, E!

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Hi E...
I would like to join your Tf #'s 7 and 8 with my Fire/Kin named Hell Fame...(was supposed to be Hell Flame but did not notice until level 20...man Im getting old )
Hi E...
I would like to join your Tf #'s 7 and 8 with my Fire/Kin named Hell Fame...(was supposed to be Hell Flame but did not notice until level 20...man Im getting old )
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haha! Welcome aboard old timer!
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Update of the OP:
Come Crash with Mr E II: The DXP Experience!
Schedule of Events
This DXP Weekend, I decided to try a bunch of shorter TFs/SFs/Trials (10 total) instead of running any of the longer TFs.
There are 4 Hero, 4 Villain & 2 Cooperative TFs/SFs/Trials of various level ranges. Color Coded below for ease of reference:
1) Eden Spire Trial - Prisoners of Eden
Date & Time: Friday, July 31: 12:00 Midnight Eastern / 9:00PM Pacific
Contact/Location: Woodsman in Eden
Faction: Hero Level 39-41 (approximate run time 1.0-1.5 hrs)
Merit Reward: 6
Badge(s): Liberator
Current Roster:
1: IG-2112MD: Emp/Rad Defender
2: Radiant Flame Imp: Fire/Rad Controller
3: Kara Silverbolt: Inv/SS Tanker
4: Cerulean Skie: Elec/Eng Blaster
5: Transcendent: Peacebringer
6: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
2) Katie Hannon Task Force - A Tangled Plot
Date & Time: Friday, July 31/Saturday, August 1: 1:30AM Eastern / 10:30PM Pacific (time approximate)
Contact/Location: Katie Hannon in Croatoa
Faction: Hero Level 30-34 (approximate run time 0.5-1 hrs)
Merit Reward: 9
Badge(s): Cabalist & Ten Times the Victor
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Frozen Ice Pixie: Ice/Ice Blaster
3: Arthuria Pendragon: BS/SR Scrapper
4: CPT F Bomb: Grav/FF Controller
5: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
3) Barracuda Strike Force - Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1: 11:30AM Eastern / 8:30AM Pacific -
Contact/Location: Barracuda in Grandville
Faction: Villain Level 45-50 (approximate run time 2-2.5 hrs)
Merit Reward: 30
Badge(s): Arbiter
Current Roster:
1: Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corruptor
2: Hatake Sakura: Nin/Nin Stalker
3: Samurai Ginko: DB/WP Brute
4: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
5: Cryptid: Widow
4) Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force - The Beast Beneath the Mountain
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1: 2:00PM Eastern / 11:00AM Pacific (time approximate)
Contact/Location: Virgil Tarikoss in Cap au Diable
Faction: Villain Level 15-20 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Merit Reward: 12
Badge(s): Binder of Beasts
Current Roster:
1: Thumper Kills: MA/Nin Stalker
2: NovaRush: Rad/Kin Corruptor
3: Flames in the Dark: Fire/Dark Corruptor
4: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
5: Cryptid: Widow
6: Muse: TBA
5) Dr Kahn Task Force - Return of the Reichsman
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1: 11:30PM Eastern / 8:30PM Pacific
Contact/Location: Dr Kahn in Founders Falls
Faction: Hero - Level 45-50 (approximate run time 1.5-2 hrs)
Merit Reward: 20
Badge(s): Column Breaker
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster
3: Paragon's Pride: Stone/SS Tank
4: Cerulean Skie: Elec/Eng Blaster
5: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
6: Transcendent: Peacebringer
7: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
Alt: Myrdinn: TBA
Alt: CP: TBA
6) Imperious Task Force - Time's Arrow
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1/Sunday, August 2: 1:30AM Eastern / 10:30PM Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Hero or Villain Level 35-50 (approximate run time 1 hr)
Contact/Location: Imperious in Cimerora
Merit Reward: 28
Badge(s): Temporal Strife
Current Roster:
1: Dark Willow: Grav/Psi Dominator (tentative)
2: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster -or- Radiant Flame Imp: Fire/Rad Controller
3: Ninpir Zombot: Mind/Energy Dominator
4: Blackest Light: Warshade (tentative)
5: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
6: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
7: Cryptid: Widow (tentative)
8: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
Alt: Myrdinn: TBA
Alt: CP: TBA
7) Silver Mantis Strike Force - Pirates of the Sky
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 11:30AM Eastern / 8:30AM Pacific
Faction: Villain Level 20-25 (approximate run time 2.5-3 hrs)
Contact/Location: Silver Mantis from the Mission Computer in the Evil I Team Base
Merit Reward: 35
Badge(s): Air Pirate
Current Roster:
1: Thumper Kills: MA/Nin Stalker
2: Luna Darke: Ax/WP Brute
3: Hatake Hitomi: MA/Energy Stalker
4: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
5: Muse: TBA
6: Hell Fame: Fire/Kin Corruptor
Alt: CP: TBA
8) Villain Respec Trial #1
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 3:00PM Eastern / 12:00 Noon Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Villain Level 24-33 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Contact/Location: Sparcetriel in Nerva Archipelago
Merit Reward: 15
Badge(s): Thorn Robber (if you choose the Respec Reward for the first time)
Current Roster:
1: Thumper Kills: MA/Nin Stalker
2: Luna Darke: Ax/WP Brute
3: Ninpir Zombot: Mind/Energy Dominator
4: Lord Marshal Damos: Bane
5: King Legbah: Thugs/Poison Mastermind (tentative)
6: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
7: Cryptid: Widow
8: Nocturne Flare: Fire/Dark Corrupter (tentative)
Alt: Hell Fame: Fire/Kin Corruptor
9) Lady Grey Task Force
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 10:30PM Eastern / 7:30PM Pacific
Faction: Hero or Villain Level 45-50 (approximate run time 1.5-2 hrs)
Contact/Location: Lady Grey in Rikti War Zone
Merit Reward: 39
Badge(s): Apocalyptic
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster
3: Hatake Kasumi: Widow
4: General Damos: Thugs/Traps Mastermind
5: Supreme Soviet : Bots/traps Mastermind
6: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
7: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
8: Cryptid: Widow
Alt: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
10) Ernesto Hess Task Force - The MegaMech Cometh
Date & Time: Sunday/Monday 12:30AM Eastern / 9:30PM Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Hero Level 25-30 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Contact/Location: Ernesto Hess in Striga Island
Merit Reward: 19
Badge(s): Burkholder's Bane
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Maiden of Thorns: Plant/Storm Controller
3: Dr. Hollywood: Emp/Psi Defender
4: Smash Zone: Inv/EM Tanker
5: Lady Universe: Grav/Kin Controller
6: CPT F Bomb: Grav/FF Controller
7: Ven Infinity: ???/??? Scrapper (tentative)
8: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
I am only planning to run one team per event, but if there is enough interest & someone is willing to lead, we will expand out to multiple teams.
Sign-up in this thread or send a global to @Mr E-Man and I will add you to the list!
Please double check my timing/level ranges/rewards/etc - I am sure I messed something up somewhere.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
E: You can update me to being Supreme Soviet for the LGTF. Lvl 50 Bots/traps MM.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
I'll probably be around, so if there are any open slots, I can bring almost anything.
Wish I could join you guys but right now it looks like I have to work all weekend.
@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn
24 - 50s
Too many ALTs
Wish I could join you guys but right now it looks like I have to work all weekend.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Come Crash with Mr E II: The DXP Experience!
Schedule of Events
This DXP Weekend, I decided to try a bunch of shorter TFs/SFs/Trials (10 total) instead of running any of the longer TFs.
There are 4 Hero, 4 Villain & 2 Cooperative TFs/SFs/Trials of various level ranges. Color Coded below for ease of reference:
1) Eden Spire Trial - Prisoners of Eden
Date & Time: Friday, July 31: 12:00 Midnight Eastern / 9:00PM Pacific
Contact/Location: Woodsman in Eden
Faction: Hero Level 39-41 (approximate run time 1.0-1.5 hrs)
Merit Reward: 6
Badge(s): Liberator
Current Roster:
1: IG-2112MD: Emp/Rad Defender
2: Radiant Flame Imp: Fire/Rad Controller
3: Kara Silverbolt: Inv/SS Tanker
4: Cerulean Skie: Elec/Eng Blaster
5: Transcendent: Peacebringer
6: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
2) Katie Hannon Task Force - A Tangled Plot
Date & Time: Friday, July 31/Saturday, August 1: 1:30AM Eastern / 10:30PM Pacific (time approximate)
Contact/Location: Katie Hannon in Croatoa
Faction: Hero Level 30-34 (approximate run time 0.5-1 hrs)
Merit Reward: 9
Badge(s): Cabalist & Ten Times the Victor
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Frozen Ice Pixie: Ice/Ice Blaster
3: Arthuria Pendragon: BS/SR Scrapper
4: CPT F Bomb: Grav/FF Controller
5: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
3) Barracuda Strike Force - Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1: 11:30AM Eastern / 8:30AM Pacific -
Contact/Location: Barracuda in Grandville
Faction: Villain Level 45-50 (approximate run time 2-2.5 hrs)
Merit Reward: 30
Badge(s): Arbiter
Current Roster:
1: Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corruptor
2: Hatake Sakura: Nin/Nin Stalker
3: Samurai Ginko: DB/WP Brute
4: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
5: Cryptid: Widow
4) Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force - The Beast Beneath the Mountain
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1: 2:00PM Eastern / 11:00AM Pacific (time approximate)
Contact/Location: Virgil Tarikoss in Cap au Diable
Faction: Villain Level 15-20 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Merit Reward: 12
Badge(s): Binder of Beasts
Current Roster:
1: Thumper Kills: MA/Nin Stalker
2: NovaRush: Rad/Kin Corruptor
3: Flames in the Dark: Fire/Dark Corruptor
4: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
5: Cryptid: Widow
6: Muse: TBA
5) Dr Kahn Task Force - Return of the Reichsman
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1: 11:30PM Eastern / 8:30PM Pacific
Contact/Location: Dr Kahn in Founders Falls
Faction: Hero - Level 45-50 (approximate run time 1.5-2 hrs)
Merit Reward: 20
Badge(s): Column Breaker
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster
3: Paragon's Pride: Stone/SS Tank
4: Cerulean Skie: Elec/Eng Blaster
5: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
6: Transcendent: Peacebringer
7: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
Alt: Myrdinn: TBA
Alt: CP: TBA
6) Imperious Task Force - Time's Arrow
Date & Time: Saturday, August 1/Sunday, August 2: 1:30AM Eastern / 10:30PM Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Hero or Villain Level 35-50 (approximate run time 1 hr)
Contact/Location: Imperious in Cimerora
Merit Reward: 28
Badge(s): Temporal Strife
Current Roster:
1: Dark Willow: Grav/Psi Dominator (tentative)
2: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster -or- Radiant Flame Imp: Fire/Rad Controller
3: Ninpir Zombot: Mind/Energy Dominator
4: Blackest Light: Warshade (tentative)
5: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
6: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
7: Cryptid: Widow (tentative)
8: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
Alt: Myrdinn: TBA
Alt: CP: TBA
7) Silver Mantis Strike Force - Pirates of the Sky
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 11:30AM Eastern / 8:30AM Pacific
Faction: Villain Level 20-25 (approximate run time 2.5-3 hrs)
Contact/Location: Silver Mantis from the Mission Computer in the Evil I Team Base
Merit Reward: 35
Badge(s): Air Pirate
Current Roster:
1: Thumper Kills: MA/Nin Stalker
2: Luna Darke: Ax/WP Brute
3: Hatake Hitomi: MA/Energy Stalker
4: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
5: Muse: TBA
Alt: CP: TBA
8) Villain Respec Trial #1
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 3:00PM Eastern / 12:00 Noon Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Villain Level 24-33 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Contact/Location: Sparcetriel in Nerva Archipelago
Merit Reward: 15
Badge(s): Thorn Robber (if you choose the Respec Reward for the first time)
Current Roster:
1: Thumper Kills: MA/Nin Stalker
2: Luna Darke: Ax/WP Brute
3: Ninpir Zombot: Mind/Energy Dominator
4: Lord Marshal Damos: Bane
5: King Legbah: Thugs/Poison Mastermind (tentative)
6: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
7: Cryptid: Widow
8: Nocturne Flare: Fire/Dark Corrupter (tentative)
9) Lady Grey Task Force
Date & Time: Sunday, August 2: 10:30PM Eastern / 7:30PM Pacific
Faction: Hero or Villain Level 45-50 (approximate run time 1.5-2 hrs)
Contact/Location: Lady Grey in Rikti War Zone
Merit Reward: 39
Badge(s): Apocalyptic
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Queen Fire Fae: Fire/Fire Blaster
3: Hatake Kasumi: Widow
4: General Damos: Thugs/Traps Mastermind
5: Turg: TBA
6: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
7: Muir: Sonic/Pain Corruptor
8: Cryptid: Widow
Alt: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
10) Ernesto Hess Task Force - The MegaMech Cometh
Date & Time: Sunday/Monday 12:30AM Eastern / 9:30PM Pacific (time approximate)
Faction: Hero Level 25-30 (approximate run time 1-1.5 hrs)
Contact/Location: Ernesto Hess in Striga Island
Merit Reward: 19
Badge(s): Burkholder's Bane
Current Roster:
1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Maiden of Thorns: Plant/Storm Controller
3: Dr. Hollywood: Emp/Psi Defender
4: Smash Zone: Inv/EM Tanker
5: Lady Universe: Grav/Kin Controller
6: CPT F Bomb: Grav/FF Controller
7: Ven Infinity: ???/??? Scrapper (tentative)
8: Master-Blade: BS/Reg Scrapper
I am only planning to run one team per event, but if there is enough interest & someone is willing to lead, we will expand out to multiple teams.
Sign-up in this thread or send a global to @Mr E-Man and I will add you to the list!
Please double check my timing/level ranges/rewards/etc - I am sure I messed something up somewhere.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd