i16's Power prolif's




I understand your desire for more proliferation of Powersets for i16. Some of them I agree with even;

Arrows for Corruptors? I love the idea!
Radiation Blast for Blasters? It's about time!
Cold Domination for Controllers? Thank you!
Earth Assault for Dominators? I like that!
Scrappers and Tankers getting the Elec Sets? Cool!

Also there's
AR/Traps for Defenders. Interesting, I guess.
Thermal for MM's? I suppose it would work

No these are all good ideas, and I'm looking forward to these but the last two....

Brutes getting Claws and Stalkers Getting Broadsword.

uhhh Where's the logic behind this? The Broadsword is big and clunky, definitely NOT something a STEALTH-ORIENTED character would be swinging around (Cliche anime characters notwithstanding)Beyond that, Stalkers allready have a sword option and Brutes do not (Not counting the Dual Blades set that is shared by Stalkers and Brutes). To me, Broadsword seems more like a better choice to give to the Brute AT. Now let's be honest about things. I know a lot of people have been asking for Claws on a Brute, but the same things that make Broadsword strange for a Stalker make it perfect for a Brute.

So if we don't give the Broadsword to Scrappers, what can we give to it? I'm thinking Ice Melee(and Armor). That set needs some travel time and I think it would work well for a Stalker. IMHO it make a LOT more sense than the Broadsword.

Just my two cents here. No flames please.

Virtue Roleplayer!
Skyway Bulldozer Level 50 SS/Invuln/Mace Brute
Maximus Leo Level 50 Sword/Invuln Scrapper
Mr. Tiny Tiger Level 49 Invuln/SS Tanker
Cage-Match Level 45 MA/Will Scrapper



Brutes getting Claws and Stalkers Getting Broadsword.

uhhh Where's the logic behind this? The Broadsword is big and clunky, definitely NOT something a STEALTH-ORIENTED character would be swinging around (Cliche anime characters notwithstanding)Beyond that, Stalkers allready have a sword option and Brutes do not (Not counting the Dual Blades set that is shared by Stalkers and Brutes). To me, Broadsword seems more like a better choice to give to the Brute AT. Now let's be honest about things. I know a lot of people have been asking for Claws on a Brute, but the same things that make Broadsword strange for a Stalker make it perfect for a Brute.

So if we don't give the Broadsword to Scrappers, what can we give to it? I'm thinking Ice Melee(and Armor). That set needs some travel time and I think it would work well for a Stalker. IMHO it make a LOT more sense than the Broadsword.

Just my two cents here. No flames please.

[/ QUOTE ]

If this is your main point to starting the thread, I suggest you look here, especially since it seems like you're trying to foment discussion more than you're trying to make a specific suggestion. Within, you'll find a number of reasons as to why Broadsword actually makes sense to be used by a stealth oriented character and other points that reasonably explain why Broadsword was given to Stalkers rather than to Brutes.



Not trying to flame you just clarify. The term "broadsword" is today popularly applied as a generic synonym for Medieval swords or freely used to refer for any long, wide military blade, however no Medieval sword, whether long or short, flat or wide, thick or tapering, was called a "broadsword" by Medieval knights and warriors.

Since there are so many types of Medieval weapons that fall under the generic term "broadsword" from dozens of countries, many of them could easily be used by a stealth oriented character.



If we can get the Tsoo "katana" villainside I plan on making a slasher flick villain.

I would use Broadsword/Willpower for that. And I'd be taking the rez. Using the Michael Myers school of stealth, where the key is just standing very still and they won't see you.

Come out of nowhere and hack em with a big chunk of steel?

Sounds like a slasher flick style stalker to me

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I wish they'd give Broadsword users the Rusted Blade.

THAT Would be awesome! =-3





Certainly Brutes should get Broadswords, but that doesn't mean that Stalkers shouldn't.



Battleaxe already does everything that Broadsword would do for Brutes, but better. I'm not against it proliferating, but honestly Claws does add something new to brutes (a very fast attacking powerset with a couple of decent heavy hitters).



Therm/fire for defenders plz

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Ice for Stalkers kthxbai.