Can we possibly get numerical values on sliders?




What, you can't eyeball it?


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I'm blind, see.



What, you can't eyeball it?


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I'm blind, see.

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I love you, Term.


And I fully support this idea.



Since we're going to be able to adjust height and such with the booster pack is it possible for numerical values be added to height in the costume creator? (Maybe even with the facial features too)

Basically, if we move the height slider a numerical value changes. All the way left could be "0" and all the way right could be "10." As you move the slider the value decreases or increases.

The ultimate point would be if I wanted to make two characters the same height (Like in MA or maybe making twins). So I could look at character "A" and see he is height 6.6, ok I know if I recreate him to use height 6.6 without having to guess.

Seems like a simple enough addition is it possible?

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I would also suggest that the number large enough for fine tuning. A value between 0 and 100 Base of 50 perhaps.

Yes I'm OCD about this, what of it?



This is something I've been asking for for YEARS. Seriously. Every time they put up a QoL thread I post this exact thing there. And like Cende said, it's been asked for and ignored, repeatedly.

Maybe with the new character creator they're designing for I16 this will be included.

It also seems that height changes still aren't applied when loading in a saved costume file even if you're at the plastic surgeon. Very disappointing.

The only way I've found to reliably match heights is to use the default height. Any time I've tried to match heights that weren't the default it's been an exercise in futility.

I have a character I wanted to make a bit taller, and who has 4 costume slots. There is no way to match the new height across the same character, let alone different ones.