Think your team is the best?




I challenge that theory, AE Mission arc 260605. Let's see how your team measures up!


Must post a screenshot of the mission completed on level 5 difficulty at the corpse of the final AV.

To build/test/rebuild/complete a mission supergroups/super teams can compare and benchmark their strength and abilities to.

Can your team measure up?



Um... I may be totally missing the point of this, but...




((Go CUBS! Woooo! Derek Lee! Wooooo! Zambrano! Wooooo! Aramis Ramirez! Woooooo!

Oh... wait... did I totally misunderstand the OP? I think maybe I did...

Oh well...

GO CUBS! Woooooo!

Go Cubs, go!
Go Cubs, go!
Hey, Chicago whaddaya say?
Cubs are gonna win today.

Hey Cards fans -- ))



GO Yankees!

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



GO Yankees!

[/ QUOTE ]




"Think your team is the best?"


Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



GO Yankees!

[/ QUOTE ]

*waves to the second-place Yankees* Go away. =P



Hey everyone look!
It's a Red Sux fan!
What was that?
Oh yea...
Rivalry my [censored].



But I must admit, in the realm of "what have you done for me lately", the RedSox are kickin' the crap out of the Yanks.



Philadelphia Phillies. 'Nuff said.



Still got a half-season to go. I hear Halladay's available from Toronto. Think the Yankees might trade for him?



The Yanks will try to buy another title, sure. But why on earth would Toronto be stupid enough to trade him in-division? I like the Phil's chance of getting him, although everyone in the organization is saying they're not interested. Plus, with the way Happ is pitching (someone who will most assuredly be in Toronto's asking price), and the possibility of getting Pedro Martinez makes me think the Phillies won't try for Halladay



I'm hoping the Sox don't make an effort to pick him up. While he'd be great on paper, giving the Sox a Beckett/Lester/Halladay as your 1-2-3 starters, he's racked up alot of miles on that arm and the Sox's farm system's got several good prospects to bring up to the big leagues. They'd essentially be trading away their future for a title today, which doesn't seem all that smart business wise. If anything the Sox need an extra bat, since Lowell's health is a concern.



Well, Martinez is here in Philly getting a physical ... So I guess its only a matter of time. I'm hoping this is the precurser to us trading for Halladay. Martinez would slide right into Happ's spot in the rotation, and Halladay would push Hamels down to the 2nd spot, where he shines.

We'll see.



I like this idea... its like PvP... only NOT BORKED. I'll have to pull a team together for it, but if I can get it done will surely post a screenie.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well at least 1 person understood the post >.< So far I've actually had only 1 group try it, and only got to the halfway through the map before wiping and giving up, but they weren't all 50's either so not sure if its too hard or not hard enough or just right etc.. still waiting on more people to try, but basically just trying to make a challenge.

There's a lot of people who compare their characters by which av's they can solo and things like that. Why not compare what your team is capable of



There's a lot of people who compare their characters by which av's they can solo and things like that. Why not compare what your team is capable of

[/ QUOTE ]

Because soloing AVs is tedious and boring, and only done for novelty (and bragging). Teaming is to have fun with like-minded individuals. If you're wiping repeatedly because of <insert obnoxious AE debuffs here>, you aren't having fun any longer.

I wish people would wake up and realize not everyone wants to play a game to be beat in the head with a pipe wrench.



"Think your team is the best?"


[/ QUOTE ]

Blatant threadjack here, XeroCurve, could I see a screenshot of your character that is in your avatar, because even really small, he still looks freakin' cool.



Ok, just so yall know this is a miss of all Bot/FF MMs and I think a Necro/FF AV, not sure. I got all the items and went to the AV just to see what would happen and a BILLION Bot/FF MMs all over me couldnt bring me down so time ran out. In any case the time was set to a half hour i think. I am not sure if the miss is actually doable in a half hour, but if any team could do it mine could, maybe we will try it some time. HERE is a screenie of me with the Big Boss



I will try and locate a good one for ya, its my PB in the Avatar.

Hey I just remembered, go to our website and on Profiles check out Light, thats a fairly cool one.

Sphere Website

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



Ok, just so yall know this is a miss of all Bot/FF MMs and I think a Necro/FF AV, not sure. I got all the items and went to the AV just to see what would happen and a BILLION Bot/FF MMs all over me couldnt bring me down so time ran out. In any case the time was set to a half hour i think. I am not sure if the miss is actually doable in a half hour, but if any team could do it mine could, maybe we will try it some time. HERE is a screenie of me with the Big Boss



I will try and locate a good one for ya, its my PB in the Avatar.

Hey I just remembered, go to our website and on Profiles check out Light, thats a fairly cool one.

Sphere Website

[/ QUOTE ]

I could have sworn I updated it to an hour just before posting this thread, it may not have re-published right i'll take a look when I get home after work, I agree it couldn't be done in 30 minutes but an hour would be do-able, and if the map didn't update right then there is another mob type in there too not just bots mm's so i'll take a look soon as i get in, in about 3-4 hours.



Ok, just so yall know this is a miss of all Bot/FF MMs and I think a Necro/FF AV, not sure. I got all the items and went to the AV just to see what would happen and a BILLION Bot/FF MMs all over me couldnt bring me down so time ran out. In any case the time was set to a half hour i think. I am not sure if the miss is actually doable in a half hour, but if any team could do it mine could, maybe we will try it some time. HERE is a screenie of me with the Big Boss



I will try and locate a good one for ya, its my PB in the Avatar.

Hey I just remembered, go to our website and on Profiles check out Light, thats a fairly cool one.

Sphere Website

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome, thanks, I really like Sphere and Light and Earth, cool characters.



Yeah, The Sphere pretty much destroys everything in its path.

Xero, we should do this =)

..after i solo it, of course.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



If we must.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



I've published the updated version, not sure why it didn't take before but if you somehow can't find it search on @Mitoh



Gee BT, don't get too excited... =P


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)